Partner: Marek Miller |
Ostatnie publikacje
1. | Chandan D.♦, Tulja Varun K.♦, Miller M.♦, Streltsov A.♦, Entanglement catalysis for quantum states and noisy channels, Quantum 8, ISSN: 2521-327X, DOI: 10.22331/q-2024-03-20-1290, Vol.8, pp.1-20, 2024![]() Streszczenie: Many applications of the emerging quantum technologies, such as quantum teleportation and quantum key distribution, require singlets, maximally entangled states of two quantum bits. It is thus of utmost importance to develop optimal procedures for establishing singlets between remote parties. As has been shown very recently, singlets can be obtained from other quantum states by using a quantum catalyst, an entangled quantum system which is not changed in the procedure. In this work we take this idea further, investigating properties of entanglement catalysis and its role for quantum communication. For transformations between bipartite pure states, we prove the existence of a universal catalyst, which can enable all possible transformations in this setup. We demonstrate the advantage of catalysis in asymptotic settings, going beyond the typical assumption of independent and identically distributed systems. We further develop methods to estimate the number of singlets which can be established via a noisy quantum channel when assisted by entangled catalysts. For various types of quantum channels our results lead to optimal protocols, allowing to establish the maximal number of singlets with a single use of the channel. Afiliacje autorów:
| ![]() | 140p. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
2. | Miller M.♦, Scalici M.♦, Fellous-Asiani M.♦, Streltsov A., Power of noisy quantum states and the advantage of resource dilution, Physical Review A, ISSN: 2469-9926, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.109.022404, Vol.109, pp.022404-1-022404-13, 2024![]() Streszczenie: Entanglement distillation allows to convert noisy quantum states into singlets, which can, in turn, be used for various quantum technological tasks, such as quantum teleportation and quantum key distribution. Entanglement dilution is the inverse process: singlets are converted into quantum states with less entanglement. While the usefulness of distillation is apparent, practical applications of entanglement dilution are less obvious. Here, we show that entanglement dilution can increase the resilience of shared quantum states to local noise. The increased resilience is observed even if diluting singlets into states with arbitrarily little entanglement. We extend our analysis to other quantum resource theories, such as quantum coherence, quantum thermodynamics, and purity. For these resource theories, we demonstrate that diluting pure quantum states into noisy ones can be advantageous for protecting the system from noise. Our results demonstrate the usefulness of quantum resource dilution, and provide a rare example for an advantage of noisy quantum states over pure states in quantum information processing. Afiliacje autorów:
| ![]() | 100p. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
3. | Datta C.♦, Kondra Tulja V.♦, Miller M.♦, Streltsov A.♦, Catalysis of entanglement and other quantum resources, Reports on Progress in Physics, ISSN: 1361-6633, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6633/acfbec, Vol.86, No.11, pp.116002-1-116002-40, 2023 | ![]() | 200p. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
4. | Miller M.♦, Kang-Da W.♦, Scalici M.♦, Kołodyński J.♦, Guo-Yong X.♦, Chuan-Feng L.♦, Guang-Can G.♦, Streltsov A.♦, Optimally preserving quantum correlations and oherence with eternally non-Markovian dynamics, NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS, ISSN: 1367-2630, DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ac6820, Vol.24, pp.1-14, 2022![]() Streszczenie: We demonstrate, both analytically and experimentally, the usefulness of non-Markovianity for preserving correlations and coherence in quantum systems. For this, we consider a broad class of qubit evolutions, having a decoherence matrix separated from zero for large times. While any such Markovian evolution leads to an exponential loss of correlations, non-Markovianity can help to preserve correlations even in the limit t → ∞. In fact, under general assumptions, eternally non-Markovian evolution naturally emerges as the one that allows for optimal preservation of quantum correlations. For covariant qubit evolutions, we also show that non-Markovianity can be used to preserve quantum coherence at all times, which is an important resource for quantum Słowa kluczowe: non-Markovianity, open systems, quantum info, qubits Afiliacje autorów:
| ![]() | 140p. |