dr inż. Błażej Popławski

Zakład Technologii Inteligentnych (ZTI)
Pracownia Inżynierii Bezpieczeństwa (PIB)
stanowisko: adiunkt
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e-mail: bpop

2021-11-04Semi-active mitigation of vibrations in frame structures by using structural joints with a controllable ability to transmit moments 
promotor -- dr hab. inż. Łukasz Jankowski, IPPT PAN
promotor pomocniczy -- dr hab. inż. Grzegorz Mikułowski, IPPT PAN
Ostatnie publikacje
1.Faraj R., Popławski B., Gabryel D., Mikułowski G., Wiszowaty R., On optimization of an adaptive pneumatic impact absorber – the innovative rescue cushion, BULLETIN OF THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES: TECHNICAL SCIENCES, ISSN: 0239-7528, DOI: 10.24425/bpasts.2025.153436, pp.1-12, 2025


The paper states a complex study on the adaptive rescue cushion and concerns a problem of efficient impact mitigation, which is present during evacuation or assurance of people conducted by fire brigades. In order to minimize negative effects of person’s fall from height an airbag system is applied. Unfortunately, until now only passive solutions have been used. As a result, loads acting on a landing person were not minimized, because passive systems are designed for predefined, extreme conditions. Since the authors proposed to introduce adaptation mechanisms into the rescue cushion, a number of issues arose. They include construction and control of release vents, taking into account the inaccuracies of estimated impact parameters, and optimization of the venting area in case the evacuated person lands outside the airbag’s
center. All these problems were addressed within this paper and described in detail. Discussion on the system adaptation and its optimization was preceded by experimental validation of a numerical model. The energy absorbing capabilities of widely used passive rescue cushions were significantly enhanced as a result of the conducted research.

Słowa kluczowe:

adaptive airbag, Adaptive Impact Absorption, inflatable structure, pneumatic absorber, rescue cushion

Afiliacje autorów:

Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Gabryel D.-other affiliation
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Wiszowaty R.-IPPT PAN
2.Jankowski Ł., Pisarski D., Konowrocki R., Popławski B., Faraj R., Efficient real-time positioning using Bayesian analysis and magnetic anomaly field, MEASUREMENT, ISSN: 0263-2241, DOI: 10.1016/j.measurement.2024.114738, Vol.233, pp.114738-1-114738-13, 2024


Despite the prevalence of well-established and explored navigation systems, alternative localization methods are currently the focus of intensive research. This interest is driven by geopolitical challenges and increasingly sophisticated applications of mobile robots and uncrewed aerial vehicles. This study investigates the problem of real-time positioning in GPS-denied environments. Based on the mapped magnetic anomaly field and using Bayesian formalism for data fusion, the localization obtained from embedded sensors is corrected to reduce cumulative errors. The proposed method has minimal computational cost and a minimal number of tunable parameters. The paper introduces it and demonstrates its effectiveness in a laboratory study. Experimental tests, using a system equipped with an Inertial Measurement Unit, demonstrated a significant reduction in localization uncertainty. The improvement was especially notable in areas with large, smooth variations in the magnetic field. Finally, the accuracy of the method is analyzed, and its performance is compared to a particle filter.

Słowa kluczowe:

Sensor fusion, Bayesian inference, Real-time positioning, Magnetic anomaly, Intelligent navigation system

Afiliacje autorów:

Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
Pisarski D.-IPPT PAN
Konowrocki R.-IPPT PAN
Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
3.Ostrowski M., Jedlińska A., Popławski B., Błachowski B., Mikułowski G., Pisarski D., Jankowski , Sliding Mode Control for Semi-Active Damping of Vibrations Using On/Off Viscous Structural Nodes, Buildings, ISSN: 2075-5309, DOI: 10.3390/buildings13020348, Vol.13, No.2, pp.1-16, 2023


Structural vibrations have adverse effects and can lead to catastrophic failures. Among various methods for mitigation of vibrations, the semi-active control approaches have the advantage of not requiring a large external power supply. In this paper, we propose and test a sliding mode control method for the semi-active mitigation of vibrations in frame structures. The control forces are generated in a purely dissipative manner by means of on/off type actuators that take the form of controllable structural nodes. These nodes are essentially lockable hinges, modeled as viscous dampers, which are capable of the on/off control of the transmission of bending moments between the adjacent beams. The control aim is formulated in terms of the displacement of a selected degree of freedom. A numerically effective model of such a node is developed, and the proposed control method is verified in a numerical experiment of a four-story shear structure subjected to repeated random seismic excitations. In terms of the root-mean-square displacement, the control reduced the response by 48.4-78.4% on average, depending on the number and placement of the applied actuators. The peak mean amplitude at the first mode of natural vibrations was reduced by as much as 70.6-96.5%. Such efficiency levels confirm that the proposed control method can effectively mitigate vibrations in frame structures.

Słowa kluczowe:

semi-active control,sliding mode control,structural control,controllable nodes,on/off nodes,damping of vibrations

Afiliacje autorów:

Ostrowski M.-IPPT PAN
Jedlińska A.-IPPT PAN
Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Błachowski B.-IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Pisarski D.-IPPT PAN
Jankowski -IPPT PAN
4.Faraj R., Popławski B., Gabryel D., Kowalski T., Hinc K., Adaptive airbag system for increased evacuation safety, ENGINEERING STRUCTURES, ISSN: 0141-0296, DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2022.114853, Vol.270, pp.114853-1-5, 2022


This short communication is aimed at indication of a significant problem to be solved by researchers working in the field of engineering structures. The contribution concerns a very important application of a rescue cushion, which is an airbag system devoted to the impact mitigation appearing during evacuation of people from heights. Although, a very similar in the principle of their operation, car airbags have been thoroughly tested, rescue cushions have not received sufficient attention. It should be emphasized that the performance of the actually operated devices is far from sufficient and even fatal accidents occur. The authors identified the problem and have initiated a study, which includes numerical simulation and experimental validation of the impact absorption process, as well as the elaboration of a suitable adaptive solution.

