Individual wepbages

Research Staff

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phone Room E-mail Department
1. Prof. Czesław Bajer, PhD, DSc 265 435 cbajer Department of Intelligent Technologies
2. Prof. Michał Basista, PhD, DSc 212 143 mbasista Department of Mechanics of Materials
3. Janusz Będkowski, PhD, DSc 429 438 jbedkows Department of Intelligent Technologies
4. Bartłomiej Błachowski, PhD, DSc 192 419 bblach Department of Intelligent Technologies
5. Kamil Bochenek, PhD 438 145 kboch Department of Mechanics of Materials
6. Aneta Brachaczek, PhD 310 331 aneta.brachaczek Department of Experimental Mechanics
7. Prof. Tadeusz Burczyński, PhD, DSc 112 610 tburczynski Department of Information and Computational Science
8. Michał Byra, PhD 173 511 mbyra Department of Ultrasound
9. Piotr Chudziński, PhD, DSc 240 224 pchudzin Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures
10. Luis Cofas Vargas, PhD 423 328 fcofas@ippt.panpl Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
11. Maciej Czerkies, PhD 326 221 mczerkie Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
12. Hossein Darban, PhD 437 146 hdarban Department of Mechanics of Materials
13. Mariusz Dąbrowski, PhD 217 332 mdabrow Department of Experimental Mechanics
14. Piotr Denis, MSc 211 343 pdenis Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials
15. Prof. Paweł Dłużewski, PhD, DSc 184 424 pdluzew Department of Information and Computational Science
16. Judyta Dulnik, MSc 211 343 jdulnik Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials
17. Bartłomiej Dyniewicz, PhD, DSc 427 435 bdynie Department of Intelligent Technologies
18. Prof. Maria Ekiel-Jeżewska, PhD, DSc 227 323 mekiel Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
19. Rami Faraj, PhD 432 440 rfaraj Department of Intelligent Technologies
20. Karol Frydrych, PhD 436 138 kfryd Department of Mechanics of Materials
21. Łukasz Fura, PhD 314 522 lfura Department of Ultrasound
22. Prof. Barbara Gambin, PhD, DSc 414 509 bgambin Department of Ultrasound
23. Prof. Michał Giersig, PhD, DSc 410 420 mgiersig Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures
24. Prof. Michał Glinicki, PhD, DSc 239 330 mglinic Department of Experimental Mechanics
25. Cezary Graczykowski, PhD 313 434 cgraczyk Department of Intelligent Technologies
26. Arkadiusz Gradys, PhD 171 334 argrad Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials
27. Oksana Haponova, PhD, DSc 231 033 ohaponova Department of Experimental Mechanics
28. Jacek Hoffman, PhD, DSc 236/235 030/034 jhoffman Department of Experimental Mechanics
29. Prof. Jan Holnicki-Szulc, PhD, DSc 355 430 holnicki Department of Intelligent Technologies
30. Amrita Jain, PhD 456 144 ajain Department of Mechanics of Materials
31. Łukasz Jankowski, PhD, DSc 428 432 ljank Department of Intelligent Technologies
32. Prof. Leszek Jarecki, PhD, DSc 209 210 ljarecki Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures
33. Joanna Jaruszewicz-Błońska, PhD 411 326 jjarusz Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
34. Dariusz Jarząbek, PhD, DSc 434 239 djarz Department of Mechanics of Materials
35. Oliwia Jeznach, MSc 425 338 ojeznach Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials
36. Daria Jóźwiak-Niedźwiedzka, PhD, DSc 310 331 djozwiak Department of Experimental Mechanics
37. Grzegorz Jurczak, PhD, DSc 144 418 gjurcz Department of Information and Computational Science
38. Piotr Karwat, PhD 314 522 pkarwat Department of Ultrasound
39. Prof. Bogdan Kaźmierczak, PhD, DSc 450 310 bkazmier Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
40. Prof. Piotr Kiełczyński, PhD, DSc 416 531 pkielczy Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures
41. Prof. Michał Kleiber, PhD, DSc 259 425 mkleiber Department of Information and Computational Science
42. Ziemowit Klimonda, PhD 314 522 zklim Department of Ultrasound
43. Marek Kochańczyk, PhD 161 311 mkochan Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
44. Dorota Kołbuk-Konieczny, PhD 425 338 dkolbuk Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials
45. Prof. Michał Komorowski, PhD, DSc 449 324 mkomor Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
46. Mateusz Kopeć, PhD, DSc 419 037 mkopec Department of Experimental Mechanics
47. Piotr Korczyk, PhD, DSc 413 312 pkor Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
48. Zbigniew Korwek, PhD 326 221 zkorwek Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
49. Alicja Kosik-Kozioł, PhD 330 320 akoziol Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
50. Wasyl Kowalczuk, PhD, DSc 135 114 vkoval Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures
51. Piotr Kowalczyk, PhD, DSc 257 421 pkowalcz Department of Information and Computational Science
52. Tomasz Kowalczyk, PhD, DSc 423 328 tkowalcz Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials
53. Prof. Katarzyna Kowalczyk-Gajewska, PhD, DSc 435 141 kkowalcz Department of Mechanics of Materials
54. Prof. Zbigniew Kowalewski, PhD, DSc 205 036 zkowalew Department of Experimental Mechanics
55. Marcin Krajewski, PhD, DSc 456 144 mkraj Department of Mechanics of Materials
56. Zuzanna Krysiak, PhD 448 321 zkrysiak Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
57. Stanisław Kucharski, PhD, DSc 141 235 skuchar Department of Mechanics of Materials
58. Tamara Kujawska, PhD, DSc 178 519 tkujaw Department of Ultrasound
59. Barbara Kupikowska-Stobba, PhD 161 311 bstobba Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
60. Michał Kursa, PhD 304 134 mkursa Department of Mechanics of Materials
61. Wiesław Larecki, PhD, DSc 175 118 wlarecki Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures
