Pieczyska E.A., Staszczak M., Tobushi H., Takeda K., Matsui R., Hayashi S., Shape memory polymer - influence of temperature, strain rate and the loading history on the stress-strain curves, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P194, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Staszczak M., Pieczyska E.A., Tobushi H., Thermomechanical analysis of polyurethane shape memory polymer in cyclic loading – shape recovery and shape fixity, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P189, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Paprocki B., Pręgowska A., Szczepański J., Information Processing in Brain-Inspired Networks: Size and Density Effects, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P192, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Golasiński K., Pieczyska E., Staszczak M., Maj M., Furuta T., Kuramoto S., Thermomechanical behavior of gum metal under cyclic loading, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P208, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Jankowski Ł., On-off damping of free vibrations and optimum actuator placement, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), 1-2, 2016 |  |
Postek E., Dubois F., Mozul R., Canadas P., Modelling of a Collection of Non-Rigid Particles with Smooth Discrete Element Method, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), 1-, 2016 |  |
Postek E., Sadowski T., A Crack Model Around Junctions in WC/Co Composite, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), 1-, 2016 |  |
Tůma K., Stupkiewicz S., Petryk H., The effect of twin spacing on the morphology of austenite-twinned martensite interface, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P069, 1-, 2016 |  |
Makowska K., Kowalewski Z.L., Barkhausen noise and magnetoacoustic emission as a potential tools for mechanical properties estimation of ferromagnetic materials, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P240, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Moćko W., Grzywna P., Kowalewski Z.L., Radziejewska J., Constitutive behaviour of DP500 steel exposed to prior cyclic loadings, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P188, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Rojek J., Nosewicz S., Maździarz M., Kowalczyk P., Wawrzyk K., Modelling of powder sintering at various scales, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P193, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Wawrzyk K., Kowalczyk P., Macroscopic constitutive model of sintering processes and its numerical implementation, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P210, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Radziejewska J., Sarzyński A., Strzelec M., Hoffman J., Moćko W., Evaluation of dynamic hardness and adhesion of thin layer using nanosecond laser pulse, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P232, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Chrzanowska J., Denis P., Mościcki T., Hoffman J., Garbiec D., Frąś L., Szymański Z., Characterization of tungsten boride layers deposited in pulsed laser ablation process, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P257, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Poniżnik Z., Nowak Z., Basista M., Numerical modeling of fracture toughness of metal-ceramic interpenetrating phase composites with account of material microstructure, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P198, 1-2, 2016 |  |