Partner: M. Bulik

Mecalog (FR)

Recent publications
1.Bulik M., Liefvendahl M., Stocki R., Wauquiez C., Stochastic simulation for crashworthiness, Advances in Engineering Software, ISSN: 0965-9978, DOI: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2004.07.002, Vol.35, No.12, pp.791-803, 2004

This paper describes the M-Xplore extension of the Radioss software. The module contains facilities for the exploration of a parameterized finite element model design space. It supports facilities for interactive choice of variables and responses, definition of a sampling on a design space, automatic submission of the computations, and post-processing of the results. The computations are run automatically, either locally or in ASP-mode, i.e. as a client of a high-performance computing server. The software is described first in general, then we illustrate its exploration possibilities in terms of a model problem and a more typical application problem of crash simulation.


FE Crash simulation, Latin hypercube sampling, Stochastic analysis software

Bulik M.-Mecalog (FR)
Liefvendahl M.-Swedish Defence Research Agency (SE)
Stocki R.-IPPT PAN
Wauquiez C.-Mecalog (FR)