The next academic year starts on October 1, 2019.

Date of entrance exams: July 1, 2019, 11:00 a.m., in Audytorium (room 228, 2nd floor) of the IPPT building.


  • Fill the form "Application for Admission": Please state your doctoral research topic from the list of proposed subjects and the name of your future supervising professor. You have to contact him and to obtain his confirmation to accept you.
  • Diploma certificate and graduation diploma
  • Transcript: official record of mode and length of completed programme, all taken examinations including title of lectures as well as title of your written thesis, marks awarded and credit system.
  • Abstract of your diploma thesis
  • Evidence proving your present status, where applicable
  • Curriculum vitae showing your education without any gaps
  • Diploma Supplement if available

Please consult with the proposed supervisor your expected research topic as well as regarding all regulations, forms, etc., that are formulated in Polish.

Documents must be issued to Sekretariat Studiów Doktoranckich IPPT PAN / Szkoły Doktorskiej IPPT PAN (room 524) until June 24, 2019.

List of subjects of the obliagatory exam