Partner: Marek Tkocz |
Ostatnie publikacje
1. | Lumelskyj D., Rojek J., Tkocz M.♦, Detection of strain localization in numerical simulation of sheet metal forming, ARCHIVES OF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, ISSN: 1644-9665, DOI: 10.1016/j.acme.2017.08.004, Vol.18, No.2, pp.490-499, 2018![]() Streszczenie: This paper presents an investigation on the detection of strain localization in numerical simulation of sheet metal forming. Two methods to determine the onset of localized necking have been compared. The first criterion, newly implemented in this work, is based on the analysis of the through-thickness thinning (through-thickness strain) and its first time derivative in the most strained zone. The limit strain in the second method, studied in the authors' earlier works, is determined by the maximum of the strain acceleration. The limit strains have been determined for different specimens undergoing deformation at different strain paths covering the whole range of the strain paths typical for sheet forming processes. This has allowed to construct numerical forming limit curves (FLCs). The numerical FLCs have been compared with the experimental one. Mesh sensitivity analysis for these criteria has been performed for the selected specimens. It has been shown that the numerical FLC obtained with the new criterion predicts formability limits close to the experimental results so this method can be used as a potential alternative tool to determine formability in standard finite element simulations of sheet forming processes. Słowa kluczowe: Sheet forming, Formability, Forming limit diagram, Strain localization, Numerical simulation Afiliacje autorów:
| ![]() | 30p. | ||||||||||||||||||
2. | Lumelskyj D., Rojek J., Tkocz M.♦, Numerical simulations of nakazima formability tests with prediction of failure, ROMANIAN JOURNAL OF TECHNICAL SCIENCES - APPLIED MECHANICS, ISSN: 2601-5811, Vol.60, No.3, pp.184-194, 2015![]() Streszczenie: This paper presents results of numerical simulations of the Nakazima test with determination of formability without using the forming limit curve. The onset of localized necking has been determined using the criterion based on analysis of the major principal strain and its first and second time derivatives in the most strained zone. The strain localization has been determined by the maximum of strain acceleration which corresponds to the inflection point of the strain velocity versus time. The limit strains have been determined for different specimens undergoing deformation at different strain paths covering a whole range of the strain paths typical for sheet forming processes. This has allowed us to construct the numerical FLC. The numerical FLC has been compared with the experimental one. It has been shown that the numerical FLC predicts higher formability limits but the differences are not large so the method can be used as a potential alternative tool to determine formability in standard finite element simulations of sheet forming processes. Słowa kluczowe: sheet forming, formability, forming limit curve, numerical simulation Afiliacje autorów:
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3. | Rojek J., Lumelskyj D., Pęcherski R.B., Grosman F.♦, Tkocz M.♦, Chorzępa W.♦, Forming limit curves for complex strain paths, ARCHIVES OF METALLURGY AND MATERIALS, ISSN: 1733-3490, DOI: 10.2478/amm-2013-0042, Vol.58, pp.587-593, 2013![]() Streszczenie: This paper presents results of experimental studies of forming limit curves (FLC) for sheet forming under complex strain paths. The Nakazima-type formability tests have been performed for the as-received steel blank and for the blank pre-strained by13%. Prestraining leads to abrupt change of strain path in the blank deformation influencing the forming limit curve. The experimental FLC of the pre-strained blank has been compared with the FLC constructed by transformation of the as-received FLC. Quite a good agreement has been found out. The concept of strain-path independent FLCs in polar coordinates has been verified. Two types of the polar diagrams have been considered, the first one with the strain-path angle and effective plastic strain as the polar coordinates, and the second one originally proposed in this work in which the thickness strain has been used instead of the effective plastic strain as one of the polar coordinates. The second transformation based on our own concept has given a better agreement between the transformed FLCs, which allows us to propose this type of polar diagrams as a new strain-path in dependent criterion to predict sheet failure in forming processes. Słowa kluczowe: sheet forming, formability, forming limit curve, complex strain-path Afiliacje autorów:
| ![]() | 20p. | ||||||||||||||||||
