1. | Klimiec E.♦, Zachariasz P.♦, Kaczmarek H.♦, Królikowski B.♦, Mackiewicz S., Elasticity investigation of thin cellular structure films for piezoelectric sensors, SENSOR REVIEW, ISSN: 0260-2288, DOI: 10.1108/SR-07-2021-0220, Vol.42, No.2, pp.204-213, 2022 Abstract:This paper aims to present the details of isotactic polypropylene (it-PP) films with a cellular structure (air-cavities) dedicated to pressure sensors. The polymer composites (thin films enriched with 5 and 10 wt% of mineral fillers as Sillikolloid P 87 and glass beads) should exhibit suitable structural elasticity within specific stress ranges. After the deformation force is removed, the sensor material must completely restore its original shape and size. Keywords:polymer air-cavity films, electret materials, elastic modulus C33, piezoelectricity, contact ultrasonic spectroscopy Affiliations:Klimiec E. | - | Łukasiewicz Research Network – Metal Forming Institute (PL) | Zachariasz P. | - | Łukasiewicz Research Network – Metal Forming Institute (PL) | Kaczmarek H. | - | () | Królikowski B. | - | Łukasiewicz Research Network – Metal Forming Institute (PL) | Mackiewicz S. | - | IPPT PAN |
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