Partner: K. Roszkowska

Conference abstracts
1.Nowicki A., Dobruch-Sobczak K., Piotrzkowska H., Litniewski J., Gambin B., Roszkowska K., Chrapowicki E., Clinical Validation of the Statistical Analysis of US RF Signals in Differentiation of the Breast Lesions, AIUM 2015, Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology Annual Convention, 2015-03-21/03-25, Lake Buena Vista (US), DOI: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2014.12.403, Vol.41, No.4S, Special issue: 2015 AIUM Annual Convention and Preconvention Program Hosting WFUMB Congress, ABSTRACT 2088809, pp.S98-S99, 2015

The scattering is the fundamental phenomena used for US imaging of specific organs. In this study the method searching for best fitted statistical distribution of the acquired echoes from the breast tissue is discussed, especially addressing the ‘‘effective’’ number of scatterers. The aim of the study was finding the relationship between the specific properties of statistics of envelope of the ultrasonic echoes backscattered in the breast tissue in vivo, and its morphological properties for normal tissue and the pathological lesions.
Methods: 72 patients with 83 suspicious breast lesions (BIRADS 3, 4, 5) were examined. The analysis method was based on the parametric imaging representing a map of local statistical properties of the scattering of ultrasound waves in normal and pathological tissues. Both, the RF echo-signal and B-mode images from the lesions and surrounding tissue were recorded. The statistics of backscattered speckle-like echoes envelopes were modelled using K and Nakagami distributions. For all lesions the set of sub-ROIs covering full lesion was chosen. The statistical analysis was done for every sub-ROI separately. The shape parameters were calculated including the compensation for TGC applied and for the attenuation.
Results: The evaluation of all 83 breasts lesions revealed 23 malignant and 60 benign lesions. Typically, both, shape parameters for malignant lesions were statistically larger than for surrounding tissue. On the other hand, the benign lesions revealed much larger variance of the parameters comparing to the surrounding and malignant tissue. The sensitivity and specificity of B-mode imaging with the cut-off points BIRADS-4a/4b were 93%, 86%. For K and Nakagami distributions obtained sensitivity and specificity were respectively 85% and 91%.
Conclusions: The quantitative measurements of the breast tissue backscattering statistical properties improve the specificity of B-mode examinations and can be helpful in the differentiation the character of the breast lesions. It was proved that the range of the shape parameters appears to be rather large and can not be interpreted without taking into account the corresponding values in the surrounding ‘‘normal’’ tissue.


breast cancer, ultrasound, RF echo-signal

Nowicki A.-IPPT PAN
Dobruch-Sobczak K.-IPPT PAN
Piotrzkowska H.-IPPT PAN
Litniewski J.-IPPT PAN
Gambin B.-IPPT PAN
Roszkowska K.-other affiliation
Chrapowicki E.-Center of Oncology Memorial Institute (PL)