Uwaga: Wydawnictwa monograficzne nie są wyszukiwane
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Topolewski P., Zakrzewska K.E., Walczak J., Nienałtowski K., Müller-Newen G., Singh A., Komorowski M., Phenotypic variability, not noise, accounts for most of the cell-to-cell heterogeneity in IFN-γ and oncostatin M signaling responses,
SCIENCE SIGNALING, 15, 721, eabd9303-1-16, 2022
Varga A., Ehrenreiter K., Aschenbrenner B., Kocieniewski P., Kochańczyk M., Lipniacki T., Baccarini M., RAF1/BRAF dimerization integrates the signal from RAS to ERK and ROKα,
SCIENCE SIGNALING, 10, 469, eaai8482-1-11, 2017
Ashall Louise, Horton Caroline A., Nelson David E., Paszek Paweł, Harper Claire V., Sillitoe Kate, Ryan Sheila, Spiller David G., Unitt John F., Broomhead David S., Kell Douglas B., Rand David A., Sée Violaine, White Michael R.H., Pulsatile Stimulation Determines Timing and Specificity of NF-κB-Dependent Transcription,
SCIENCE, 324, 5924, 242-246, 2009
Chudziński Piotr, Berben Maarten , Xu Xiaofeng, Wakeham Nicholas, Bernáth Bence, Duffy Caitlin, Hinlopen Roemer, Hsu Yu-Te, Wiedmann Steffen , Tinnemans Paul , Jin Rongying, Greenblatt Martha, Hussey Nigel, Emergent symmetry in a low-dimensional superconductor on the edge of Mottness,
SCIENCE, 382, 792-796, 2023
Pawłowska A.,Ćwierz-Pieńkowska A.,Domalik A.,Jaguś D.,Kasprzak P.,Matkowski R.,Fura , Curated benchmark dataset for ultrasound based breast lesion analysis,
SCIENTIFIC DATA, 11, 148, 1-13, 2024
Sala D., Motylewski J., Mróz A., Pawłowski P., Vibroacoustic System for Measurement of the Touchdown of a Light Aircraft,
BaltruschatI.M., Ćwieka H., Krüger D., Zeller‑Plumhoff B., Schlünzen F., Willumeit‑Römer R., Moosmann J., Heuser P., Scaling the U-net: segmentation of biodegradable bone implants in high-resolution synchrotron radiation microtomograms,
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11, 24237, 1-10, 2021
Byra Michał, Poon Clarissa, Rachmadi Muhammad Febrian, Schlachter Matthias, Skibbe Henrik, Exploring the performance of implicit neural representations for brain image registration,
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 13, 17334, 1-13, 2023
Dobruch-Sobczak K., Piotrzkowska-Wróblewska H., Klimonda Z., Karwat P., Roszkowska-Purska K., Clauser P., Baltzer P.A.T., Litniewski J., Multiparametric ultrasound examination for response assessment in breast cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant therapy,
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11, 2501 -1-9, 2021
Glaeser J.D., Bao X., Kaneda G., Avalos P., Behrens P., Salehi K., Da X., Chen A., Castaneda C., Nakielski P., Jiang W., Tawackoli W., Sheyn  D., iPSC-neural crest derived cells embedded in 3D printable bio-ink promote cranial bone defect repair,
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12, 18701, 1-14, 2022
Grabowski Frederic, Nałęcz‑Jawecki Paweł, Lipniacki Tomasz, Predictive power of non-identifiable models,
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 13, 1, 11143-1-12, 2023
Haghighat Bayan M.A., Afshar Taromi F., Lanzi M., Pierini F., Enhanced efficiency in hollow core electrospun nanofiber-based organic solar cells,
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11, 21144-1-11, 2021
Hat B., Jaruszewicz-Błońska J., Lipniacki T., Model-based optimization of combination protocols for irradiation-insensitive cancers,
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 10, 12652-1-14, 2020
Jain A., Manippady S.R., Tang R., Nishihara H., Sobczak K., Matejka V., Michalska M., Vanadium oxide nanorods as an electrode material for solid state supercapacitor,
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12, 21024, 1-12, 2022
Karwat P., Klimonda Z., Styczyński G., Szmigielski C., Litniewski J., Aortic root movement correlation with the function of the left ventricle,
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11, 4473-1-8, 2021

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