1939-2017prof. KAZIMIERZ SOBCZYK

1927-2014prof. MAREK SOKOŁOWSKI

Graduate of the Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering (1951). Professor Sokołowski received the doctoral degree in 1955, assistant professor (‘docent’) in 1957, associate professor in 1961 and professor in 1971. In 1952-1997 – at IPPT PAN. In 1960-1963 he headed the division of Solids Mechanics at the IPPT PAN Department of Continuum Mechanics, the Department of Theory of Continuous Media, IPPT PAN deputy director for research (1963-1970). Since 1993 – deputy chair of the IPPT PAN Scientific Council and from 1995 to 1998 – the chair. Editor-in-Chief of the Archiwum Mechaniki Stosowanej (Archives of Applied Mechanics, 1982-1998), Rozprawy Inżynierskie (Engineering Transactions, 1986-1998). Secretary of the Polish Academy of Sciences Publishing Editorial Committee of a 10-volume Encyklopedia Mechaniki Technicznej (Encyclopedia of Technical Mechanics), co-author and editor of volume IV: Sprężystość (Elasticity). Author of over 60 papers on the theory of elasticity, especially anisotropic media and panels, thermal stress and thermoelasticity, torque stress theory, cracking and crack propagation theory in continuous media. Supervisor of 6 doctoral theses. Honored with the Silver Cross of Merit of the Republic of Poland (1974) and the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, (1979).


Graduate of Wawelberg and Rotwand School of Engineering, Faculty of Mechanics (1947) and Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanics and Technology (1954). Prof. Szczepiński received the doctoral degree in 1960, he became IPPT PAN assistant professor (docent) in 1964, associate professor in 1971 and professor in 1977. An outstanding expert in the field of theoretical and experimental research into the mechanics of plastic deformation of metals, load-bearing capacity, mechanics of powders and soils, mechanics of materials including modeling of ductile fracture. In 1976, prof. Szczepiński became a corresponding member of Polish Academy of Sciences and in 1989 –member. 1962-1996 at IPPT PAN. He headed the Department of the Mechanics of Continuous Media. From 1993 to 1998 member of the Polish Academy of Sciences Presidium. In 1993-1995 – chairman of the Division IV: Engineering Sciences Polish Academy of Sciences, 1984-1986 – chairman of the Committee on Mechanics Polish Academy of Sciences, since 1987 – member of the Warsaw Scientific Society, from 1980 to 1997 – member of the Scientific Council of CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences in Udine, Italy. From 1980 to 1991 – member of the General Assembly of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM), from 1997 to 2003 – chairman of the Program Council of Centrum Laserowych Technologii Metali (Center for Metal Laser Technologies, a joint center of Polish Academy of Sciences and Kielce University of Technology) from 1988 to 1994 – member of the Presidium of Centralna Komisja Kwalifikacyjna dla Kadr Naukowych (Central Qualification Board for Scientific Personnel). Doctor honoris causa of WAT Military University of Technology in Warsaw (1989) and Kielce University of Technology (2002).


1955-2016prof. ELIGIUSZ WAJNRYB

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