The Foundation for Polish Science has announced the winners of the 23rd edition of the START competition. One of them, Marek Kochańczyk, M.Sc., from Department of Mechanics and Physics of Fluids IPPT PAN will receive a stipend to be spent on a goal selected at the recipient’s discretion.

The programme is directed to young researchers, at the outset of their career, who have already achieved some success in their field. The stipends serve as recognition of the scientific attainments so far by these young scholars and as an incentive for further growth by enabling them to devote themselves fully to their research.

Thanks to an agreement between the FNP and the Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings (Nobelpreisträgertagungen in Lindau), the Foundation – as the only organization in Poland – can propose candidates for participation in these meetings. The candidates are selected from recipients of scholarships from the START programme, targeted at the best young Polish scientists. The costs of their participation in the Lindau meeting are covered by the Foundation and the organisers.

The diploma award ceremony for this year’s START programme beneficiaries is to take place on 23rd of May (Saturday) at 11.00 at the Royal Castle in Warsaw.

Congratulations to Marek Kochańczyk!