Słowa kluczowe:

adaptive airbag, Adaptive Impact Absorption, inflatable structure, pneumatic absorber, rescue air cushion

Afiliacje autorów:

Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Gabryel D.-other affiliation
Kowalski T.-Adaptronica Sp. z o.o. (PL)
Hinc K.-other affiliation
5.Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Wiszowaty R., Jankowski Ł., Mitigation of forced vibrations by semi-active control of local transfer of moments, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, ISSN: 0888-3270, DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2021.107733, Vol.157, pp.107733-1-16, 2021


This paper proposes and tests a semi-active method for mitigation of random and harmonic forced vibrations of frame structures. The method is based on the Prestress Accumulation-Release (PAR) strategy, and it stimulates the transfer of vibration energy from low-order into high-order natural modes of vibration. Due to their high-frequency, the target high-order modes are efficiently mitigated by standard material damping mechanisms. The control is based on local reconfiguration of nodal ability to transfer moments between adjacent beams, which might be momentarily suppressed for selected nodes: performed at the maximum of the local bending strain, such a suppression stimulates a sudden release of the accumulated strain energy into high-frequency local and global vibrations. The effectiveness of the approach is confirmed numerically and experimentally in mitigation of low-frequency vibrations, including resonance conditions, of a slender planar frame structure subjected to harmonic, sweep and random forced excitations.

Słowa kluczowe:

damping of vibrations, smart structures, semi-active control, decentralized control, truss–frame nodes

Afiliacje autorów:

Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Wiszowaty R.-IPPT PAN
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
6.Ostrowski M., Błachowski B., Popławski B., Pisarski D., Mikułowski G., Jankowski Ł., Semi‐active modal control of structures with lockable joints: general methodology and applications, STRUCTURAL CONTROL AND HEALTH MONITORING, ISSN: 1545-2255, DOI: 10.1002/stc.2710, Vol.28, No.5, pp.e2710-1-24, 2021


In this study, a novel modal control strategy by means of semi-actively lockable joints is proposed. The control strategy allows for a directed flow of energy between vibrational modes, which makes it suitable not only for vibration attenuation purposes but also for energy scavenging driven by electromechanical energy harvesters. The proposed control strategy is an extension of the prestress-accumulation release (PAR) technique; however, it introduces also new concepts that increase the efficiency of the overall control system. Contrary to the PAR, the proposed method requires measurement of both strains in the vicinity of the semi-active joints and translational velocities that provide global information about system behavior. The latter aspect requires the control system to be organized within a hierarchical feedback architecture. The benefit from this higher complexity of the control system is its better performance compared to the PAR. The proposed semi-active modal control not only attenuates structural vibration faster, but it also achieves this goal with a smaller number of switches implemented in the joints. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology has been demonstrated on structures equipped with two lockable joints. Two practical examples have been investigated: one employs the concept of vibration-based energy harvesting for a two-story frame structure, while the second one reduces vibration of an eight-story frame structure subjected to kinematic excitation.

Słowa kluczowe:

energy harvesting, lockable joint, modal coupling, semi-active control, vibration attenuation

Afiliacje autorów:

Ostrowski M.-IPPT PAN
Błachowski B.-IPPT PAN
Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Pisarski D.-IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
7.Mikułowski G., Popławski B., Jankowski Ł., Semi-active vibration control based on switchable transfer of bending moments: study and experimental validation of control performance, SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES, ISSN: 0964-1726, DOI: 10.1088/1361-665X/abe33b, Vol.30, No.4, pp.045005-1-045005-22, 2021


This paper presents an experimental approach to assessment of semi-active vibration control systems based on the Prestress-Accumulation Release concept. The objectives are threefold: 1) to introduce an experimental validation method for control algorithms based on switchable transfer of moments, 2) to propose a method to assess experimentally the control effects on structural dynamic response under several types of excitation, and 3) to propose an approach for adequate sensor placement. A laboratory frame demonstrator equipped with dedicated semi-active nodes is used. The proposed approach is based on spectral responses and modal analysis. According to the presented findings, the investigated control is effective in reducing the vibration level while keeping the structural dynamic stiffness at a proper level. The investigation is conducted in the case of free response, as well as responses to impact loading and random excitation. The results confirm the accuracy of the adopted algorithm parameters and reveal the sensor locations that provide the best control effectiveness.

Afiliacje autorów:

Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
8.Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Orłowska A., Jankowski Ł., On/off nodal reconfiguration for global structural control of ‎smart 2D frames, Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, ISSN: 2383-4536, DOI: 10.22055/jacm.2020.32454.2016, Vol.7, No.SI, pp.1121-1129, 2021


This paper proposes an on/off semi-active control approach for mitigation of free structural vibrations, designed for application in 2D smart frame structures. The approach is rooted in the Prestress-Accumulation Release (PAR) control strategies. The feedback signal is the global strain energy of the structure, or its approximation in the experimental setup. The actuators take the form of on/off nodes with a controllable ability to transfer moments (blockable hinges). Effectiveness of the approach is confirmed in a numerical simulation, as well as using a laboratory experimental test stand.

