1927-1984prof. ANTONI SAWCZUK

1927-2003prof. HENRYK ZORSKI

1926-2000prof. JERZY RANACHOWSKI

1925-1966prof. KRYSTYN BOCHENEK

Graduate of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of Gdansk University of Technology (1948), doctor of Warsaw University of Technology (1954), assistant professor to the Polish Academy of Sciences (1955), associate professor (1963). He worked at IPPT in 1954-1957 and 1960 (between these years, he worked at the Military University of Technology). Head of the Laboratory of Theory of Electromagnetic Fields at the Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, and since 1964, acting Head of the Department of Theory of Communications. An outstanding specialist in the field of theory and application of electromagnetic waves (asymptotic properties, impact waves, propagation in ionized media, radiation, antennas, waveguides, and transmission lines). Lecturer, constructor of ARAL analogue machine - one of the first three mathematical machines in Poland. Organizer of a conference on the theory of electromagnetic waves. Since 1954, he was the Secretary of Polski Komitet Narodowy URSI, Międzynarodowa Unia Nauk Radiowych (URSI Polish National Committee of the International Union of Radio Science). Founder, member and secretary-general to PTETiS (Polskie Towarzystwo Elektrotechniki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej – Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Electrotechnics, established in 1961). Author of over 40 scientific publications, including a monograph - Metody analiz pól elektromagnetycznych (Methods of analyses of electromagnetic fields), supervisor of 10 doctoral dissertations.

1925-1982prof. STEFAN CZARNECKI

Graduate of the Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering (1942). From 1953 to 1962 at the Department of Analogy IPPT, which he headed. Again at IPPT since 1974- head of the Department of Aeroacoustics. He received the doctoral degree (PhD) in 1959, habilitation degree (DSc) in 1965, 1972 – associate professor degree, 1980 – professor degree. Author of over 100 scientific papers in the fields related to aerodynamic sound generation, industrial noise reduction, interior acoustics, theory of acoustic screens, sound source identification and acoustic energy transmission paths. Organizer of numerous international conferences, including 2nd FASE Congress and INTER-NOISE'79. Long-term Secretary of Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Acoustics, co-founder of PTA (Polish Acoustical Association). Creator and editor-in-chief (since 1966) of the Archiwum Akustyki (renamed to the ‘Archives of Acoustics’ in 1974).

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