Partner: A. Sorrentino

Recent publications
1.Ziabicki A., Jarecki L., Sorrentino A., The role of flow-induced crystallization in melt spinning, E-POLYMERS, ISSN: 1618-7229, Vol.4, No.072, pp.823-836, 2004

Flow-induced crystallization in the course of melt spinning changes properties of as-spun fibres and modifies dynamics of the process. Velocity, stress and temperature profiles depend on the speed of on-line crystallization. Very important but little studied is coupling between crystallinity and rheological properties of the polymer melt. Effects of crystallization on the dynamics of melt spinning and on the rheological behaviour have been discussed and compared with model calculations and available experimental data.


model calculations, flow-induced crystallization, melt spinning, crystallinity-rheological properties coupling

Ziabicki A.-IPPT PAN
Jarecki L.-IPPT PAN
Sorrentino A.-other affiliation