62. Neonila Levintant-Zayonts, PhD 261 230 neonila Department of Mechanics of Materials
63. Prof. Tomasz Lipniacki, PhD, DSc 409 325 tlipnia Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
64. Prof. Jerzy Litniewski, PhD, DSc 238 523 jlitn Department of Ultrasound
65. Marcin Maździarz, PhD 321 417 mmazdz Department of Information and Computational Science
66. Prof. Mirosław Meissner, PhD, DSc 317 434 mmeissn Department of Intelligent Technologies
67. Harish Nagaraj Mirajkar, PhD 421 322 hmirajka Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
68. Beata Misztal-Faraj, PhD, DSc 209 210 bfaraj Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures
69. Tomasz Mościcki, PhD, DSc 231 033 tmosc Department of Experimental Mechanics
70. Paweł Nakielski, PhD 448 321 pnakiel Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
71. Beata Niemczyk-Soczyńska, PhD 171 334 bniem Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials
72. Szymon Nosewicz, PhD 289 413 snosew Department of Information and Computational Science
73. Zdzisław Nowak, PhD, DSc 454 117 znowak Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures
74. Prof. Andrzej Nowicki, PhD, DSc 315 510 anowicki Department of Ultrasound
75. Alexandre Orthey, PhD 132 412 aorthey Department of Information and Computational Science
76. Magdalena Osial, PhD 210/463 209/228 mosial Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures
77. Prof. Paweł Paszek, PhD, DSc 161 311 ppaszek Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
78. Prof. Henryk Petryk, PhD, DSc 138 137 hpetryk Department of Mechanics of Materials
79. Prof. Elżbieta Pieczyska, PhD, DSc 369 039 epiecz Department of Experimental Mechanics
80. Filippo Pierini, PhD, DSc 448 321 fpierini Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
81. Prof. Katarzyna Pietrzak, PhD, DSc 212 143 kpietrzak Department of Mechanics of Materials
82. Hanna Piotrzkowska-Wróblewska, PhD 486 518 hpiotrzk Department of Ultrasound
83. Dominik Pisarski, PhD, DSc 168 411 dpisar Department of Intelligent Technologies
84. Adolfo Poma Bernaola, PhD 225 225 apoma Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
85. Błażej Popławski, PhD 168 411 bpop Department of Intelligent Technologies
86. Eligiusz Postek, PhD, DSc 183 409 epostek Department of Information and Computational Science
87. Agnieszka Pręgowska, PhD, DSc 412 422 aprego Department of Information and Computational Science
88. Wiktor Prus, PhD 225 225 wprus Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
89. Joanna Radziejewska, PhD, DSc 347 029 jradz Department of Experimental Mechanics
90. Przemysław Ranachowski, PhD, DSc 254 533 pranach Department of Experimental Mechanics
91. Prof. Zbigniew Ranachowski, PhD, DSc 163 532 zranach Department of Experimental Mechanics
92. Juan Redondo Marin, PhD 318 226B jredondo Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
93. Mohsen Rezaee Hajidehi, PhD 401 236 mrezaee Department of Mechanics of Materials
94. Prof. Jerzy Rojek, PhD, DSc 147 423 jrojek Department of Information and Computational Science
95. Agata Roszkiewicz-Walczuk, PhD 240 224 arosz Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures
96. Maciej Ryś, PhD 304 134 mrys Department of Mechanics of Materials
97. Przemysław Sadowski, PhD 453 140 psad Department of Mechanics of Materials
98. Prof. Paweł Sajkiewicz, PhD, DSc 400 337 psajk Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials
99. Syed Ahmed Shah, PhD 448 321 sshah Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
100. Chandra Shekhar, PhD 322 421 cshekhar Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
101. Agnieszka Słowicka, PhD 421 322 aslowick Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
102. Tomasz Steifer, PhD 462 538 tsteifer Department of Experimental Mechanics
103. Alexander Streltsov, PhD, DSc 144 418 astrel Department of Information and Computational Science
104. Prof. Stanisław Stupkiewicz, PhD, DSc 338 135 sstupkie Department of Mechanics of Materials
105. Prof. Janusz Szczepański, PhD, DSc 412 422 jszczepa Department of Information and Computational Science
106. Tomasz Szmidt, PhD 267 437 tszmidt Department of Intelligent Technologies
107. Prof. Tomasz Szolc, PhD, DSc 319 436 tszolc Department of Intelligent Technologies
108. Jakub Tabin, PhD 407 539 jtabin Department of Experimental Mechanics
109. Jurij Tasinkiewicz, PhD, DSc 285 521 yurijtas Department of Ultrasound
110. Zbigniew Trawiński, PhD 297 517 ztraw Department of Ultrasound
111. Olga Urbanek-Świderska, PhD 425 338 ourbanek Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials
112. Aneta Ustrzycka, PhD 408 443 austrzyc Department of Mechanics of Materials
113. Jarosław Walczak, PhD 468/251 309 jwalczak Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
114. Prof. Krzysztof Wiśniewski, PhD, DSc 328 410 kwisn Department of Information and Computational Science
115. Agnieszka Witecka, PhD 418 142 awitecka Department of Mechanics of Materials
116. Seyed Shahrooz Zargarian, PhD 330 320 shzargar Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
117. Angelika Zaszczyńska, MSc 171 334 azasz Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials
118. Maciej Zawidzki, PhD, DSc 221 439 zawidzki Department of Intelligent Technologies
119. Piotr Zdybel, PhD 446 327 pzdybel Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
120. Krzysztof Zembrzycki, MSc 330 320 kzem Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
121. Tomasz Zieliński, PhD, DSc 241 442 tzielins Department of Intelligent Technologies
122. Andrzej Ziółkowski, PhD, DSc 345 441 aziolk Department of Intelligent Technologies
123. Norbert Żołek, PhD 253 512 nzolek Department of Ultrasound

