Partner: B. Michalak

Recent publications
1.Michalak B., Woźniak Cz., Woźniak M., The dynamic modelling of elastic wavy plates, ARCHIVE OF APPLIED MECHANICS, ISSN: 0939-1533, DOI: 10.1007/BF00795219, Vol.66, pp.177-186, 1996

The aim of the contribution is to formulate an engineering theory describing the dynamic behaviour of periodically waved shell-like elements, called wavy plates. On the basis of the proposed theory, the effect of coupling between free macro- and micro-vibrations of a wavy plate is investigated. It is also shown that the homogenized model of wavy plates (obtained by scaling down the wavelength parameters) cannot be applied in the analysis of dynamic problems.

Michalak B.-other affiliation
Woźniak Cz.-IPPT PAN
Woźniak M.-Warsaw University of Technology (PL)