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Young T.D., Teisseyre H., Dłużewski P., Kahouli A., Kriouche N., Brault J., Damilano B., Leroux M., Courville A., de Mierry P., GaN/AlGaN (11-22) semipolar nanostructures: Observations by theory and experiment, 41ST INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL AND CONFERENCE ON THE PHYSICS OF SEMICONDUCTORS, 2012-06-08/06-15, KRYNICA-ZDRÓJ (PL), 1-, 2012 | |
Young T.D., Teisseyre H., Brault J., Kahouli A., Vennegues P., Leroux M., Courville A., de Mierry P., Damilano B., Dłużewski P., Optoelectronic properties of a GaN quantum dot grown on a Al0.5Ga0.5N (1122)-orientated surface, IWN 2012, INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NITRIDE SEMICONDUCTORS, 2012-10-14/10-19, SAPPORO (JP), 1-2, 2012 | |
Maździarz M., Nalepka K., Modified RGL Potential for FCC Metals, KKNM2012, III KRAJOWA KONFERENCJA NANO I MIKROMECHANIKI, 2012-07-04/07-06, WARSZAWA (PL), 1-2, 2012 | |
Young T.D., Self-consistent mean-field approximation in a coordinate representation, WORKSHOP DEAL.II, 2012-08-06/08-10, HEIDELBERG (DE), 9-, 2012 | |
Kleiber M., Edukacja, nauka i kultura – kluczowe determinanty przyszłości Polski, NAUKA, 3, 7-14, 2012 | |
Szczepański J., Paprocki B., Transmission efficiency in the brain-like neuronal networks. Information and energetic aspects, 10TH INTERNATIONAL NEURAL CODING WORKSHOP, 2012-09-02/09-08, PRAGUE (CZ), 127-128, 2012 | |
Piątkowska A., Kucharski S., Detekcja uszkodzeń pomiarem EA oraz metodami mikroskopowymi, PROBLEMY EKSPLOATACJI. MAINTENANCE PROBLEMS, 84, 1, 17-25, 2012 | |
Cichocki B., Ekiel-Jeżewska M.L., Wajnryb E., Intrinsic viscosity for Brownian particles of arbitrary shape, SYMPOSIUM ON MICROPARTICLES IN STOKES FLOWS IN HONOR OF FRANCOIS FEUILLEBOIS 65TH BIRTHDAY, 2011-08-21/08-24, WARSZAWA (PL), 392, 012004-1-7, 2012 | |
Olszewski R., Trawiński Z., Wójcik J., Nowicki A., Mathematical and Ultrasonographic Model of the Left Ventricle:in Vitro Studies, ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 37, 4, 583-595, 2012 | |
Gerega A., Milej D., Weigl W., Botwicz M., Żołek N., Kacprzak M., Wierzejski W., Toczyłowska B., Mayzner-Zawadzka E., Maniewski R., Lieberta A., Multiwavelength time-resolved detection of fluorescence during the inflow of indocyanine green into the adult’s brain, JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS, 17, 8, 087001-1-9, 2012 | |
Sawosz P., Żołek N., Kacprzak M., Maniewski R., Liebert A., Application of time-gated CCD camera with image intensifier in contactless detection of absorbing inclusions buried in optically turbid medium which mimics local changes in oxygenation of the brain tissue, OPTO-ELECTRONICS REVIEW, 20, 4, 309-314, 2012 | |
Litniewski J., Wójcik J., Nowicki A., Contribution of multiple scattering to the trabecular bone backscatter - dependence on porosity and frequency, IUS 2012, IEEE INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONICS SYMPOSIUM, 2012-10-07/10-10, DRESDEN (DE), 1-4, 2012 | |
Milej D., Gerega A., Żołek N., Weigl W., Kacprzak M, Sawosz P., Mączewska J., Fronczewska K., Mayzner-Zawadzka E., Królicki L., Maniewski R., Liebert A., Time-resolved detection of fluorescent light during inflow of ICG to the brain - a methodological study, PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, 57, 6725-6742, 2012 | |
Kret S., Bilska M., Ivaldi F., Leszczyński M., Czernecki R., Dłużewski P., Jurczak G., Young T.D., Determination of the nanoscale structural properties of the InAlN based devices by advanced TEM methods, E-MRS 2012 FALL MEETING, 2012-09-17/09-21, WARSZAWA (PL), 1-, 2012 | |