Retired Staff

telephone +48 22 826 12 81 int.

phone Room E-mail Department
1. Prof. Borkowski Adam 313 434 abork Department of Intelligent Technologies
2. Prof. Brandt Andrzej 217 332 abrandt Department of Experimental Mechanics
3. Prof. Dietrich Lech ldietr Department of Experimental Mechanics
4. Doliński Krzysztof 216 119 kdolin Department of Information and Computational Science
5. Prof. Dzieniszewski Wojciech wdenis
6. Grzędziński Janusz 345 441 jgrzedz Department of Intelligent Technologies
7. Prof. Jendo Stefan sjendo Department of Information and Computational Science
8. Prof. Kossecka Elżbieta ekossec
9. Prof. Kowalewski Tomasz tkowale Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
10. Marks Maria mmarks Department of Experimental Mechanics
11. Prof. Marks Wojciech wmarks
12. Prof. Miastkowski Józef Department of Experimental Mechanics
13. Prof. Mróz Zenon 139 136 zmroz Department of Mechanics of Materials
14. Prof. Nasalski Wojciech 189 118 wnasal Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures
15. Prof. Nieniewski Mariusz mnieniew Department of Information and Computational Science
16. Prof. Oliferuk Wiera 177 223 wolif Department of Mechanics of Materials
17. Prof. Peradzyński Zbigniew 450 310 zperadz Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
18. Prof. Rogula Dominik dominikrogula
19. Prof. Sosnowski Włodzimierz wsosn Department of Information and Computational Science
20. Prof. Szymański Zygmunt zszym Department of Experimental Mechanics
21. Tokarzewski Stanisław 227 323 stokarz Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
22. Walenta Zbigniew 446 327 zwalenta Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter