1. | Mróz Z., Shrivastava H.P.♦, Dubey R.N.♦, A non-linear hardening model and its application to cyclic loading, ACTA MECHANICA, ISSN: 0001-5970, DOI: 10.1007/BF01176929, Vol.25, No.1, pp.51-61, 1976 Abstract:By modifying the translational rule in a non-linear, kinematic hardening model, it is shown that some phenomena occuring during cyclic loading can be simulated: stress relaxation for cycles with prescribed strain amplitude superposed upon fixed strain, axial strain accumulation for asymetric stress cycle, cyclic hardening or softening. It is also shown that the variation of hardening modulus along the yield surface after plastic prestrain is fairly well described by the present model. The accumulation and relaxation phenomena depend on additional material function which can be determined from uniaxial loading-unloading or cyclic loading tests. Affiliations:Mróz Z. | - | IPPT PAN | Shrivastava H.P. | - | University of Waterloo (CA) | Dubey R.N. | - | University of Waterloo (CA) |
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2. | Shrivastava H.P.♦, Mróz Z., Dubey R.N.♦, Yield criterion and second-order effects in plane-stress, ACTA MECHANICA, ISSN: 0001-5970, DOI: 10.1007/BF01260885, Vol.17, No.1, pp.137-143, 1973 Abstract:A yield criterion in planestress state is derived here based on isotropic representation of a scalar valued function depending upon symmetric 2×2 stress and strain matrices. The material has been assumed to be incompressible. In particular, for tension-torsion loading the yield surface is nonsymmetric with respect to the torsional stress axis. Due to the non-symmetry, the yield condition describes the second-order effect relating to axial-strain accumulation in cyclic torsion, and at the same time it has got a very simple form compared to other yield conditions describing this effect. Affiliations:Shrivastava H.P. | - | University of Waterloo (CA) | Mróz Z. | - | IPPT PAN | Dubey R.N. | - | University of Waterloo (CA) |
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