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Piotrzkowska-Wroblewska H., Dobruch-Sobczak K., Litniewski J., Chrapowicki E., Roszkowska-Purska K., Nowicki A., Differentiation of the breast lesions using statistics of backscattered echoes,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 19, 319-328, 2016
Nowicki A., Secomski W., Trawiński Z., Lewandowski M., Trots I., Szubielski M., Olszewski R., Estimation of radial artery reactive response using high frequency ultrasound,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 19, 297-306, 2016
Karwat P., Kujawska T., Secomski W., Gambin B., Litniewski J., Application of ultrasound to noninvasive imaging of temperature distribution induced in tissue,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 19, 219-228, 2016
Gambin B., Wójcik J., Doubrovina O., Differentiation of random structure properties using wavelet analysis of backscattered ultrasound,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 19, 121-128, 2016
Gambin B., Kruglenko E., Byra M., Relationships between Acoustical Properties and Stiffness of Soft Tissue Phantoms,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 19, 111-120, 2016
Tasinkevych Y., Podhajecki J., Wójcik J., Falińska K., Litniewski J., Estimation of layer thickness by the cost function optimization: phantom study,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 18, 161-166, 2015
Wójcik J., Gambin B., Litniewski J., Theoretical results and numerical study on the nonlinear reflection and transmission of plane sound waves,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 18, 181-192, 2015
Gambin B., Kruglenko E., Wójcik J., Relationship between thermal and ultrasound fields in breast tissue in vivo,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 18, 53-58, 2015
Byra M., Gambin B., Temperature detection based on nonparametric statistics of ultrasound echoes,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 18, 17-23, 2015
Trawiński Z., Wójcik J., Nowicki A., Balcerzak A., Olszewski R., Frankowska E., Zegadło A., Rydzyński P., Assessment of left ventricle phantom wall compressibility by ultrasound and computed tomography methods,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 17, 211-218, 2014
Secomski W., Bilmin K., Kujawska T., Nowicki A., Grieb P., Rat cancer cells necrosis induced by ultrasound,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 17, 179-186, 2014
Nowicki A., Byra M., Litniewski J., Wójcik J., Ultrasound imaging of stiffness with two frequency pulse,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 17, 151-160, 2014
Kruglenko E., Gambin B., RF signal amplitude statistics during temperature changes in tissue phantoms,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 17, 115-122, 2014
Doubrovina O., Gambin B., Kruglenko E., Temperature level and properties of wavelet approximations of back scattered ultrasound,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 17, 37-46, 2014
Falińska K., Litniewski J., Tasinkevych Y., Assesment of cortical bone thickness using cepstrum analysis. Simulation study,
HYDROACOUSTICS, 17, 47-56, 2014

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