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- Research assistant position offer in Department of Information and Computational Science. Applications until 24-12-2020.
- Assistant Professor position offer in Laboratory of Professional Electronics. Applications until 18-12-2020.
- Open competition for the post Assistant-PhD Student in the research project. Applications until 20-01-2021.
- Senior IT specialist / programmer position offer.
- Scholarship student position offer in the research project.
- Postdoc (Assistant Professor) position offer in the research project. Applications until 15-10-2020.
- Lab technician specialist position offer in the Department of Experimental Mechanics. Applications until 14-10-2020.
- Postdoc (Assistant Professor) position offer in the Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter. Applications until 25-09-2020.
- Assistant position offer in the Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter. Applications until 25-09-2020.
- Applications for Post-Doc Position in the NCN OPUS project "Dynamics of Microparticles in Fluids". Applications until 15-09-2020.
- Applications for Assistant Professor Position in the Division of Complex Fluids. Applications until 15-09-2020.
- Scholarship student. Applications until 13-09-2020.
- Postdoc (Assistant Professor) position offer in the research project NCN OPUS 18. Applications until 11-09-2020.
- Scholarship student in the research project. Applications until 10-09-2020.
- Scholarship student in the research project OPUS. Applications until 04-09-2020.
- Scholarship student in research project. Applications until 04-09-2020.
- Scholarship student in the research project OPUS. Applications until 31-08-2020.
- Assistant Professor position offer in Department of Information and Computational Science. Applications until 17-08-2020.
- Postdoc position in the research project GRIEG. Applications until 15-08-2020.
- PhD position offer in the research project GRIEG. Applications until 15-08-2020.
- Scholarship student in research project. Applications until 15-08-2020.
- Assistant Professor position offer in Safety Engineering division in Department of Intelligent Technologies. Applications until 10-08-2020.
- PhD stipend offer in the research project OPUS. Applications until 24-07-2020.
- Konkurs na stanowisko stypendysty-doktoranta w projekcie badawczym w Zakładzie Mechaniki Materiałów. Applications until 02-07-2020.
- Konkurs na stanowisko stypendysty-doktoranta w projekcie badawczym. Applications until 30-06-2020.
- Konkurs na stanowisko asystenta w Samodzielnej Pracowni Polimerów i Biomateriałów. Applications until 30-06-2020.
- Konkurs na stanowisko stypendysty-doktoranta w projekcie badawczym w Zakładzie Informatyki i Nauk Obliczeniowych. Applications until 26-06-2020.
- Konkurs na stanowisko stypendysty-doktoranta w projekcie badawczym w Zakładzie Technologii Inteligentnych. Składanie ofert do 29-05-2020.
- Konkurs na stanowisko Profesora. Składanie ofert do 10-04-2020.
- Konkurs na stanowisko stypendysty-doktoranta w projekcie badawczym FIRST TEAM Fundacji na rzecz Nauki Polskiej:"Odszyfrowywanie sygnalizacji biochemicznej w celu projektowania bardziej skutecznych strategii terapeutycznych". Składanie ofert do 27-03-2020.
- Oferta pracy na stanowisku: Starszy Programista
- Konkurs na stanowisko adiunkta w Zakładzie Informatyki i Nauk Obliczeniowych IPPT PAN (computational mechanics, coupled problems, agent programming, finite element method, peridynamics, nonlocal methods). Składanie ofert do 17-02-2020
- Konkurs na stanowisko adiunkta w Pracowni Biomechaniki, w Zakładzie Ultradźwięków IPPT PAN (inżynieria biomedyczna). Składanie ofert do 07-02-2020