1. | Young T.D., Teisseyre H.♦, Dłużewski P., Kahouli A.♦, Kriouche N.♦, Brault J.♦, Damilano B.♦, Leroux M.♦, Courville A.♦, de Mierry P.♦, GaN/AlGaN (11-22) semipolar nanostructures: Observations by theory and experiment, 41st International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, 2012-06-08/06-15, Krynica-Zdrój (PL), pp.1, 2012 |  |
2. | Young T.D., Teisseyre H.♦, Brault J.♦, Kahouli A.♦, Vennegues P.♦, Leroux M.♦, Courville A.♦, de Mierry P.♦, Damilano B.♦, Dłużewski P., Optoelectronic properties of a GaN quantum dot grown on a Al0.5Ga0.5N (1122)-orientated surface, IWN 2012, International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors, 2012-10-14/10-19, Sapporo (JP), pp.1-2, 2012 |  |