1. | Banak R.♦, Mościcki T., Zowczak W.♦, Modelowanie procesu przewodnościowego spawania laserowego z wykorzystaniem oprogramowania CFD, IV SYMPOZJUM KATEDR I ZAKŁADÓW SPAWALNICTWA pt. Nowoczesne zastosowania technologii spawalniczych, 2015-06-16/06-17, Istebna (PL), pp.4-8, 2015 |  |
2. | Banak R.♦, Zowczak W.♦, Mościcki T., Theoretical Model of the Laser Welding Process, TRANSCOM 2015, 11th European Conference of Young Researchers and Scientists, 2015-06-22/06-24, Žilina (SK), pp.13-18, 2015 Streszczenie: To determine the distribution of the temperature field and shape of the melting zone during the laser welding process of 304 stainless steel a three-dimensional numerical model was bilt and numerical simulation was performed. In order to improve the accuracy of the calculations temperature dependent material properties, heat loosdue to vaporization and heat exchange with surrounding medium due to the convection and radiation was considered. Słowa kluczowe: Theoretical Model, Laser Welding, CFD Afiliacje autorów: Banak R. | - | Kielce University of Technology (PL) | Zowczak W. | - | other affiliation | Mościcki T. | - | IPPT PAN |
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