4. | Lumelskyj D., Marczewska I., Rojek J., Pęcherski R.B., Grosman F.♦, Tkocz M.♦, Effect of friction on failure location in sheet metal formability tests, COMPUTER METHODS IN MATERIALS SCIENCE / INFORMATYKA W TECHNOLOGII MATERIAŁÓW, ISSN: 1641-8581, Vol.13, No.1, pp.43-48, 2013![]() Streszczenie: This paper presents numerical investigations of the influence of friction on sheet deformation in Nakazima type formability tests. Numerical simulations have been performed using the authors’ own explicit dynamic finite element program. Numerical results have been compared with experimental data. Location of fracture was of major interest in this work. The studies confirmed that the fracture location near the center of the specimen as required by the standards can be obtained for low values of the friction coefficient. Numerical simulation combined with the inverse analysis has been used to estimate a real value of the friction coefficient in the Nakazima formability test. Słowa kluczowe: formability test, explicit FE method, friction, fracture location Afiliacje autorów:
| ![]() | 10p. | ||||||||||||||||||
5. | Lumelskyj D., Marczewska I., Rojek J., Pęcherski R.B., Grosman F.♦, Tkocz M.♦, Wpływ tarcia na lokalizację pękania w próbach tłoczności Nakazimy, PRACE NAUKOWE POLITECHNIKI WARSZAWSKIEJ, SERIA: MECHANIKA, ISSN: 0137-2335, Vol.253, pp.57-62, 2013![]() Streszczenie: W artykule przedstawiono analizę numeryczną wpływu tarcia na rozkład odkształceń uzyskanych w próbach tłoczności przeprowadzonych metodą Nakazimy. Symulacje numeryczne zostały przeprowadzone w autorskim programie opartym na metodzie elementów skończonych z jawnym całkowaniem ruchu względem czasu. Wyniki numeryczne porównano z danymi eksperymentalnymi. Główną uwagę zwrócono na lokalizację miejsca pęknięcia. Badania potwierdziły, że miejsce pęknięcia w pobliżu środka próbki, zgodnie z wymaganiami norm, można uzyskać przy małych wartościach współczynnika tarcia. Symulacja numeryczna, w połączeniu z analizą odwrotną, została wykorzystana do oszacowania rzeczywistej wartości współczynnika tarcia w przeprowadzonych próbach tłoczności metodą Nakazimy. Słowa kluczowe: próba tłoczności Nakazimy, wpływ tarcia, lokalizacja pękania, symulacje numeryczne MES, analiza odwrotna Afiliacje autorów:
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6. | Lumelskyj D., Rojek J., Pęcherski R.B., Grosman F.♦, Tkocz M.♦, Numerical simulation of formability tests of pre-deformed steel blanks, ARCHIVES OF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, ISSN: 1644-9665, DOI: 10.1016/j.acme.2012.04.010, Vol.12, No.2, pp.133-141, 2012![]() Streszczenie: This paper presents the results of numerical simulations of the formability tests carried out for a pre-stretched 1 mm thick DC04 steel sheet. Simulation consisted of the subsequent stages as follows: uniaxial stretching of the sheet, unloading and stress relaxation, cutting specimens out of the pre-stretched sheet and bulging the blank with a hemispherical punch. Numerical modeling has been verified by comparison of the simulation results with the experimental ones. Good concordance of the results indicates correct performance of the numerical model and possibility to use it in further theoretical studies. Słowa kluczowe: Sheet forming, Formability, Forming limit diagram, Pre-stretching, Numerical simulation Afiliacje autorów:
| ![]() | 15p. | ||||||||||||||||||
7. | Lumelskyj D., Rojek J., Pęcherski R.B., Grosman F.♦, Tkocz M.♦, Numeryczna symulacja doświadczalnych prób tłoczności wstępnie wyprężonych blach ze stali DC04, HUTNIK - WIADOMOŚCI HUTNICZE, ISSN: 1230-3534, Vol.79, No.1, pp.14-18, 2012![]() Streszczenie: W pracy przedstawiono wyniki symulacji numerycznej próby tłoczności wstępnie wyprężonej blachy ze stali DC04 o grubości 1 mm. Symulacja obejmowała kolejno następujące etapy: wyprężanie blachy, odciążenie, wycięcie wykrojki z blachy wyprężonej oraz próbę wybrzuszania półkulistym stemplem. Wyniki numeryczne porównano z wynikami doświadczalnymi. Uzyskana zgodność wyników wskazuje na prawidłowe działanie modelu numerycznego oraz możliwość wykorzystania go do dalszych badań teoretycznych. Słowa kluczowe: blacha wstępnie wyprężona, próby tłoczności, symulacja numeryczna Afiliacje autorów:
| ![]() | 6p. |
Abstrakty konferencyjne
1. | Lumelskyj D., Rojek J., Pęcherski R.B., Grosman F.♦, Tkocz M.♦, Numerical study of an effect of friction in Nakazima formability test, 8th Workshop on Dynamic Behaviour of Materials and Its Applications in Industrial Processes, 2014-06-25/06-27, Warszawa (PL), pp.45-46, 2014![]() Streszczenie: This paper presents numerical investigations of the influence of friction in the contact between sheet and a punch on sheet deformation in Nakazima type formabilitybtests. The Nakazima test [1] is one of the most comonnly used tests to study experimentally formability of metal sheets. It consits in stretching of a sheet specimen by means of a hemispherical punch until fracture occurs. Słowa kluczowe: formabilty of metal sheets, Nakazima test, numerical simulation, friction effects Afiliacje autorów:
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2. | Lumelskyj D., Rojek J., Pęcherski R.B., Grosman F.♦, Tkocz M.♦, Influence of friction on strain distribution in Nakazima formability test of circular specimen, AutoMetForm/SFU 2014, New Materials for Vehicle Components, 2014-11-03/11-05, Freiburg (DE), pp.214-217, 2014![]() Streszczenie: This paper presents experimental and numerical investigations of the influence of friction on sheet deformation in Nakazima type formability tests. Numerical simulations have been performed using the authors own explicit dynamic finite element program. Strain distribution obtained in numerical analyses has been compared with experimental data. Location of fracture was of major interest in this specimen as required by the standards can be obtained for low value of the friction coefficient. With the increase of the friction coefficient the fracture is displaced further from the center. Słowa kluczowe: formability of metal sheets, Nakazima test, numerical simulation, friction effect, failure location Afiliacje autorów:
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3. | Lumelskyj D., Rojek J., Grosman F.♦, Tkocz M.♦, Hyrcza-Michalska M.♦, Wyznaczanie początku lokalizacji odkształcenia w numerycznej symulacji tłoczenia blach, IX Seminarium Naukowe ZINTEGROWANE STUDIA PODSTAW DEFORMACJI PLASTYCZNEJ METALI PLASTMET, 2014-11-25/11-28, Łańcut (PL), pp.7-8, 2014 | ![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||
4. | Lumelskyj D., Rojek J., Pęcherski R.B., Grosman F.♦, Tkocz M.♦, Numerical investigation of influence of friction on strain distribution and forming limit curve in Nakazima formability test, SolMech 2014, 39th Solid Mechanics Conference, 2014-09-01/09-05, Zakopane (PL), pp.45-46, 2014![]() Streszczenie: This paper presents numerical investigations of the influence of friction in the contact between sheet and a punch on sheet deformation in Nakazima type formability tests. The Nakazima test [1] is one of the most commonly used tests to study experimentally formability of metal sheets. It consists in stretching of a sheet specimen by means of a hemispherical punch until occurrence of fracture. Słowa kluczowe: formability, Nakazima test, influence of friction, numerical simulations, deformation of metal sheets Afiliacje autorów:
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5. | Nowak Z., Grosman F.♦, Lumelskyj D., Nowak M., Pęcherski R.B., Rojek J., Tkocz M.♦, Metal cup deep drawing processes – numerical simulation and experimental verification, SolMech 2014, 39th Solid Mechanics Conference, 2014-09-01/09-05, Zakopane (PL), pp.47-48, 2014![]() Streszczenie: Finite element method is an efficient numerical tool to analyse problems of the sheet metal forming processes in particular cup drawing and stamping. Proper description of material properties is crucial for accurate analysis. In particular, the anisotropy and asymmetry of elastic range, which is related with strength differential effect (SDE), of considered materials play an important role in finite element simulation. For metal forming analysis with use of traditional models many experimental tests are usually needed to obtain the adequate description of anisotropic behaviour of metal sheets. Therefore, the search for new models, which are based on simplified description of the effects of anisotropy and SDE requiring less experimental tests seems to be justified. Słowa kluczowe: metal sheet forming, metal cup deep drawing, FE numerical simulations, strength differential effect, anisotropy and asymmetry of elastic range, transversal isotropy Afiliacje autorów:
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6. | Rojek J., Lumelskyj D., Marczewska I., Grosman F.♦, Tkocz M.♦, Influence of friction on strain distribution in Nakazima formability tests, ICCCM 2013, III International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics, 2013-07-10/07-12, Lecce (IT), pp.95-96, 2013![]() Słowa kluczowe: Friction, contact, metal sheet forming, Nakazima test, failure location Afiliacje autorów:
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7. | Rojek J., Lumelskyj D., Grosman F.♦, Tkocz M.♦, Pęcherski R.B., Chorzępa W.♦, Graniczne krzywe tłoczności przy zmiennych ścieżkach odkształcenia, PLASMET/2012, VIII Seminarium Naukowe Zintegrowane Studia Podstaw Deformacji Plastycznej Metali, 2012-11-20/11-23, Łańcut (PL), pp.x1-x3, 2012 | ![]() | |||||||||||||||||||||
8. | Lumelskyj D., Rojek J., Pęcherski R.B., Grosman F.♦, Tkocz M.♦, Numerical Studies of Formability of Pre-Stretched Steel Sheet, SolMech 2012, 38th Solid Mechanics Conference, 2012-08-27/08-31, Warszawa (PL), pp.172-173, 2012 | ![]() |