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Postek E., Sadowski T., Bienias J., Simulation of impact and fragmentation of SiC skeleton,
PHYSICAL MESOMECHANICS, 24, 5, 578-587, 2021
Lami L., Regula B., Streltsov A., No-go theorem for entanglement distillation using catalysis,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 109, L050401-1-L050401-6, 2024
Giampaolo S. M., Streltsov A., Roga W., Bruß D., Illuminati F. , Quantifying nonclassicality: Global impact of local unitary evolutions,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 87, 012313-1-012313-5, 2013
Halder S., Streltsov A., Banik M., Identifying the value of a random variable unambiguously: Quantum versus classical approaches ,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 109, 052608-1-052608-11, 2024
Kołodyński Jan, Rana Swapan, Streltsov Alexander, Entanglement negativity as a universal non-Markovianity witness,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 101, 020303-1 -020303-5, 2020
Miller Marek, Scalici Manfredi, Fellous-Asian Marco, Streltsov Alexander, Power of noisy quantum states and the advantage of resource dilution,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 109, 022404-1-022404-13, 2024
Naseri Moein, Kondra Tulja Varun, Goswami Suchetana, Fellous-Asiani Marco, Streltsov Alexander, Entanglement and coherence in the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 106, 062429-1-062429-13, 2022
Orthey Jr.A.C., Amorim E.P.M., Connecting velocity and entanglement in quantum walks,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 99, 032320, 1-7, 2019
Orthey Jr.A.C., Angelo R.M., Nonlocality, quantum correlations, and violations of classical realism in the dynamics of two noninteracting quantum walkers,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 100, 042110, 1-11, 2019
Orthey Jr.A.C., Angelo R.M., Quantum realism: Axiomatization and quantification,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 105, 052218, 1-15, 2022
Cantor D., Wojtacki K., Effects of Friction and Spacing on the Collaborative Behavior of Domino Toppling,
PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED, 17, 064021-1-6, 2022
Qiao Lu-Feng, Streltsov Alexander, Gao Jun, Rana Swapan, Ren Ruo-Jing, Jiao Zhi-Qiang, Hu Cheng-Qiu, Xu Xiao-Yun, Wang Ci-Yu, Tang Hao, Yang Ai-Lin, Ma Zhi-Hao, Lewenstein Maciej, Jin Xian-Min, Entanglement activation from quantum coherence and superposition,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 98, 052351-1-052351-10, 2018
Regula Bartosz, Lami Ludovico, Streltsov Alexander, Nonasymptotic assisted distillation of quantum coherence,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 98, 052329-1-052329-8, 2018
Streltsov Alexander, Augusiak Remigiusz, Demianowicz Maciej, Lewenstein Maciej, Progress towards a unified approach to entanglement distribution,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 92, 012335-1-012335-14, 2015
Streltsov Alexander, Kampermann Hermann, Bruß Dagmar, Limits for entanglement distribution with separable states,
PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 90, 032323-1-032323-5, 2014

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