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Streltsov A.,Meignant C.,Eisert J., Rates of Multipartite Entanglement Transformations,
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 125, 080502-1 -080502-6, 2020
Streltsov Alexander, Adesso Gerardo, Piani Marco, Bruß Dagmar, Are General Quantum Correlations Monogamous?,
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 109, 050503-1-050503-5, 2012
Streltsov Alexander, Kampermann Hermann, Bruß Dagmar, Behavior of Quantum Correlations under Local Noise,
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 107, 170502-1-170502-5, 2011
Streltsov Alexander, Kampermann Hermann, Bruß Dagmar, Linking Quantum Discord to Entanglement in a Measurement,
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 106, 160401-1 -160401-4, 2011
Streltsov Alexander, Kampermann Hermann, Bruß Dagmar, Quantum Cost for Sending Entanglement,
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 108, 250501-1-250501-5, 2012
Streltsov Alexander, Lee Soojoon, Adesso Gerardo, Concentrating Tripartite Quantum Information,
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 115, 030505-1-030505-5, 2015
Streltsov Alexander, Rana Swapan, Boes Paul, Eisert Jens, Structure of the Resource Theory of Quantum Coherence,
Streltsov Alexander, Singh Uttam, Dhar Himadri Shekhar, Bera Manabendra Nath, Adesso Gerardo, Measuring Quantum Coherence with Entanglement,
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 115, 020403-1-020403-6, 2015
Streltsov Alexander, Zurek Wojciech H., Quantum Discord Cannot Be Shared,
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 111, 040401-1-040401-5, 2013
Trombley C.I., Ekiel-Jeżewska M.L., Stable configurations of charged sedimenting particles,
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 121, 254502-1-6, 2018
Wu Kang-Da, Kondra Tulja Varun, Rana Swapan, Scandolo Carlo Maria, Xiang Guo-Yong, Li Chuan-Feng, Guo Guang-Can, Streltsov Alexander, Operational Resource Theory of Imaginarity,
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 126, 090401-1-090401-7, 2021
Zorski H., Infeld E., New soliton equation for dipole chains,
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 68, 8, 1180-1183, 1992
Zurita-Gotor M., Bławzdziewicz J., Wajnryb E., Layering Instability in a Confined Suspension Flow,
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 108, 068301-1-5, 2012
Grigoryan Naira, Chudziński Piotr, Role of electron-electron interactions in electron emission from nanotube materials,
Troncoso J.F., Chudziński P., Todorov T.N., Aguado-Puente P., Grüning M., Kohanoff J.J., Thermal conductivity of porous polycrystalline PbTe,
PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, 5, 014604-1-14, 2021

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