dr hab. Mikołaj Aleksiejuk |
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2009-11-26 | Wytwarzanie i propagacja fal akustycznych o wysokich częstotliwościach w nanowarstwach metalicznych |
Ostatnie publikacje
1. | Papliński P.♦, Wańkowicz J.♦, Śmietanka H.♦, Ranachowski P., Ranachowski Z., Kúdela Jr S.♦, Aleksiejuk M., Comparative studies on degradation of varistors subjected to operation in surge arresters and surge arrester counters, ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, ISSN: 1733-3490, DOI: 10.24425/amm.2020.131739, Vol.65, No.1, pp.367-374, 2020![]() Streszczenie: The paper presents results of investigation of microstructure and micro-hardness for material of ZnO varistors applied to 110 kV surge arrester and surge arrester counter. The research combined two pairs of varistors, each consisted of one varistor subjected before to operation, while the other one was brand new unit and constituted a reference. All varistors were made of the same material by the reputable manufacture. The tests revealed a different degree of the material degradation for varistors subjected before to operation. This also refers to different degradation mechanism observed for the material of these varistors, if typical effects of degradation of aged ZnO varistors were considered as a reference. Physical state of spinel in the microstructure had a significant impact on the material degradation, however a considerable loosening of the microstructure associated with bismuth oxide was observed too. It was surprising, since the precipitates of the bismuth oxide phase most often showed very good binding to the ZnO matrix and high resistance to associated electrical, thermal and mechanical effects. The degradation effects in the ZnO matrix proved to be limited only. Słowa kluczowe: surge arrester, surge arrester counter, MO varistors, microstructure of ceramics, ceramic material degradation Afiliacje autorów:
| ![]() | 40p. | |||||||||||||||||||||
2. | Mityurich G.S.♦, Aleksiejuk M., Ranachowski P., Pelivanov I.M.♦, Serdyukov A.N.♦, Photoacoustic diagnostics of inhomogeneous gyrotropic materials with internal stress using bessel light beams, ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, ISSN: 1733-3490, DOI: 10.2478/v10172-011-0141-6, Vol.56, No.4, pp.1235-1242, 2011![]() Streszczenie: This paper considers the investigation of photoacoustic transformation in naturally-gyrotropic and magnetoactive crystals, with internal stress under sound excitation in different modes by Bessel light beams (BLB). In the range of high modulation frequencies (Ω > 1 MHz), the dependence of the photoacoustic response amplitude on the radial coordinate ρ exhibits resonant phenomenon, which can be used to increase the resolution of photoacoustic spectroscopy for media with internal stresses. The expressions for amplitudes of photoacoustic signals in strained crystalline samples were obtained under different boundary conditions, taking into account the dependence of the thermoelastic coupling coefficient on the initial strain in the sample. It was showed that a resonant increase in the amplitude signal is related to the dependence on the geometric parameters of the sample-piezoelectric transducer system, the values of Murnagan constants, the mode composition of the Bessel light beam, and its amplitude modulation frequency. Słowa kluczowe: photoacoustic spectroscopy, Bessel light beams, magnetoactive gyrotropic materials Afiliacje autorów:
| ![]() | 20p. | |||||||||||||||||||||
3. | Shalupaev S.V.♦, Aleksiejuk M., Nikitjuk Y.V.♦, Sereda A.A.♦, The analysis of laser thermosplitting of fragile materials by using of special geometry beams, ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, ISSN: 1733-3490, Vol.56, No.4, pp.1149-1155, 2011 | ![]() | 20p. | |||||||||||||||||||||
4. | Balcerzak A., Aleksiejuk M., Zhavnerko G.♦, Agabekov V.♦, Sensing properties of two-component Langmuir-Blodgett layer and its porous derivative in SAW sensor for vapors of methanol and ethanol, THIN SOLID FILMS, ISSN: 0040-6090, DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2009.10.157, Vol.518, pp.3402-3406, 2010![]() Streszczenie: Two-component Langmuir–Blodgett film has been fabricated from equimolar mixture of 5-[[1,3-dioxo-3-[4-(1-oxooctadecyl)phenyl]propyl]amino]-1,3-benzenedicarboxylic acid with cetylamine. Porous one-component derivative of this film has been obtained by removing of cetylamine. Both films have been investigated as sensing layers of the surface acoustic wave sensors for vapors of methanol and ethanol in air. These films react on the alcohol vapors. Time of the sensor reaction is less than 2 s and this reaction is reversible. The response parameters of the sensor depend on the kind of the alcohol and the structure of the layer. An explanation of the observed differences in the behavior of both layers in contact with vapors of the alcohols has been proposed. Słowa kluczowe: Self-assembled monolayer, Langmuir–Blodgett films, Organic films, Surface acoustic wave, Sensors, Alcohols, Methanol, Ethanol Afiliacje autorów:
| ![]() | 32p. | |||||||||||||||||||||
5. | Mityurich G.S.♦, Aleksiejuk M., Astakhov P.V.♦, Serdyukov A.N.♦, Laser photoacoustic spectroscopy of the piezoceramic materials, ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, ISSN: 1733-3490, Vol.54, No.4, pp.889-894, 2009 | ![]() | 20p. | |||||||||||||||||||||
6. | Shalupaev S.V.♦, Aleksiejuk M., Nikitjuk Y.V.♦, Serada A.A.♦, Pobijaha A.S.♦, Laser thermosplitting of ceramic-metal sandwich-like structures with acoustical surveillance of microcrack propagation, ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, ISSN: 1733-3490, Vol.54, No.4, pp.963-968, 2009 | ![]() | 20p. | |||||||||||||||||||||
7. | Shalupaev S.♦, Aleksiejuk M., Pobijaha A.S.♦, Morozov V.P.♦, The way of hardering the high pressure apparatus matrices, ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, ISSN: 1733-3490, Vol.54, No.4, pp.969-972, 2009 | ![]() | 20p. | |||||||||||||||||||||
8. | Aleksiejuk M., Frequencies of localized acoustic modes in dependence on mutual relation of components of Au/V nanolayers, ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, ISSN: 0137-5075, Vol.32, pp.41-46, 2007![]() Streszczenie: The paper presents the study of frequencies of the acoustic localized modes in metallic Au/V nanolayers. On the basis of Rytov model describing acoustic wave propagation in periodic layered medium and Djafari–Rouhani formula the frequencies of localized modes were numerically calculated. Dependencies of localized modes frequencies were presented graphically as a function of b/L nanolayer parameter (b – thickness of Au sublayer, L – thickness of Au/V bilayer) for first and second phononic stop bands. Obtained experimentally frequencies of localized modes for Au/V nanolayers were compared with calculated values. Accordance between experimental and theoretical results is satisfactory. Słowa kluczowe: metallic nanolayers, localized acoustic modes Afiliacje autorów:
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9. | Aleksiejuk M., Rejmund F., Acoustic wave velocity in Ag/Fe nanolayers, ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, ISSN: 0137-5075, Vol.32, No.4, pp.47-56, 2007![]() Streszczenie: The paper presents the results of acoustic wave velocity investigation in metallic Ag/Fe nanolayers deposited on GaAs substrate. Measurements of velocity were performed using femtosecond technique. Ag/Fe samples were characterized by different thickness of bilayers. On the basis of experimental results of velocities, effective elastic constants c11 were evaluated. In the range of bilayers thickness above 80 Å the c11 values are in accordance with those calculated from the elastic constants of bulk materials (Rytov model). For lower values of bilayer thickness elastic constants exhibit large decrease. Grimsditch’s model was applied to interpret changes of elastic constants dependence for low bilayer thickness. This model contains an additional interlayer treated as the parameter. Comparison the values of theoretical elastic constants obtained by applying of Grimsditch model with those calculated from experiment shows qualitative accordance in the range of small bilayer thickness. Słowa kluczowe: metallic nanolayers, effective elastic constants nanolayers Afiliacje autorów:
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10. | Astakhov P.V.♦, Aleksiejuk M., Emelyanovich A.N.♦, Mityurich G.S.♦, Laser photodeflection spectroscopy of the cylindrical samples absorbing modulated radiation with Bessel distribution of intensity, PRACE KOMISJI NAUK CERAMICZNYCH - POLSKI BIULETYN CERAMICZNY. CERAMIKA, ISSN: 0860-3340, Vol.101, pp.11-16, 2007 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
11. | Shalupaev S.V.♦, Aleksiejuk M., Nikitjuk Y.V.♦, Sereda A.A.♦, Analysis of laser thermospliting processes within the linear fracture mechanics, PRACE KOMISJI NAUK CERAMICZNYCH - POLSKI BIULETYN CERAMICZNY. CERAMIKA, ISSN: 0860-3340, Vol.101, pp.265-274, 2007 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
12. | Burbelo R.♦, Kuzmich A.G.♦, Aleksiejuk M., Aleksiejev K.♦, Inhomogenius structures: optoacoustic diagnostics of stressed state, PRACE KOMISJI NAUK CERAMICZNYCH - POLSKI BIULETYN CERAMICZNY. CERAMIKA, ISSN: 0860-3340, Vol.101, pp.27-34, 2007 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
