1912-2004prof. WŁADYSŁAW FISZDON

Aviation Engineer, mathematician. 1933 – Sorbona Bachelor graduate in fluid mechanics applications. 1935 - graduate of Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Aeronautique. In 1936-1939, aviation constructor based in Lublin, and in 1939-1946 in Toulouse and Farnborough (UK). In 1951, he received the doctorate degree from the Warsaw University of Technology (PW), 1954 – he became associate professor, 1962 – professor. Since 1950, a corresponding member of Warszawskie Towarzystwo Naukowe (Warsaw Scientific Society), 1960 – a corresponding member, and since 1969 – a member of PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences). Professor at the PW Faculty of Aeronautical Engineering in 1947-1969 and deputy director of the Institute of Aviation in Warsaw in 1948-1957. Since 1955 – associated with IPPT PAN where in 1961-1980 he worked as Head of the Department of the Mechanics of Fluids and Gases. Chairman of the Scientific Council (RN) in 1981-1983. Since 1970, professor at the University of Warsaw (UW). Editor-in-chief of numerous professional journals on the mechanics of fluids, board member of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM). Author of over 60 publications devoted to applied aerodynamics, kinetic theory of gases, impact assessment of shock waves in hypersonic flows and, over the last years, mathematical and numerical models describing complex phenomena of the hydrodynamics of superfluid helium.

1912-2004prof. IGNACY MALECKI

Graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology – he received the diploma from Prof. J. Groszkowski in 1953. In pursuit of his academic interests, he furthered his studies at the Hertz Institute in Berlin. In 1941, he became doctor of the underground Faculty of Architecture, organized by the Warsaw University of Technology. In 1943, he received the degree of venia legendi (corresponding to the contemporary Polish habilitation degree – a post-doctoral academic degree). Later in 1946 – he became Associate Professor and in 1952 – Professor at the same university. A corresponding member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN) since 1954, and a member since 1958.

Member of the PAN Praesidium, Deputy Secretary of Research (1961-1968), an honorary member of many associations and federations (e.g. ASA, FASE, ISCU). In 1936 he co-established a laboratory for the Polish Radio, where he developed a functional and acoustic design of the Central Broadcasting Station.

After the war, he carried out acoustic projects in the rebuilt areas of Sejm and National Theatre. He founded the Department of Applied Electrical Engineering and Acoustics, Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Gdansk University of Technology. 1951-1969 Head of the Department of Electroacoustics, first Dean of the Faculty of Communications, then Vice-Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology. Organizer of the Department of Vibration Research (1951), one of the four core departments which formed the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research (IPPT), established in 1952. First Director of IPPT (1953-1962; and later 1973-1983).

Pioneer of acoustics as an interdisciplinary science – integrating building and architecture acoustics, audioacoustics, electroacoustics, hydroacoustics, ultrasound, physical and quantum acoustics. In later years, the Professor extended his academic pursuit in the research of acoustic emission.

He authored 11 monographs and c. 230 publications, of which Physical Foundations of Technical Acoustics deserves special attention. This textbook was published by Pergamon Press, Oxford (1969), and valued by students in many countries.

Supervisor of 25 doctoral dissertations. Head of the UNESCO Department of Science Policy in Paris (1969-1972). Organizer of the Acoustics Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, initiator of the establishment of the Science Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Honorary Doctor (doctor honoris causa) at: Budapest University of Technology, AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow and Gdańsk University of Technology. Winner of State Awards and numerous distinctions.


Radio engineer, graduate of the PW Warsaw University of Technology (1949). In 1955, he received the doctoral degree (under I. Malecki’s supervision), in 1957 he became assistant professor, 1962 – associate professor, 1969 – professor and PAS Corresponding Member, in 1972 – PAS Member, and 1997 - member of the New York Academy of Biomedical Engineering. The co-founder of Acoustics Laboratory at Główny Instytut Fizyki Technicznej (Institute of Technical Physics) incorporated, in 1952, into the Department of Vibration Research at IPPT PAN. Professor Filipczyński headed the Laboratory of Ultrasounds Passivity (1953-1969), also worked as Deputy Director for Research (1965-1969) and finally Director of IPPT (1969-1974). He constructed the first Polish metal flaw detector (ultrasonic radar) for materials research. Organizer of the first International Conference of Ultrasounds in Medicine and Biology. Honored by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) in Washington with Ultrasounds in Medicine Pioneer Diploma. Founder and long-standing chairman of the PAN Acoustics Committee. Vice-President of the European Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine (today: European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology), chairman of the Scientific Councils, including SC of IPPT 1999-1992 and IBBE PAS). A long-term lecturer at the Warsaw University of Technology. Author of 12 monographs, 166 publications, 62 patents. Supervisor of 14 doctoral theses. Laureate of many awards, including a two-time laureate of 2nd class State Prize.

1927-2003prof. HENRYK ZORSKI

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