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Filipczyński L., Kujawska T., Wójcik J., Tymkiewicz R., Numerical and experimental pressure determination in the very near field of a piezoelectric transducer,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 26, 3, 223-233, 2001
Filipczyński L., Detectability of blood vessels by means of the ultrasonic echo method using a focused ultrasonic beam,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 7, 3-4, 253-270, 1982
Filipczyński L., Detectability of gas bubbles in blood by the ultrasonic method,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 8, 1, 11-30, 1983
Filipczyński L., Detectability of small blood vessels and flat boundaries of soft tissues in the ultrasonic pulse echo method,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 6, 1, 46-56, 1981
Filipczyński L., Estimation of heat distribution in the acoustic lens of an ultrasonic microscope with the carrier frequency of 1 GHz,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 29, 3, 427-433, 2004
Filipczyński L., Thermal effects in soft tissues developed under the action of ultra¬sonic fields of long duration,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 2, 4, 297-303, 1977
Filipczyński L., Ultrasonic characterization of tissues in cardiology,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 8, 1, 83-94, 1983
Filipczyński L., Ultrasonic wave propagation along the surface of a rod immersed In a liquid,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 4, 3, 271-286, 1979
Fura Ł., Dera W., Dziekoński C., Świątkiewicz M., Kujawska T., Experimental assessment of the impact of sonication parameters on necrotic lesions induced in tissues by HIFU ablative device for preclinical studies,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 46, 2, 341-352, 2021
Fura Ł., Kujawska T., Selection of exposure parameters for a HIFU ablation system using an array of thermocouples and numerical simulations,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 44, 2, 349-355, 2019
Gambin B., Byra M., Kruglenko E., Doubrovina O., Nowicki A., Ultrasonic Measurement of Temperature Rise in Breast Cyst and in Neighbouring Tissues as a Method of Tissue Differentiation,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 41, 4, 791-798, 2016
Gambin B., Korczak-Ciegielska I., Secomski W., Kruglenko E., Nowicki A., Ultrasonic Experimental Evaluation of the Numerical Model of the Internal Fluid Flow in the Kidney Cooling Jacket,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 47, 3, 389-397, 2022
Gambin B., Kujawska T., Kruglenko E., Mizera A., Nowicki A., Temperature fields induced by low power focused ultrasound during gene therapy. Numerical predictions and experimental results,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 34, 4, 445-460, 2009
Gambin Barbara, Nowicki Andrzej, In Memoriam Janusz Wójcik Professor of the IPPT PAN,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 48, 4, 463-464, 2023
Johansen K., Kimmel E., Postema M., Theory of Red Blood Cell Oscillations in an Ultrasound Field,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 42, 1, 121-126, 2017

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