mgr inż. Michał Marijnissen

Ostatnie publikacje
1.Marijnissen M.J., Graczykowski C., Rojek J., Simulation of the comminution process in a high-speed rotor mill based on the feed's macroscopic material data, Minerals engineering, ISSN: 0892-6875, DOI: 10.1016/j.mineng.2020.106746, Vol.163, pp.106746-1-11, 2021


In this paper, we present a method that allows for the quick and efficient simulation of the comminution process in high-speed rotor mills. The method requires only the feed’s macroscopic material data and the geometry of the machine. Consisting of two stages, the method couples Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with the Discrete Element Method (DEM) to obtain the collisional velocities and angles of a representative group of particles passing through the machine. Due to this coupling, any mill which relies on fluid forces acting on the ore particles can be simulated. After obtaining these values, the second stage commences wherein a single ore particle consisting of DEM elements collides against a rigid surface. The data obtained from this stage is then used to determine the minimum required working parameters of the chosen machine to achieve proper ore comminution. The proposed methodology was applied to analyse the novel concept of using beater mills for the comminution of copper ore.

Słowa kluczowe:

CFD, DEM, comminution modelling, particle breakage, beater mill, sandstone, copper ore

Afiliacje autorów:

Marijnissen M.J.-IPPT PAN
Graczykowski C.-IPPT PAN
2.Zaremba D., Błoński S., Marijnissen M.J., Korczyk P.M., Fixing the direction of droplets in a bifurcating microfluidic junction, MICROFLUIDICS AND NANOFLUIDICS, ISSN: 1613-4982, DOI: 10.1007/s10404-019-2218-x, Vol.23, pp.55-1-18, 2019


We present a novel type of microfluidic bifurcating junctions which fixes the droplet's route. Unlike in regular junctions, where a droplet chooses one of two outputs depending on the (often instantaneous) flow distribution, our modifications direct droplets only to one preferred outlet. As we show, this solution works properly regardless of the variations of flow distribution in a wide range of its amplitude. Such modified junctions allow for the encoding of the droplet's traffic in the geometry of the device. We compare in a series of experiments different junctions having channels of uniform square cross section. Our observations revealed that a small, local modification of the junction in the form of an additional shallow slit imposes a significant consequence for the flow of droplets at an entire microfluidic network's scale. Another interesting and helpful feature of these new junctions is that they keep the integrity of long droplets, unlike regular junctions, which tend to split long droplets. Our experimental investigations revealed a complex transformation of the long droplet during its transfer through the modified junction. We show that this transformation resembles the Baker's transform and can be used for the enhancement of mixing inside the droplets. Finally, we show two examples of microfluidic devices where the deterministic character of these modified junctions is utilized to obtain new, non-trivial functionalities. This approach can be used for the engineering of microfluidic devices with embedded procedures replacing active elements like valves or magnetic/electric fields.

Słowa kluczowe:

droplet, microfluidics, two-phase, manipulations

Afiliacje autorów:

Zaremba D.-IPPT PAN
Błoński S.-IPPT PAN
Marijnissen M.J.-IPPT PAN
Korczyk P.M.-IPPT PAN
3.Zaremba D., Błoński S., Jachimek M., Marijnissen M.J., Jakieła S., Korczyk P.M., Investigations of modular microfluidic geometries for passive manipulations on droplets, BULLETIN OF THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES, ISSN: 0239-7528, DOI: 10.24425/119068, Vol.66, No.2, pp.139-149, 2018


Multiple pipetting is a standard laboratory procedure resulting in the compartmentalisation of a liquid sample. Microfluidics offers techniques which can replace this process by the use of tiny droplets. Passive manipulation on droplets is an interesting and promising approach for the design of microfluidic devices which on one hand are easy-to-use and on the other, execute complex laboratory procedures. We present a comprehensive study of the geometry of microfluidic components which encode different operations on droplets into the structure of the device. The understanding of hydrodynamic interactions between the continuous flow and a droplet travelling through confined space of nontrivial microfluidic geometries is crucial for a rational and efficient design of new generation of modular microfluidic processors with embedded instructions.

Słowa kluczowe:

microfluidics, two-phase flows, droplets

Afiliacje autorów:

Zaremba D.-IPPT PAN
Błoński S.-IPPT PAN
Jachimek M.-other affiliation
Marijnissen M.J.-IPPT PAN
Jakieła S.-Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences (PL)
Korczyk P.M.-IPPT PAN

Prace konferencyjne
1.Marijnissen M.J., Graczykowski C., Rojek J., Two-stage method for the simulation of the comminution process in a high-speed beater mill, MEC-2017, MINERAL ENGINEERING CONFERENCE, 2017-09-20/09-23, Wisła (PL), DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/201712301011, Vol.18, pp.01011-1-7, 2017


The paper presents a two-stage simplified method for the simulation of comminution process which takes place in a beater mill. The first stage of the proposed method is a simulation of the flow of gas and ore particles through a mill based on a two-phase continuous-discrete model. It allows to capture the interaction between the fluid flow and embedded particles, to determine trajectories of their motion and average velocities and frequencies of their collisions against the flywheel and the mill's walls. The second stage of the proposed method is a discrete element method simulation of the process of comminution of a single ore particle. It allows to determine the size distribution of created smaller particles in terms of normal velocity and angle of impact and to estimate the global efficiency of the comminution process. The proposed simulation methodology is applied for the verification of the innovative concept of the pplication of high–speed beater mill for the comminution of the copper ore.

