- Mission
- Structure
- Board of Directors
- Scientific Council
- Scientific Units
- Department of Biosystems and Soft Matter
- Department of Information and Computational Science
- Department of Mechanics of Materials
- Department of Intelligent Technologies
- Department of Theory of Continuous Media and Nanostructures
- Department of Ultrasound
- Department of Experimental Mechanics
- Laboratory of Polymers and Biomaterials
- International Advisory Board
- National Contact Point
- Trade Unions
- Organization Chart
- Contact
- History
- Consortiums
- Contact
Kształcenie doktorantów w IPPT PAN
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Kierownik Studiów Doktoranckich: dr hab. inż. Tomasz Szolc, prof. IPPT tel. 22 826-12-81 wew.319; pok. 436 e-mail: tszolc Sekretariat Studiów Doktoranckich: Monika WĘGLOWSKA tel. 22 826-12-80 w 219; pok. 524 fax 22 826-98-15 e-mail: studiad Samorząd Doktorantów: e-mail: samdok strona www: http://samdok.ippt.pan.pl/ |