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Opiela K.C., Zieliński T.G., Attenborough K., Limitations on validating slitted sound absorber designs through budget additive manufacturing,
MATERIALS & DESIGN, 218, 110703-1-17, 2022
Wang K., Kopeć M., Chang S., Qu B., Liu J., Politis D.J., Wang L., Liu G., Enhanced formability and forming efficiency for two-phase titanium alloys by fast light alloys stamping technology (FAST),
MATERIALS & DESIGN, 1-25, 2020
Kamiński J., Adamczyk-Cieślak B., Kopeć M., Kosiński A., Sitek R., Effects of Reduction-Oxidation Cycles on the Structure, Heat and Corrosion Resistance of Haynes 282 Nickel Alloy Manufactured by Using Powder Bed Fusion-Laser Beam Method,
Dietrich L., Radziejewska J., The fatigue damage development in a cast Al–Si–Cu alloy,
MATERIALS AND DESIGN, 32, 1, 322-329, 2011
Kucharski S., Levintant-Zayonts N., Luckner J., Mechanical response of nitrogen ion implanted NiTi shape memory alloy,
MATERIALS AND DESIGN, 56, 671-679, 2014
Moćko W., Grzywna P., Kowalewski Z.L., Radziejewska J., An influence of cyclic loading on the form of constitutive relationship for DP500 steel,
MATERIALS AND DESIGN, 103, 183-193, 2016
Moćko W., The influence of stress-controlled tensile fatigue loading on the stress–strain characteristics of AISI 1045 steel,
MATERIALS AND DESIGN, 58, 145-153, 2014
Nabavian Kalat M.,Staszczak M.,Urbański L.,Fernandez C.,Vega C.,Cristea M.,Ionita D.,Lantada A.,Pieczyska E., Investigating a shape memory epoxy resin and its application to engineering shape-morphing devices empowered through kinematic chains and compliant joints,
MATERIALS AND DESIGN, 233, 112263, 1-15, 2023
Pakdel A., Witecka A., Rydzek G., Shri D.N.A., A comprehensive microstructural analysis of Al–WC micro- and nano-composites prepared by spark plasma sintering,
MATERIALS AND DESIGN, 119, 225-234, 2017
Pruchniewski Michał, Strojny-Cieślak Barbara, Nakielski Paweł, Zawadzka Katarzyna, Urbańska Kaja, Rybak Daniel, Zakrzewska Anna, Grodzik Marta, Sawosz Ewa, Electrospun poly-(L-lactide) scaffold enriched with GO-AuNPs nanocomposite stimulates skin tissue reconstruction via enhanced cell adhesion and controlled growth factors release,
MATERIALS AND DESIGN, 251, 113713-1-18, 2025
Radziejewska J., Influence of laser-mechanical treatment on surface topography, erosive wear and contact stiffness,
MATERIALS AND DESIGN, 32, 5073-5081, 2011
Rodriguez-Martinez J.A., Rusinek A., Klepaczko J.R., Pęcherski R.B., Extension of R-K constitutive relation to phase transformation phenomena,
MATERIALS AND DESIGN, 30, 7, 2513-2520, 2009
Rusinek A., Rodriguez-Martinez J.A., Klepaczko J.R., Pęcherski R.B., Analysis of thermo-visco-plastic behaviour of six high strength steels,
MATERIALS AND DESIGN, 30, 5, 1748-1761, 2009
Vadillo G., Fernandez-Saez J., Pęcherski R.B., Some applications of Burzyński yield condition in metal plasticity,
MATERIALS AND DESIGN, 32, 628-635, 2011
Wejrzanowski T., Grybczuk M., Chmielewski M., Pietrzak K., Kurzydłowski K.J., Strojny-Nędza A., Thermal conductivity of metal-graphene composites,
MATERIALS AND DESIGN, 99, 163-173, 2016

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