Afiliacje autorów:

Marijnissen M.J.-IPPT PAN
Graczykowski C.-IPPT PAN
2.Marijnissen M.J., Rojek J., Particle-fluid interaction inside a beater mill, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: CONFERENCE SERIES, ISSN: 1742-6588, DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/760/1/012017, Vol.760, pp.1-8, 2016


In this work a trajectory study of copper ore particles through a fan mill was performed with the use of a commercial CFD code, ANSYS Fluent, coupled with DEM (Discrete Element Method). Particles of different sizes were analysed. Results highlight ore behaviour, fluid flow conditions and mark places requiring geometrical improvements.

Słowa kluczowe:

CFD, DEM, beater mill

Afiliacje autorów:

Marijnissen M.J.-IPPT PAN
3.Rojek J., Graczykowski C., Marijnissen M.J., Szolc T., Marczewska I., Możliwości wykorzystania dyskretnych metod modelowania do symulacji procesów mechanicznego urabiania i przeróbki rud metali, ICNOP 2015, XI Międzynarodowa Konferencja Przeróbki Rud Metali Nieżelaznych, 2015-05-27/05-29, Trzebieszowice (PL), pp.60-67, 2015


Modelowanie i symulacje numeryczne są obecnie nieodłączną częścią projektowania i optymalizacji różnorodnych procesów technologicznych. Zastosowanie metod numerycznych w projektowaniu procesów mechanicznego urabiania i przeróbki rud metali jest w dalszym ciągu stosunkowo niewielkie. Procesy odspajania kawałków skały od calizny i ich rozdrobnienia z zastosowaniem różnego rodzaju maszyn, wiążą się silnie nieciągłymi zjawiskami zniszczenia materiału i są bardzo trudne do modelowania za pomocą standardowych metod numerycznych, takich jak metoda elementów skończonych, opartych na ciągłym sformułowaniu zagadnienia mechaniki ciała stałego. Duże możliwości w zastosowaniu do tych procesów ma intensywnie rozwijana w ostatnich latach metoda elementów dyskretnych, w której materiał jest reprezentowany przez liczny zbiór ziaren, oddziałujących między sobą poprzez siły kontaktu. Model ten w sposób naturalny uwzględnia materiał rozdrobniony. Uwzględnienie wiązań kohezyjnych między ziarnami oraz możliwości ich zrywania umożliwia modelowanie inicjacji i propagacji pęknięć w materiale. W niniejszej pracy zostaną przedstawione możliwości wykorzystania metody elementów dyskretnych do symulacji urabiania skał za pomocą noży stożkowych i dysków oraz do symulacji zachowania się materiału w młynie. Sprzężenie metody elementów dyskretnych z modelem przepływu płynu umożliwi modelowanie zawiesiny pyłowej rozdrabnianego materiału.

Słowa kluczowe:

modelowanie dyskretne, mechaniczne urabianie, rudy metali

Afiliacje autorów:

Graczykowski C.-IPPT PAN
Marijnissen M.J.-IPPT PAN
Marczewska I.-IPPT PAN

Abstrakty konferencyjne
1.Marijnissen M.J., Graczykowski C., Rojek J., Computational Fluid Dynamics and Discrete Element Method coupling utilized for the simulation of particle comminution in newly designed beater mills, COUPLED 2019, VIII International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, 2019-06-03/06-05, Sitges (ES), pp.1, 2019
2.Marijnissen M.J., Graczykowski C., Rojek J., Two-stage CFD-DEM (Computational Fluid Dynamics – Discrete Element Method) approach for the simulation of particle comminution inside a beater mill, YIC2019, 5th ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference, 2019-09-01/09-06, Kraków (PL), pp.1-2, 2019
3.Marijnissen M.J., Rojek J., Particle-fluid interaction inside a fan mill, EPFDC, 8th European Postgradute Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2016-07-06/07-09, Warszawa (PL), pp.62, 2016


Fan mills, although generally used in coal comminution, show potential for the use with other minerals. They achieve high internal fluid velocities due to a spinning flywheel with its axis of revolutions normal to the flow. After hitting the flywheel, the ore is shed upward into a filter, where particles small enough are passed further on towards the next process stage. Particles considered too big are recirculated back onto the flywheel. In this work a trajectory study of copper ore particles through a fan mill was performed with the use of a commercial CFD code, ANSYS Fluent, coupled two-way with DEM (Discrete Element Method). Particles of different sizes were analysed. Results highlight ore behaviour, fluid flow conditions and mark places requiring geometrical improvements.

Afiliacje autorów:

Marijnissen M.J.-IPPT PAN
4.Marijnissen M.J., Rojek J., Particle-fluid interaction inside a beater mill, XXII Fluid Mechanics Conference, 2016-09-11/09-14, Słok k/Bełchatowa (PL), pp.127-128, 2016


In this work a trajectory study of copper ore particles through a fan mill was performed with the use of a commercial CFD code, ANSYS Fluent, coupled with DEM (Discrete Element Method). Particles of different sizes were analysed. Results highlight ore behaviour, fluid flow conditions and mark places requiring geometrical improvements.

Słowa kluczowe:

CFD, DEM, Beater mill

Afiliacje autorów:

Marijnissen M.J.-IPPT PAN

Numer/data zgłoszenia patentowego
Ogłoszenie o zgłoszeniu patentowym
Twórca / twórcy
Kraj i Nazwa uprawnionego z patentu
Numer patentu
Ogłoszenie o udzieleniu patentu
BUP 22/2021
Konowrocki R., Marijnissen M., Szolc T. A.
Sposób intensyfikacji procesu rozdrabniania surowców mineralnych oraz urządzenie do rozdrabniania surowców mineralnych
PL, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN