Partner: Marco Fellous-Asiani

Ostatnie publikacje
1.Miller M., Scalici M., Fellous-Asiani M., Streltsov A., Power of noisy quantum states and the advantage of resource dilution, Physical Review A, ISSN: 2469-9926, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.109.022404, Vol.109, pp.022404-1-022404-13, 2024


Entanglement distillation allows to convert noisy quantum states into singlets, which can, in turn, be used for various quantum technological tasks, such as quantum teleportation and quantum key distribution. Entanglement dilution is the inverse process: singlets are converted into quantum states with less entanglement. While the usefulness of distillation is apparent, practical applications of entanglement dilution are less obvious. Here, we show that entanglement dilution can increase the resilience of shared quantum states to local noise. The increased resilience is observed even if diluting singlets into states with arbitrarily little entanglement. We extend our analysis to other quantum resource theories, such as quantum coherence, quantum thermodynamics, and purity. For these resource theories, we demonstrate that diluting pure quantum states into noisy ones can be advantageous for protecting the system from noise. Our results demonstrate the usefulness of quantum resource dilution, and provide a rare example for an advantage of noisy quantum states over pure states in quantum information processing.

Afiliacje autorów:

Miller M.-other affiliation
Scalici M.-other affiliation
Fellous-Asiani M.-other affiliation
Streltsov A.-IPPT PAN
2.Moein N., Tulja Varun K., Suchetana G., Fellous-Asiani M., Streltsov A., Entanglement and coherence in the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm, Physical Review A, ISSN: 2469-9926, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.106.062429, No.106, pp.062429-1-062429-13, 2022


Quantum algorithms can outperform their classical counterparts in various tasks, the most prominent example being Shor's algorithm for efficient prime factorization on a quantum computer. It is clear that one of the reasons for the speedup is the superposition principle of quantum mechanics, which allows a quantum processor to be in a superposition of different states at the same time. While such a superposition can lead to entanglement across different qubits of the processors, there also exist quantum algorithms that outperform classical ones using superpositions of individual qubits without entangling them. As an example, the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm allows one to determine a bit string encoded into an oracle. While the classical version of the algorithm requires multiple calls of the oracle to learn the bit string, a single query of the oracle is enough in the quantum case. In this article, we analyze in detail the quantum resources in the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm. For this, we introduce and study its probabilistic version, where the goal is to guess the bit string after a single call of the oracle. We show that in the absence of entanglement, the performance of the algorithm is directly related to the amount of quantum coherence in the initial state. We further demonstrate that a large amount of entanglement in the initial state prevents the algorithm from achieving optimal performance. We also apply our methods to quantum computation with mixed states, proving that pseudopure states achieve optimal performance for a given purity in the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm. We further investigate quantum resources in the one clean qubit model, showing that the model can exhibit speedup over any known classical algorithm even with an arbitrarily little amount of multipartite entanglement, general quantum correlations, and coherence.

Afiliacje autorów:

Moein N.-other affiliation
Tulja Varun K.-other affiliation
Suchetana G.-other affiliation
Fellous-Asiani M.-other affiliation
Streltsov A.-other affiliation