13. | Aleksiejuk M., Rejmund F., The Fourier analysis of picosecond acoustic signals generated by laser beam in Au/V nanolayers, ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, ISSN: 0137-5075, Vol.31, No.4, pp.131-135, 2006![]() Streszczenie: Paper presents the results of study of picosecond acoustic signals generated by femtosecond laser pump pulse in Au/V multilayers. Au/V nanostructures with a period of 36-205Å located on MgO substrate were studied. The dependence of measured changes of the laser light reflectivity from nanostructure surface on different delays of probe beam was examined. Peak frequencies obtained by FFT analysis were interpreted as frequencies of acoustical localized modes. The obtained values of these localized modes are in agreement with numerical results. In the same sample localized modes were excited simultaneously in the first and second frequency forbidden gaps. Słowa kluczowe: picosecond acoustics, metallic nanolayers, FFT analysis Afiliacje autorów:
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14. | Aleksiejuk M., The frequencies of localized acoustic modes in Au/V nanolayers with capping layer, ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, ISSN: 0137-5075, Vol.31, No.4, pp.41-46, 2006![]() Streszczenie: Paper presents the results of theoretical analysis of localized acoustic modes, which can be generated in Au/V nanolayers with “heavy” capping layer. The transfer-matrix method was used to evaluate frequencies of localized acoustic modes in these nanostructures. Up to now the condition of generation of localized modes in nanolayer structure was that the acoustic impedance of capping layer is lower then the acoustic impedance of top (next) layer. This condition was in agreement with experimental results. This paper demonstrates the possibility of generation of localized acoustic modes in case of higher acoustic impedance of capping layer. The frequencies of localized modes for different thickness of capping layer were obtained. Słowa kluczowe: picosecond acoustics, metallic nanolayers, localized acoustics modes Afiliacje autorów:
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15. | Aleksiejuk M., Influence of nanolayer geometry on frequency of localized acoustic modes, ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, ISSN: 0137-5075, Vol.30, pp.101-106, 2005 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
16. | Aleksiejuk M., Astakhov P.V.♦, Emelyanovich A.N.♦, Mityurich G.S.♦, Excitation of photodeflective signal in non-uniform structures using bessel light beams, PRACE KOMISJI NAUK CERAMICZNYCH - POLSKI BIULETYN CERAMICZNY. CERAMIKA, ISSN: 0860-3340, Vol.89, pp.32-38, 2005 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
17. | Aleksiejuk M., Szałupajew S.W.♦, Szerszniew E.B.♦, Nikitjuk Y.V.♦, Sierieda A.A.♦, Laser double - beam method of hard ceramic material forming, PRACE KOMISJI NAUK CERAMICZNYCH - POLSKI BIULETYN CERAMICZNY. CERAMIKA, ISSN: 0860-3340, Vol.89, pp.44-50, 2005 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
18. | Aleksiejuk M., Prędkość fal akustycznych w obszarze przejścia fazowego w krysztale KMnF3, Prace IPPT - IFTR Reports, ISSN: 2299-3657, No.52, pp.1-9, 1976 |
Lista ostatnich monografii
1. 124 | Aleksiejuk M., Wytwarzanie i propagacja fal akustycznych o wysokich częstotliwościach w nanowarstwach metalicznych, IPPT Reports on Fundamental Technological Research, 9, pp.1-104, 2007 |
Prace konferencyjne
1. | Aleksiejuk M., Baczewski T.♦, Bonello B.♦, Rejmund F., Laser excited 100 GHz localized acoustic modes in Au/V nanolayers structures, Conference on Acousto-Optics and Applications V, 2004-08-04/08-10, Gdańsk (PL), DOI: 10.1117/12.612779, Vol.5828, pp.154-163, 2005![]() Streszczenie: This work presents analysis of localized acoustic modes using theory given by B. Djafari-Rouchani et al. and Rytov model of elastic waves propagation in periodical medium. Localized modes were considered for Au/V nanostructures. Experimentally Au/V nanostructures on MgO substrate with period 120-240 angstrom were studied. Changes of light reflectivity coefficient of these nanostructures caused by femtosecond laser beam excitation were measured. Analysis of experimental results of reflectivity dependence on delay time of probe beam was made over the range up to 150 ps. The dependences of localized modes frequency on thickness of nanostructure bilayers were obtained. Measured frequencies of localized modes remain in agreement to the theoretical values. Słowa kluczowe: metallic nanolayers, picosecond acoustics, localized modes, Rytov model Afiliacje autorów:
Numer/data zgłoszenia patentowego Ogłoszenie o zgłoszeniu patentowym | Twórca / twórcy Tytuł Kraj i Nazwa uprawnionego z patentu | Numer patentu Ogłoszenie o udzieleniu patentu | |
224942 1980-06-13 - 1982-01-04 | Dobrzański M.M.♦, Aleksiejuk M., Larecki W.Układ do pomiaru widma fononów w badanej próbce ciała stałegoPL, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN | 129466 - 1986-04-15 | ![]() |