Słowa kluczowe:

structural reconfiguration, structural control, semi-active control, frame structures, controllable nodes‎

Afiliacje autorów:

Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Orłowska A.-IPPT PAN
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
9.Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Pisarski D., Wiszowaty R., Jankowski Ł., Optimum actuator placement for damping of vibrations using the prestress-accumulation release control approach, SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS, ISSN: 1738-1584, DOI: 10.12989/sss.2019.24.1.027, Vol.24, No.1, pp.27-35, 2019


This paper proposes a quantitative criterion for optimization of actuator placement for the Prestress–Accumulation Release (PAR) strategy of mitigation of vibrations. The PAR strategy is a recently developed semi-active control approach that relies on controlled redistribution of vibration energy into high-order modes, which are high-frequency and thus effectively dissipated by means of the natural mechanisms of material damping. The energy transfer is achieved by a controlled temporary removal of selected structural constraints. This paper considers a short-time decoupling of rotational degrees of freedom in a frame node so that the bending moments temporarily cease to be transferred between the involved beams. We propose and test a quantitative criterion for placement of such actuators. The criterion is based on local modal strain energy that can be released into high-order modes. The numerical time complexity is linear with respect to the number of actuators and potential placements, which facilitates quick analysis in case of large structures.

Słowa kluczowe:

semi-active control, damping of vibrations, actuator placement, smart structures, prestress-accumulation release (PAR)

Afiliacje autorów:

Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Pisarski D.-IPPT PAN
Wiszowaty R.-IPPT PAN
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
10.Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Mróz A., Jankowski Ł., Decentralized semi-active damping of free structural vibrations by means of structural nodes with an on/off ability to transmit moments, MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, ISSN: 0888-3270, DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2017.08.012, Vol.100, pp.926-939, 2018


This paper proposes, tests numerically and verifies experimentally a decentralized control algorithm with local feedback for semi-active mitigation of free vibrations in frame structures. The algorithm aims at transferring the vibration energy of low-order, lightly-damped structural modes into high-frequency modes of vibration, where it is quickly damped by natural mechanisms of material damping. Such an approach to mitigation of vibrations, known as the prestress-accumulation release (PAR) strategy, has been earlier applied only in global control schemes to the fundamental vibration mode of a cantilever beam. In contrast, the decentralization and local feedback allows the approach proposed here to be applied to more complex frame structures and vibration patterns, where the global control ceases to be intuitively obvious. The actuators (truss–frame nodes with controllable ability to transmit moments) are essentially unblockable hinges that become unblocked only for very short time periods in order to trigger local modal transfer of energy. The paper proposes a computationally simple model of the controllable nodes, specifies the control performance measure, yields basic characteristics of the optimum control, proposes the control algorithm and then tests it in numerical and experimental examples.

Słowa kluczowe:

Damping of vibrations, Smart structures, Semi-active control, Decentralized control, Truss-frame nodes

Afiliacje autorów:

Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Mróz A.-other affiliation
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN

Prace konferencyjne
1.Pisarski D., Faraj R., Jankowski Ł., Konowrocki R., Popławski B., Improving Positioning Accuracy using Particle Filter with Enhanced IMU Velocity Estimation, ACC 2024, 2024 American Control Conference, 2024-07-10/07-12, Toronto (CA), pp.1-1, 2024


The study introduces a methodology that integrates a novel velocity estimation approach with the Particle Filter for accurately estimating the position of an object navigating within a magnetic anomaly field. To accurately determine position in GPS-denied environments, the acceleration measurements obtained from the Inertial Measurement Unit are augmented with magnetic field measurements and a previously designed magnetic anomaly map. Then, Bayesian statistics are employed to fuse information from the Inertial Measurement Unit and magnetometer, enabling accurate estimation of the object's velocity. The estimated velocity serves as input for the propagation model within the Particle Filter, which accurately predicts the object's position. This study showcases the efficacy of Bayesian-based velocity estimation in enhancing the classical Particle Filter approach, resulting in an approximate 40-55% reduction in the mean trajectory error. This refined methodology holds promise for applications across diverse domains, including GPS-independent navigation for vehicles

Afiliacje autorów:

Pisarski D.-IPPT PAN
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
Konowrocki R.-IPPT PAN
Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
2.Ostrowski M., Jedlińska A., Popławski B., Błachowski B., Mikułowski G., Pisarski D., Jankowski Ł., Semi-active sliding-mode control for local mitigation of structural vibrations by means of on/off nodes, SMART 2023, 10th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, 2023-07-03/07-05, Patras (GR), pp.538-548, 2023


This contribution presents a sliding-mode control approach for the mitigation of vibrations in frame-like structures. The control is implemented in a semi-active manner, that is, without significant external control forces and substantial power consumption, which are typical for active control approaches. Here, the control is achieved through dynamic, lowcost modification of properties at selected structural nodes. The employed actuators have the untypical form of two-state hinges, which can switch between two extreme states: no transfer of bending moments (effectively a hinge) and full transfer of bending moments (a locked hinge or a typical frame node). Consequently, the control forces are dissipative and coupled to the response. Previous research in this area focused on purely energetic considerations, aiming for global damping of vibrations. In contrast, this paper formulates the control objective in terms of local displacements of a selected degree of freedom, which can be interpreted as the task of isolating it from external excitations. This formulation is employed to define the target sliding hyperplane. The state of the actuators is chosen such that the effective control forces push the structural state toward the target hyperplane. The approach is verified in a numerical example of a six-story shear-type structure subjected to random seismic excitation.

Słowa kluczowe:

Structural control, Semi-active control, Sliding mode control, On/off nodes

Afiliacje autorów:

Ostrowski M.-IPPT PAN
Jedlińska A.-IPPT PAN
Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Błachowski B.-IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Pisarski D.-IPPT PAN
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
3.Popławski B., Faraj R., Gabryel D., ON INFLUENCE OF DELAYED ADAPTATION OF INFLATABLE SCTRUCTURE FOR EVACUATION OF PEOPLE AT HEIGHTS, SMART 2023, 10th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, 2023-07-03/07-05, Patras (GR), DOI: 10.7712/150123.9803.444290, pp.1-9, 2023


Our study presents the research on elaboration of a novel type of the rescue air cushion, which is an inflatable structure used by fire brigades for evacuation of people at heights. The goal of our work is to increase its injury prevention capabilities. We consider the system based on an airframe filled with a compressed gas and a double-chamber airbag, which exchanges the air with environment. Discussed research includes modelling of the system, numerical simulations of its dynamic behavior and description of the dedicated adaptive solution. Practical implementations of the original ideas are conducted using the rescue cushion in 1:2 scale and a full-scale demonstrator of semi-passive valves. According to the already obtained results it is experimentally proven that a significant improvement of the system’s characteristics can be achieved by introducing valves of simple construction [1]. In this study the influence of a delayed start of the adaptation procedure is investigated in detail. Obtained conclusions are used in order to indicate directions of further system development, which will concern, among others, estimation of the impacting body trajectory and identification of the impact position.

Słowa kluczowe:

Adaptive Impact Absorption, Airbag system, Dynamic characteristics optimization, Impact mitigation, Rescue cushion, Pneumatic shock-absorber.

Afiliacje autorów:

Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Gabryel D.-other affiliation
4.Faraj R., Popławski B., Hinc K., Preliminary study on modelling and optimization of the rescue cushion system, ISMA2020 / USD2020, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering / International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 2020-09-07/09-09, Leuven (BE), pp.2675-2684, 2020


The paper is aimed at modelling and optimization of a rescue cushion system, which is a device used by fire brigades for evacuation of people from buildings. The goal of the study is an improvement of the system response under various operational conditions. For faster and cheaper analysis of the system performance and further development of the complex structure of the rescue cushion system, a dedicated dynamical model is elaborated. Implemented numerical model is further applied for the parametric study in order to evaluate the influence of selected airbag parameters on the effectiveness of impact mitigation process and to determine possible improvements of the actual system design. In particular, adaptation of the rescue cushion to the mass of landing person, as well as to the initial velocity, is analyzed. Simultaneously, the necessity of meeting all the functional and operational requirements is taken into account. The most promising directions of further research are indicated.

Afiliacje autorów:

Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Hinc K.-other affiliation
5.Mikułowski G., Popławski B., Jankowski Ł., An experimental investigation of the prestress accumulation release strategy for local mitigation of structural vibrations, SMART 2019, 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, 2019-07-08/07-11, Paris (FR), pp.323-332, 2019


This contribution presents an experimental analysis of the control system configuration for a semi-active frame structure. The structure is equipped with a system that implements a Prestress Accumulation Release strategy for mitigation of vibration. A proper distribution of the sensors for monitoring the actual state of the structure is the key factor that determines the overall effectiveness of the applied strategy. The results and findings presented here reveal a set of basic rules dedicated to solving this crucial issue.

Słowa kluczowe:

Prestress Accumulation Release, Vibration control, Sensor placement, Semi-active structures, Piezoelectric actuation

Afiliacje autorów:

Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
6.Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Jankowski Ł., Semi-active decentralized mitigation of randomly excited vibrations in 2D frame structures, SMART 2019, 9th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, 2019-07-08/07-11, Paris (FR), pp.357-363, 2019


Semi-active control systems are investigated for more than 40 years, and despite the great progress in this research area, they are still considered to be a complex topic in both theoretical and technical terms. However, their advantages ensure that these control systems remain an extremely attractive subject of scientific and technological development.
In this contribution, we present a semi-active strategy for mitigation of vibration, which utilizes an energy management approach called Prestress-Accumulation Release and is based on controllable activation and removal of selected structural constraints. Here, it is implemented by means of controllable structural nodes of a specific design that allow the transmission of moments between adjacent structural elements to be controlled in an on/off manner. The developed control strategy turned out to be very effective in damping of free structural vibrations of planar frame structures. Extension of the research to other types of vibrations has shown that the proposed control algorithm is versatile and stays efficient in a range of applications and different configurations of the investigated structures. This work is focused on mitigation of vibrations excited by a randomly generated force load.
Decentralization, understood here as controlling the employed actuators based on locally measured structural response, results in a decisive reduction of the complexity of the data acquisition and control systems, which is crucial for actual implementations in real structures, and which facilitates an ad hoc reconfiguration and expansion of the control system if necessary. It also provides the possibility of considering selected structural elements as separate energy dissipative devices, which in our approach act effectively as vibration dampers. This feature, provided by the decentralization, enables to take the advantage of two complementary, interrelated mechanisms of material damping: global dissipation of vibration energy by the PAR and local dissipation in single involved elements.
Numerical and experimental analyses indicate a high degree of effectiveness in alleviation of the amplitude of vibrations induced by a random transient force excitation. The proposed control strategy can be thus utilized not only in the case of momentary impulsive loads that result in predominantly free vibrations, but also in the case of transient random force excitation. It significantly extends the range of possible modes of operation of a structure equipped with the proposed damping system.

Słowa kluczowe:

Semi-active damping, Vibration damping, Random vibration, Forced vibration

Afiliacje autorów:

Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
7.Mikułowski G., Popławski B., Wiszowaty R., Mróz A., Jankowski Ł., An investigation on a semi-active damping of forced structural vibrations by means of controllable structural nodes, ISMA 2018 / USD 2018, International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering / International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, 2018-09-17/09-19, Leuven (BE), pp.189-201, 2018


Vibration mitigation in space structures creates a unique class of a technical problem where resistant for outgassing and non-fluidic solutions are preferable. Additionaly, a vibration induced by time-varying excitations needs to be effectively reduced. The vibration mitigation task is speciffically difficult in the case of light, slender and inherently flexible structures of various types, such as supporting structures, deployable structures, modular structures or wide-span skeletal roofing structures. This study presents a concept of a vibration attenuation method based on semi-active joints and dedicated to frame structures under forced vibration excitation. The presented investigation contains an analysis of the problem of the optimal control of a structure fitted with semi-active structural members. Furthermore, an adequate model of the semi-active joints is developed and a numerical example is presented. Finally, the research provides an experimental verification of the developed control algorithms, which is conducted on a test stand in a laboratory environment.

Afiliacje autorów:

Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Wiszowaty R.-IPPT PAN
Mróz A.-other affiliation
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
8.Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Suwała G., Jankowski Ł., Optimization of actuator placement for vibration damping in the Prestress-Accumulation release control approach, WCSCM, 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 2018-07-22/07-25, Qingdao (CN), pp.818-827, 2018


This contribution proposes a quantitative criterion for optimization of actuator placement for the Prestress–Accumulation Release (PAR) strategy of mitigation of vibrations. The PAR strategy is a semi-active control approach that relies on controlled redistribution of modal energy into high-frequency high-order modes, where it is effectively dissipated by means of the natural mechanisms of material damping. The energy transfer is achieved by a controlled temporary removal of selected structural constraints. An example is a short-time decoupling of rotational degrees of freedom in a frame node, so that the bending moments are no longer transferred between the involved beams. If it such a decoupling is performed at the maximum of the shear/bending strain energy of adjacent beams, it results in an almost instantaneous energy release into high-frequency local vibrations and quick dissipation of energy. We propose and test a quantitative criterion for placement of such actuators. The criterion is based on local modal strain energy that can be released into high-order modes. The numerical time complexity is linear with respect to the number of actuators, which facilitates quick selection of placements in large structures.

Słowa kluczowe:

semi-active control, damping of vibrations, actuator placement, smart structures, Prestress-Accumulation Release (PAR)

Afiliacje autorów:

Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Suwała G.-IPPT PAN
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
9.Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Mróz A., Jankowski Ł., Decentralized algorithm for semi-active damping of forced vibrations using controllable truss-frame nodes, WCSCM, 7th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 2018-07-22/07-25, Qingdao (CN), pp.582-590, 2018


Semi-active systems for mitigation of vibrations proved to be effective in many applications. Their prominent advantage is that they combine strong points of passive and active damping systems. Proper design can ensure their reliability, which is what passive systems are praised for. A high effectiveness in vibration damping links them with active systems. At the same time they do not have many deficiencies of active systems. They are adaptive, so they can stay effective in different environmental conditions, which is the factor that eliminates passive systems from many implementations. Their mass and energy consumption is very low, and the controlled structure can stay in the safe configuration even in case of power supply failure, which puts them in contrast to many active systems. The mentioned attributes make them a good choice for many structures subjected to vibrations, especially when there is a strong emphasis on maximization of the efficiency/mass ratio of the damping system.
This contribution presents a decentralized closed-loop control strategy and applies it in a frame structure equipped with controllable truss-frame nodes. Such nodes can be switched between frame-like and truss-like states in a controllable manner. In the frame-like state the node transmits all forces and moments, while in the truss-like state only axial and shearing forces are transmitted. These nodes allow for structural reconfiguration, which can be utilized by semi-active control strategies for the purpose of vibration damping. The implemented control algorithm applies the Prestress-Accumulation Release (PAR) strategy based on the transmission of the accumulated potential energy to high modes of vibration, which are highly dissipative. Strain measurements are conducted locally on selected elements. A similar strategy proved its effectiveness in mitigation of free structural vibrations. This research studies the concept of its application to mitigation of forced structural vibrations, caused by variable external conditions.

Słowa kluczowe:

Semi-active damping, Truss-frame nodes, Prestress-Accumulation Release (PAR), Decentralized control

Afiliacje autorów:

Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Mróz A.-other affiliation
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
10.Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Mróz A., Sekuła K., Jankowski Ł., A decentralized strategy of structural reconfiguration in mitigation of vibrations, Procedia Engineering, ISSN: 1877-7058, DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2017.09.363, Vol.199, pp.1683-1688, 2017


This contribution proposes a decentralized closed-loop control algorithm for semi-active mitigation of free vibrations in frame structures. The control uses dedicated dissipative devices, which consist of two controllable structural nodes placed pairwise in both ends of selected structural beams. The nodes are capable of a controlled transition between the standard frame mode of operation (full moment-bearing ability) and the truss mode in which they do not bear any moments and constitute in fact structural hinges. Synchronous switching is equivalent to reconfiguration of the global structure by (dis)allowing the involved beams to transmit moments and to accumulate vibration energy in the form of their bending strain. Upon switching to the truss mode, the accumulated energy is released into high-frequency local vibrations, which undergo quick dissipation by standard mechanisms of material damping. The approach is illustrated in a numerical example and verified in a preliminary experimental test.

Słowa kluczowe:

Mitigation of vibrations, Semi-active control, Decentralized control, Structural reconfiguration

Afiliacje autorów:

Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Mróz A.-other affiliation
Sekuła K.-other affiliation
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
11.Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Mróz A., Jankowski Ł., Decentralized damping of vibrations in 2D frame structures using controllable nodes, SMART 2017, 8th Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, 2017-06-05/06-08, Madrid (ES), pp.94-103, 2017


Extensive research efforts have been recently devoted to semi-active structural control with its paradigms of smart self-adaptivity and low consumption of energy, which is used for local adaptation rather than to generate external control forces. Considered application areas include adaptive landing gears, seismic isolation systems, vehicle-track/span systems, power train electro-mechanical systems, damping of flexible space structures, vehicle crashworthiness, arctic engineering, wind turbines, etc. A part of the research concerns semi-active management of strain energy for damping of structural vibrations. Early works considered truss structures with stiffness-switched bars. They later evolved into either standalone one degree of freedom stiffness-switched dampers and isolators or investigations in triggering modal energy transfer to highly-damped high-order modes. The latter researches seem all to study the fundamental vibration mode of a cantilever beam with two detachable layers and differ mainly in the actuator technologies; the main idea is to employ actuators for a quick release of the vibration-related strain energy. This research extends the problem to general 2D frames. Controllable truss-frame nodes are incorporated into the structure. Thanks to their controllable ability to transmit moments, they allow for a quick transition between truss and frame modes. We propose a new, decentralized, closed-loop control strategy based on local energy measures. Vibration damping is more effective than in the previously studied control scheme based on a global energy measure, especially for higher vibration modes. Mitigation of vibrations will be presented in representative numerical examples, including a comparison to the global energy-based control strategy. Finally, results of experimental study, conducted on a structure analogous to the one from numerical simulations, will be demonstrated.

Słowa kluczowe:

Vibration damping, Smart structures, Semi-active control, PAR strategy, Decentralized damping strategy

Afiliacje autorów:

Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Mróz A.-other affiliation
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
12.Faraj R., Popławski B., Suwała G., Jankowski Ł., Holnicki-Szulc J., Mitigation of dynamic response in frame structures by means of smart joints, SMART 2017, 8th Conference on Smart Structures and Materials, 2017-06-05/06-08, Madrid (ES), pp.138-144, 2017


This paper discusses passive and semi-active techniques of structural control by means of smart joints, and then it proposes a specific smart joints system for frame structures and tests its capability in mitigation of free vibrations. Basically, the proposed solution modifies frame beams by addition of truss-type hinges, and its effectiveness relies on the softening effect that occurs in compression due to geometric nonlinearities and which triggers the highly-damped high-frequency response modes of the structure. First, the finite element (FE) model of the specific frame structure with geometrical nonlinearities is derived, and the proposed passive joints are described and incorporated into the model. Then, their principle of operation and effectiveness is examined numerically for the first two natural modes of vibrations with various initial displacement amplitudes. An objective function is proposed to assess joints placement, based on the efficiency in mitigation of the excited vibrations.

Słowa kluczowe:

Vibration Damping, Structure Response, Smart Structure, Structural Control

Afiliacje autorów:

Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Suwała G.-IPPT PAN
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
Holnicki-Szulc J.-IPPT PAN
13.Popławski B., Graczykowski C., Jankowski Ł., Controllable Truss-Frame Nodes in Semi-Active Damping of Vibrations, Advances in Science and Technology, ISSN: 1662-0356, DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AST.101.89, Vol.101, pp.89-94, 2017


In recent years, vibration damping strategies based on semi-active management of strain energy have attracted a large interest and were proven highly effective. However, most of published research considers simple one degree of freedom systems or study the same basic example (the first vibration mode of a cantilever beam) with the same control strategy. This contribution focuses on truss-frame nodes with controllable moment-bearing ability. It proposes and tests an approach that allows the control strategy to be extended to more complex structures and vibration patterns.

Słowa kluczowe:

adaptive impact absorption, smart structures, semi-active control, safety engineering

Afiliacje autorów:

Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Graczykowski C.-IPPT PAN
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
14.Jankowski Ł., Graczykowski C., Pawłowski P., Mikułowski G., Ostrowski M., Popławski B., Faraj R., Suwała G., Holnicki-Szulc J., Adaptive Self-Protection against Shock and Vibration, Advances in Science and Technology, ISSN: 1662-0356, DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AST.101.133, Vol.101, pp.133-142, 2017


This contribution reviews the challenges in adaptive self-protection of structures. A proper semi-active control strategy can significantly increase structural ability to absorb impact-type loads and damp the resulting vibrations. Discussed systems constitute a new class of smart structures capable of a real-time identification of loads and vibration patterns, followed by a low-cost optimum absorption of the energy by structural adaptation. Given the always surging quest for safety, such systems have a great potential for practical applications (in landing gears, road barriers, space structures, etc.). Compared to passive systems, their better performance can be attributed to the paradigm of self-adaptivity, which is ubiquitous in nature, but still sparsely applied in structural engineering. Being in the early stages of development, their ultimate success depends on a concerted effort in facing a number of challenges. This contribution discusses some of the important problems, including these of a conceptual, technological, methodological and software engineering nature.

Słowa kluczowe:

adaptive impact absorption, smart structures, semi-active control, safety engineering

Afiliacje autorów:

Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
Graczykowski C.-IPPT PAN
Pawłowski P.-IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Ostrowski M.-IPPT PAN
Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Suwała G.-IPPT PAN
Holnicki-Szulc J.-IPPT PAN

Abstrakty konferencyjne
1.Jankowski Ł., Popławski B., Ostrowski M., Jedlińska A., Mikułowski G., Błachowski B., Pisarski D., Wiszowaty R., Mróz A., Holnicki-Szulc J., Semi-active damping of structural vibrations using controllable truss-frame nodes, 8WCSCM, 8th World Conference on Structural Control and Monitoring, 2022-06-05/06-08, Orlando, Florida (US), pp.1, 2022


This contribution reviews a recently proposed semi-active control approach based on the Prestress-Accumulation Release strategy, which aims at damping of structural vibrations by promoting vibration energy transfer from lower- into higher-order modes that have significant material damping. Unlike typical semi-active control, which focuses on local dissipation in actuators, the aim is to trigger natural global damping mechanisms. The actuators are controllable truss-frame nodes: lockable hinges that can change their mode of operation from a frame node (locked hinge) into truss node (free rotation). Sudden removal of such a kinematic constraint releases the accumulated bending energy into high-frequency quickly damped local vibrations. Two formulations are reviewed: decentralized with local-only feedback, and global, which aims at a targeted energy transfer between specific modes. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness using free, forced harmonic and random vibrations.

Afiliacje autorów:

Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Ostrowski M.-IPPT PAN
Jedlińska A.-IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Błachowski B.-IPPT PAN
Pisarski D.-IPPT PAN
Wiszowaty R.-IPPT PAN
Holnicki-Szulc J.-IPPT PAN
2.Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Jankowski Ł., Semi-active Decentralized Vibration Damping Strategy in Two-dimensional Frame Structures, CIMTEC 2022, 15th International Conference on Modern Materials and Technologies - 9th Forum on New Materials, 2022-06-25/06-29, Perugia (IT), pp.1, 2022


Vibration damping is a very important aspect of engineering practice. The basic strategy of coping with vibrations is to properly design the structure, which will either eliminate or at least limit this phenomenon. When structural changes are not sufficient, a vibration damping system shall be introduced. We have developed a semi-active vibration damping system for 2D frame structures which proved to be efficient in various load conditions. Mitigation of vibration amplitudes, with very satisfying results, can be achieved both in free, as well as in forced vibrations which can have harmonic or purely random characteristics. In all cases numerical findings were confirmed with experimental investigations conducted on a similar structure, which authenticates the quality of the proposed control algorithm. Decentralization of the control system contributes to improving the safety and efficiency of the control. It also simplifies its implementation in the real structure, which is an additional advantage over the centralized control systems. The authors acknowledge the support of the National Science Centre, Poland (grant agreement 2020/39/B/ST8/02615).

Afiliacje autorów:

Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
3.Jankowski Ł., Popławski B., Ostrowski M., Jedlińska A., Mikułowski G., Błachowski B., Pisarski D., Wiszowaty R., Mróz A., Orłowska A., Hou J., Holnicki-Szulc J., Semi-active mitigation of free and forced vibrations by means of truss-frame nodes, CMM-SolMech 2022, 24th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics; 42nd Solid Mechanics Conference, 2022-09-05/09-08, Świnoujście (PL), pp.1-2, 2022


This contribution reviews a recently proposed control strategy for mitigation of vibrations based on the Prestress-Accumulation Release (PAR) approach [1]. The control is executed by means of semi-actively controllable truss-frame nodes. Such nodes have an on/off ability to transfer bending moments: they are able to temporary switch their operational characteristics between the truss-like and the frame-like behaviors. The focus is not on local energy dissipation in the nodes treated as friction dampers, but rather on stimulating the global transfer of vibration energy to high-order modes. Such modes are high-frequency and thus highly dissipative by means of the standard mechanisms of material damping. The transfer is triggered by temporary switches to the truss-like state performed at the moments of a high local bending strain. A sudden removal of a kinematic constraint releases the locally accumulated strain energy into high-frequency and quickly damped vibrations.
The first formulation investigated global control laws [1]. Recent approaches generalized it to decen-tralized control with a local-only feedback, which was tested in damping of free vibrations [2] as well as forced vibrations [3]. Recently, a global formulation was proposed that aims at a targeted energy transfer between specific vibration modes [4], and attempts were made to go beyond skeletal struc-tures [5]. Numerical and experimental results will be presented to confirm the high effectiveness of the approach in mitigation of free, forced random and forced harmonic vibrations.

Afiliacje autorów:

Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Ostrowski M.-IPPT PAN
Jedlińska A.-IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Błachowski B.-IPPT PAN
Pisarski D.-IPPT PAN
Wiszowaty R.-IPPT PAN
Orłowska A.-IPPT PAN
Hou J.-Dalian University of Technology (CN)
Holnicki-Szulc J.-IPPT PAN
4.Poplawski B., Mikułowski G., Mróz A., Jankowski Ł., Semi-active vibration mitigation of 2D frames by means of local nodal reconfiguration, EACS 2022, 7th European Conference on Structural Control, 2022-07-10/07-13, Warszawa (PL), pp.26-27, 2022
5.Mikułowski G., Popławski B., Jankowski Ł., Experimental validation of vibration control performance and sensor placement in a frame structure with semi-active joints, EACS 2022, 7th European Conference on Structural Control, 2022-07-10/07-13, Warszawa (PL), pp.126-127, 2022
6.Faraj R., Popławski B., Gabryel D., Kowalski T., Hinc K., ANALYSES OF THE RESCUE CUSHION DESIGN – SENSITIVITY STUDY, EACS 2022, 7th European Conference on Structural Control, 2022-07-10/07-13, Warszawa (PL), pp.138-139, 2022
7.Mikułowski G., Popławski B., Jankowski Ł., Semi-active mitigation of structural vibrations in 2D frames by on/off nodal reconfiguration, ICEM, 19th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, 2022-07-17/07-21, Kraków (PL), pp.270-271, 2022
8.Popławski B., Faraj R., Hinc K., Small pneumatic rescue cushion – modelling and simulation based on laboratory demonstrator, STRUCTURAL MEMBRANES 2021, 10th Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, 2021-09-13/09-14, online (DE), pp.1, 2021
9.Faraj R., Popławski B., Gabryel D., Kowalski T., Hinc K., Development of a new type of inflatable structure – the adaptive rescue cushion, STRUCTURAL MEMBRANES 2021, 10th Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, 2021-09-13/09-14, online (DE), pp.1, 2021
10.Faraj R., Hinc K., Popławski B., Gabryel D., Kowalski T., Graczykowski C., Preliminary study on adaptive techniques for novel type of the rescue cushion, EURODYN 2020, XI International Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2020-11-23/11-26, Ateny (GR), pp.1-1, 2020


Despite the fact that airbag systems are well-known and used in safety engineering for many years the growth of research and development activities and increasing number of new applications of airbags are observed. Advances in the field includes among others: development of advanced car airbags, analyses of airbag cushioning for landing on Mars, elaboration of emergency landing system for drones. Another field of airbags application and simultaneously the main motivation for the study presented in the paper is the evacuation of people conducted by the fire brigade. When people are forced to leave the building by jump from the window or roof the rescue cushion is placed on the ground in order to mitigate the impact and safe life of evacuated people. The aim of the study is to develop the relevant adaptation strategy for the system and provide efficient operation of the airbag in case of different impact velocities and different masses of the landing person. Several approaches to the system adaptation are analyzed and they include semi-active as well as semi-passive solutions. Also possibility of implementing the concept of self-adaptive impact absorption is assessed. Technical and operational requirements for the rescue cushion are considered and based on them the final adaptation principles are selected. Evaluation of the system performance is conducted with the use of numerical models of dummies provided in the LS Dyna software environment. In Fig. 1. the overloads acting on pelvis of three different dummies dropped from assumed height are shown. The obtained mitigation of the impact loading is significant for all considered cases.

