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1 Brachaczek A., Glinicki M.A., Manninger T., Krispel S. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Alkali-Aggregate Reaction in Concrete ICAAR 2024, RILEM Bookseries 49

Comparative ASR performance of concrete at external alkali supply
Springer Nature 2024

2024 266-274 angielski
2 Tarelnyk V., Haponova O., Mościcki T., Tarelnyk N. Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing VII

Improving a Process for Completing a Positive Connection of Hub-Shaft Type Using Combine Methods

2024 392-402 angielski
3 Tarelnyk V., Haponova O., Mościcki T., Tarelnyk N. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

Improving a Process for Completing a Positive Connection of Hub-Shaft Type Using Combine Methods

2024 392-402 angielski
4 Haponova O., Tarelnyk V., Marchenko S., Tarelnyk N., Konoplianchenko I. Advanced Structured Materials. Nanocomposite and Nanocrystalline Materials and Coatings

The Development of Nanostructuring Method Metal Surfaces by Electrospark Alloying

2024 181-199 angielski
5 Kukla D. Metody nieniszczące w ocenie rozwoju uszkodzenia materiałów konstrukcyjnych w warunkach obciążeń eksploatacyjnych

Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki Polskiej Akademii Nauk

2023 1-168 polski
6 Haponova O. Mechanical engineering: a postgraduate textbook

Methodology of hardening effects on the working surfaces of machine parts by concentrated sources energies
Ministerstwo Oświaty i Nauki Ukrainy, Sumski Narodowy Rolniczy Uniwersytet

2023 621 406-465 ukraiński
7 Kopeć M., Politis D. Advances in Sheet Metal Forming Processes of Lightweight Alloys


ISBN 978-3-0365-8916-9 (Hbk) ISBN 978-3-
2023 1-171 angielski
8 Kowalewski Z. L., Kopeć M., Rudnik D., Widłaszewski J. Book of Abstracts. 19th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics

Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences

2022 1-380 angielski
9 Kowalewski Z.L., Pieczyska E. Proceedings of The 19th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Phys. Sci. Forum

Physical Sciences Forum, MDPI, St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerland

2022 4 1-34 angielski
10 Altenbach H., Brünig M., Kowalewski Z.L. Plasticity, Damage and Fracture in Advanced Materials

Springer International Publishing

2020 121 1-213 angielski
11 Glinicki M.A. Inżynieria betonowych nawierzchni drogowych

Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN

2019 1-374 polski
12 Wójcik J., Żołek N., Lewandowski M. Advances in Acoustics 2016

Influence of transmission-reception characteristics of ultrasound transducers on statistics of echoesfrom nonhomogeneous media
Polish Acoustical Society, Warsaw Division, Institute of Fundamental Technological Research PAS

2016 627-633 angielski
13 Colmenares J.C., Magdziarz A., Lisowski P. Perovskites and Related Mixed Oxides: Concepts and Applications

Application of Microwave and Ultrasound Irradiation in the Synthesis of Perovskite-Type Oxides ABO3
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA

2016 5 91-112 angielski
14 Kopeć M. Monograph of 4th European Young Engineers Conference

Preparation of abrasion resistant ceramic – intermetallics composites using sintering method with the exothermic reaction
Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology

2015 102-120 angielski
15 Brandt A.M., Olek J., Glinicki M.A., Leung K.Y. Brittle Matrix Composites - 11

Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warsaw

2015 1-500 angielski
16 Brandt A.M., Olek J., Glinicki M.A., Leung C.K.Y. Brittle Matrix Composites - 10

Woodhead Publishing Ltd, Cambridge and Institute of Fundamental Technological Research, Warsaw

2013 1-409 angielski