Partner: Jacek Konop

2015-11-18Dynamika układu pojazd szynowy - tor  (PW)
promotor -- prof. dr hab. inż. Roman Bogacz, IPPT PAN
promotor pomocniczy -- dr inż. Robert Konowrocki, IPPT PAN
Ostatnie publikacje
1.Konop J., Konowrocki R., On Evaluation of the Wheelsets-Track Interaction Quality in Railway Engineering, Machine Dynamics Research, ISSN: 2080-9948, Vol.37, No.4, pp.5-14, 2013


The paper is devoted to the evaluation of wheel-rail interaction quality and possibility of utilize of acceleration measurement for the determination of quality of tracks. After review of methods used for this purpose in Germany, Austria and other countries, the proposal used for experimental investigation by PESA S.A. will be reported and some theoretical analysis for the track quality evaluation will be given.

Słowa kluczowe:

railway wheel, railway track, monitoring, wheel-rail dynamics

Afiliacje autorów:

Konop J.-other affiliation
Konowrocki R.-IPPT PAN