Afiliacje autorów:

Hinc K.-other affiliation
Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Gabryel D.-other affiliation
Kowalski T.-Adaptronica Sp. z o.o. (PL)
Graczykowski C.-IPPT PAN
11.Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Mróz A., Wiszowaty R., Jankowski Ł., Controllable transmission of moments for semi-active damping of structural vibrations, RANM2019, Fourth International Conference on Recent Advances in Nonlinear Mechanics, 2019-05-07/05-10, Łódź (PL), pp.1-2, 2019


In the recent decades, a significant stream of research in structural control has focused on semi-active control approaches. The two constitutive characteristics of a semi-active system are its low consumption of energy and the capability of smart self-adaptation. The inspiration can be traced back to Nature, where dynamic and energy-efficient self-adaptation to varying external conditions is a ubiquitous mode of operation. These ideas are fundamentally different from the paradigms behind the active control (active counteraction) and the passive approaches (passive absorption). In applications to mitigation of vibrations in structural control, within the spectrum of the semi-active techniques, there are two basic approaches that can be identified as: 1) stimulation of local dissipation in actuators, which basically amounts to maximization of the local force--displacement loops, and 2) local triggering of the global material dissipation mechanisms, which is called the prestress accumulation--release (PAR) control strategy. This contribution reports on a specific control technique from the second group.

Afiliacje autorów:

Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Mróz A.-other affiliation
Wiszowaty R.-IPPT PAN
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
12.Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Wiszowaty R., Jankowski Ł., Semi-active mitigation of externally induced vibrations, SolMech 2018, 41st SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2018-08-27/08-31, Warszawa (PL), No.P197, pp.1-2, 2018


Almost all man-made structures are exposed to vibration. Regardless of whether these are large structures such as bridges or skyscrapers, machines with rotating parts such as engine shafts, frame structures or vehicle suspensions, excessive vibrations can be very harmful. From the perspective of their effects they can be seen as very spectacular (e.g., a collapse of a bridge) or not worth much attention (e.g., a failure of a motor shaft), but in each of these cases, the effect is the destruction of the structure and a negative impact on the users of these devices.
Several approaches can be used by the designers to overcome this phenomenon. The most basic, but often sufficient, method is to introduce changes in the mechanical parameters of the system affecting the severity of vibration in operational conditions, i.e., its mass or stiffness. If such design changes cannot be realized, or if vibration problems are detected after the system is manufactured, or if a vibration suppression system must be used for other reasons, one of the three basic types of such systems can be used.
The primary choice is usually a passive vibration damping system. These are relatively simple systems whose mode of operation is the passive dissipation of the energy of structural vibrations. Their design and simple functionality ensures that they are highly reliable, but their simplicity is reflected, unfortunately, in their limited efficiency. Their flexibility may be also considered as insufficient: once configured, even a small change in the specific operating conditions can result in a drastic loss of performance. This indicates a rather narrow spectrum (frequency range) of correct system operation.
Active systems constitute a much more effective damping approach. In this case, vibration attenuation is achieved not by means of dampers, but by actuators integrated into the structure. This approach allows to achieve very good results of vibration mitigation over a wide range of excitation frequencies. High efficiency, however, is burdened with a much higher degree of complexity of such a system as compared to the passive systems. In order to develop such a system, it is necessary to design the controller and install actuators that implement the control algorithm. During the vibration suppression, the actuators themselves require a large energy supply, which can be troublesome in some cases.
The compromise between these damping systems are semi-active systems, where the actuators are used to affect structural properties instead of exerting large external forces. In terms of reliability, semi-active systems can be compared with passive systems, while in terms of the efficiency of damping with active ones. They also do not require large amounts of electric energy to implement the control algorithm. Despite being a relatively new research area with less established design and development procedures, their advantages seem to be large enough to attract a growing number of scientists and engineers.
This contribution presents a strategy for semi-active reduction of forced vibrations in frame structures. Analogous damping technique proved to be effective in damping of free vibrations. The control strategy is based on the Prestress Accumulation–Release (PAR) concept and uses specially designed semi-active rotational nodes. Successive decentralization of the damping system demonstrates that apart from the global mechanism of the energy dissipation based on the PAR, it is also possible to disperse it locally to individual beams that are separate elements of the damping system.

Afiliacje autorów:

Popławski B.-IPPT PAN
Mikułowski G.-IPPT PAN
Wiszowaty R.-IPPT PAN
Jankowski Ł.-IPPT PAN
13.Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Mróz A., Sekuła K., Jankowski Ł., A decentralized strategy of structural reconfiguration in mitigation of vibrations, EURODYN 2017, X International Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2017-09-10/09-13, Rome (IT), pp.114-114, 2017
14.Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Jankowski Ł., Semi-active damping of forced vibrations utilizing controllable truss-frame nodes, ICAST2017, The 28th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, 2017-10-08/10-11, Kraków (PL), pp.1, 2017
15.Popławski B., Mikułowski G., Jankowski Ł., On-off damping of free vibrations and optimum actuator placement, SolMech 2016, 40th Solid Mechanics Conference, 2016-08-29/09-02, Warszawa (PL), pp.1-2, 2016

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Numer patentu
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Faraj R., Kowalski T., Gabryel D., Popławski B., Całka J.
Układ adaptacyjnych zaworów upustowych poduszki powietrznej, w szczególności skokochronu, oraz zawierająca go poduszka powietrzna
PL, Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN