1927-2014prof. MAREK SOKOŁOWSKI

Graduate of the Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering (1951). Professor Sokołowski received the doctoral degree in 1955, assistant professor (‘docent’) in 1957, associate professor in 1961 and professor in 1971. In 1952-1997 – at IPPT PAN. In 1960-1963 he headed the division of Solids Mechanics at the IPPT PAN Department of Continuum Mechanics, the Department of Theory of Continuous Media, IPPT PAN deputy director for research (1963-1970). Since 1993 – deputy chair of the IPPT PAN Scientific Council and from 1995 to 1998 – the chair. Editor-in-Chief of the Archiwum Mechaniki Stosowanej (Archives of Applied Mechanics, 1982-1998), Rozprawy Inżynierskie (Engineering Transactions, 1986-1998). Secretary of the Polish Academy of Sciences Publishing Editorial Committee of a 10-volume Encyklopedia Mechaniki Technicznej (Encyclopedia of Technical Mechanics), co-author and editor of volume IV: Sprężystość (Elasticity). Author of over 60 papers on the theory of elasticity, especially anisotropic media and panels, thermal stress and thermoelasticity, torque stress theory, cracking and crack propagation theory in continuous media. Supervisor of 6 doctoral theses. Honored with the Silver Cross of Merit of the Republic of Poland (1974) and the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, (1979).

1939-2017prof. KAZIMIERZ SOBCZYK

1910-1996prof. ADAM SMOLIŃSKI

Graduate of the Department of Electronics of the Warsaw University of Technology (1933). Until 1939, he worked at PZTR Państwowe Zakłady Tele- i Radiotechniki (Polish National Tele- and Radioelectronics Company) as technical director, constructor of amplifiers for the Polish Sejm, constructor of MS “Piłsudski” and MS Batory” transatlantic liners and also radio modulators for the General Staff of The Polish Armed Forces. During the Second World War, he took part in crafting equipment for the Polish Home Army and in decoding V1 and V2 missile control modules. After the war in 1945, he worked on reestablishing PZTR, and in 1949-1952 he worked at Państwowy Instytut Telekomunikacyjny (Polish Institute of Telecommunications). At around the same time, he started lecturing at the WUT Department of Electrical Engineering. Also at WUT, in 1947-1950, he headed the Telecommunications Division which, in 1951, developed into the Department of Communications. He became dean of the department in 1951, which he headed until 1952. Founder and Head of two Faculties – Podstawy Telekomunikacji (Fundamental Telecommunications) and Układy Elektroniczne (Electronic Systems). Organizer of Katedra Magnetyków i Dielektryków (Faculty of Magnetics and Dielectrics), Head of Zakład Układów Elektronicznych (Laboratory of Electronic Systems), later Zakład Układów i Aparatury Mikrofalowej (Laboratory of Microwave Systems and Equipment) at Instytut Podstaw Elektroniki (Institute of Fundamental Electronics). In 1953-1966, he organized and headed the Laboratory of Magnetics at Zakład Elektroniki IPPT PAN (IPPT PAN Laboratory of Electronics). Deputy Director for Science (1963-1966), member of the Scientific Council (1960-1978). Among his scientific pursuits, he researched the modulation and detection of laser light and optical fibres. Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, honorary doctor (honoris causa) of the Military University of Technology in Warsaw, honorary member of the Association of Polish Electrical Engineers, member of international organisations, including the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Institution of Electrical Engineers, the New York Academy of Sciences and The Electromagnetic Academy. Author of 250 publications, patents and utility models. Mentor of generations of engineers and scientists, supervisor of 9 doctoral dissertations at IPPT PAN.

1927-1984prof. ANTONI SAWCZUK

1930-2011prof. CZESŁAW RYMARZ

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