Partner: Antoine Sellier |
Recent publications
1. | Ghalya N.♦, Sellier A.♦, Ekiel-Jeżewska M.L., Feuillebois F.♦, Effective viscosity of a dilute homogeneous suspension of spheres in Poiseuille flow between parallel slip walls, JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, ISSN: 0022-1120, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2020.429, Vol.899, pp.A13-1-36, 2020![]() Abstract: For flows in microchannels, a slip on the walls may be efficient in reducing viscous dissipation. A related issue, addressed in this article, is to decrease the effective viscosity of a dilute monodisperse suspension of spheres in Poiseuille flow by using two parallel slip walls. Extending the approach developed for no-slip walls in Feuillebois et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 800, 2016, pp. 111–139), a formal expression is obtained for the suspension intrinsic viscosity [μ] solely in terms of a stresslet component and a quadrupole component exerted on a single freely suspended sphere. In the calculation of [μ], the hydrodynamic interactions between a sphere and the slip walls are approximated using either the nearest wall model or the wall-superposition model. Both the stresslet and quadrupole are derived and accurately calculated using bipolar coordinates. Results are presented for [μ] in terms of H/(2a) and ˜λ = λ/a ≤ 1, where H is the gap between walls, a is the sphere radius and λ is the wall slip length using the Navier slip boundary condition. As compared with the no-slip case, the intrinsic viscosity strongly depends on ˜λ for given H/(2a), especially for small H/(2a). For example, in the very confined case H/(2a) = 2 (a lower bound found for practical validity of single-wall models) and for ˜λ = 1, the intrinsic viscosity is three times smaller than for a suspension bounded by no-slip walls and five times smaller than for an unbounded suspension (Einstein, Ann. Phys., vol. 19, 1906, pp. 289–306). We also provide a handy formula fitting our results for [μ] in the entire range 2 ≤ H/(2a) ≤ 100 and ˜λ ≤ 1. Keywords:complex fluids, low-Reynolds-number flows Affiliations:
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2. | Feuillebois F.♦, Ekiel-Jeżewska M.L., Wajnryb E., Sellier A.♦, Bławzdziewicz J.♦, High-frequency effective viscosity of a dilute suspension of particles in Poiseuille flow between parallel walls, JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, ISSN: 0022-1120, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2016.378, Vol.800, pp.111-139, 2016![]() Abstract: It is shown that the formal expression for the effective viscosity of a dilute suspension of arbitrary-shaped particles in Poiseuille flow contains a novel quadrupole term, besides the expected stresslet. This term becomes important for a very confined geometry. For a high-frequency flow field (in the sense used in Feuillebois et al. (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 764, 2015, pp. 133–147), the suspension rheology is Newtonian at first order in volume fraction. The effective viscosity is calculated for suspensions of N-bead rods and of prolate spheroids with the same length, volume and aspect ratio (up to 6), entrained by the Poiseuille flow between two infinite parallel flat hard walls. The numerical computations, based on solving the Stokes equations, indicate that the quadrupole term gives a significant positive contribution to the intrinsic viscosity [μ] if the distance between the walls is less than ten times the particle width, or less. It is found that the intrinsic viscosity in bounded Poiseuille flow is generally smaller than the corresponding value in unbounded flow, except for extremely narrow gaps when it becomes larger because of lubrication effects. The intrinsic viscosity is at a minimum for a gap between walls of the order of 1.5–2 particle width. For spheroids, the intrinsic viscosity is generally smaller than for chains of beads with the same aspect ratio, but when normalized by its value in the bulk, the results are qualitatively the same. Therefore, a rigid chain of beads can serve as a simple model of an orthotropic particle with a more complicated shape. The important conclusion is that the intrinsic viscosity in shear flow is larger than in the Poiseuille flow between two walls, and the difference is significant even for relatively wide channels, e.g. three times wider than the particle length. For such confined geometries, the hydrodynamic interactions with the walls are significant and should be taken into account. Keywords:low-Reynolds-number flows Affiliations:
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3. | Feuillebois F.♦, Ekiel-Jeżewska M.L., Wajnryb E., Sellier A.♦, Bławzdziewicz J.♦, High-frequency viscosity of a dilute suspension of elongated particles in a linear shear flow between two walls, JOURNAL OF FLUID MECHANICS, ISSN: 0022-1120, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2014.690, Vol.764, pp.133-147, 2015![]() Abstract: A general expression for the effective viscosity of a dilute suspension of arbitrary-shaped particles in linear shear flow between two parallel walls is derived in terms of the induced stresslets on particles. This formula is applied to N-bead rods and to prolate spheroids with the same length, aspect ratio and volume. The effective viscosity of non-Brownian particles in a periodic shear flow is considered here. The oscillating frequency is high enough for the particle orientation and centre-of-mass distribution to be practically frozen, yet small enough for the flow to be quasi-steady. It is known that for spheres, the intrinsic viscosity [μ] increases monotonically when the distance H between the walls is decreased. The dependence is more complex for both types of elongated particles. Three regimes are theoretically predicted here: (i) a ‘weakly confined’ regime (for H>l, where l is the particle length), where [μ] is slightly larger for smaller H; (ii) a ‘semi-confined’ regime, when H becomes smaller than l, where [μ] rapidly decreases since the geometric constraints eliminate particle orientations corresponding to the largest stresslets; (iii) a ‘strongly confined’ regime when H becomes smaller than 2–3 particle widths d, where [μ] rapidly increases owing to the strong hydrodynamic coupling with the walls. In addition, for sufficiently slender particles (with aspect ratio larger than 5–6) there is a domain of narrow gaps for which the intrinsic viscosity is smaller than that in unbounded fluid. Keywords:complex fluids, low-Reynolds-number flows, suspensions Affiliations:
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Conference abstracts
1. | Ghalya N.♦, Sellier A.♦, Ekiel-Jeżewska M.L., Feuillebois F.♦, Effective viscosity of a dilute suspension of spheres between parallel slip walls, ICTAM, 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2020+1), 2021-08-22/08-27, Milan (IT), pp.1122-1123, 2021 | ![]() |