Paprocki B., Szczepański J., Effectiveness of information transmission in the brain-like communication models, 10TH INTERNATIONAL NEURAL CODING WORKSHOP, 2012-09-02/09-08, PRAGUE (CZ), 93-94, 2012 | |
Szczepański J., Paprocki B., Transmission efficiency in the brain-like neuronal networks. Information and energetic aspects, 10TH INTERNATIONAL NEURAL CODING WORKSHOP, 2012-09-02/09-08, PRAGUE (CZ), 127-128, 2012 | |
Pieczyska E.A., Tobushi H., Temperature evolution in shape memory alloy during loading in various conditions, 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON QUANTITATIVE INFRARED THERMOGRAPHY, 2010-07-27/07-30, QUÉBEC (CA), 861-868, 2010 | |
Brynk T., Mezyk D., Kukla D., Digital image correlation utilization in pipeline oriented residual stress estimation, 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING, 2014-04-04/04-07, ATENY (GR), 1-4, 2014 | |
Rojek J., Labra C., Oñate E., Discrete Element Simulation of Rock Cutting Processes, 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MODERN BUILDING MATERIALS, STRUCTURES AND TECHNIQUES, 2010-05-19/05-21, VILNIUS (LT), 2, 1040-1044, 2010 | |
Nowicki A., Secomski W., Trawiński Z., Olszewski R., Estimation of Radial Artery Reactive Response using 20 MHz Ultrasound., 10TH EAA INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HYDROACOUSTICS, 2016-05-17/05-16, JASTRZĘBIA GÓRA (PL), Archives of Acoustics, v. 41, No. 2., 356-357, 2016 | |
Doubrovina O., Gambin B., Wójcik J., Detection of Variations in Random Characteristics of Scattering Medium by the Wavelet Analysis, 10TH EAA INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HYDROACOUSTICS, 2016-05-17/05-16, JASTRZĘBIA GÓRA (PL), 2, 360-, 2016 | |
Gambin B., Kruglenko E., Byra M., Acoustical Properties of Tissue Phantoms with Different Stiffness and Water-Like Absorption, 10TH EAA INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HYDROACOUSTICS, 2016-05-17/05-16, JASTRZĘBIA GÓRA (PL), 361-, 2016 | |
Johansen K., Kotopoulis S., Poortinga A.T., Postema M., Harmonic antibubbles, 10TH EAA INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON HYDROACOUSTICS, 2016-05-17/05-16, JASTRZĘBIA GÓRA (PL), 41, 2, Abstract, 364-, 2016 | |
Opiela K.C., Zielinski T.G., Modifiable labyrinthine microstructure for adjustable sound absorption and insulation, 10TH CONVENTION OF THE EUROPEAN ACOUSTICS ASSOCIATION - FORUM ACUSTICUM 2023, 2023-09-11/09-15, TORINO (IT), 2937-2942, 2023 | |
Zielinski T.G., Opiela K.C., Dauchez N., Boutin T., Galland M.-.A., Attenborough K., Low frequency absorption by 3D printed materials having highly tortuous labyrinthine slits in impermeable or microporous skeletons, 10TH CONVENTION OF THE EUROPEAN ACOUSTICS ASSOCIATION - FORUM ACUSTICUM 2023, 2023-09-11/09-15, TORINO (IT), 2275-2282, 2023 | |
Trawiński Z., Évaluation artérielle d'élasticité au moyen de traitement des signaux ultrasonores de RF, 10ÈME CONGRÈS FRANÇAIS D'ACOUSTIQUE, 2010-04-12/04-16, LYON (FR), 1, CD file: 000437.pdf, 1-5, 2010 | |
Kowalewski Z.L., Kukla D., Ustrzycka A., Evaluation of fatigue damage development supported by nondestructive technique, 10-TH GGP, THE 10TH GERMAN-GREEK-POLISH SYMPOSIUM, 2019-09-15/09-18, BĘDLEWO (PL), 1-2, 2019 | |
Kiełczyński P., Active and Reactive Power Flow in Ultrasonic Love Wave Waveguides, (IUS) 2022 , IEEE, INTERNATIONAL ULTRASONIC SYMPOSIUM , 2022-10-10/10-13, WENECJA (IT), 1-1, 2022 | |
Jeznach O., Kołbuk D., Sajkiewicz P., Surface modification of polymer fibers based on aminolysis and gelatin immobilization as a method of improvement of cell-scaffold interaction, UK-POLAND BIOINSPIRED MATERIALS CONFERENCE, 2020-11-23/11-24, LANCASTER (GB), 77-, 2020 | |