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Kukla D.,Kopeć M.,Gradzik A., Identification and characterization of the grinding burns by eddy current method,
OPEN ENGINEERING , 12, 1-5, 2022
Szczepański J, Kotulski Z., Pseudorandom Number Generators Based on Chaotic Dynamical Systems,
Mościcki T., Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Dynamics of the plasma plume induced during laser welding,
OPTICA APPLICATA, 33, 2-3, 433-443, 2003
Mościcki T., Hoffman J., Szymański Z., Net emission coefficients of low temperature thermal iron-helium plasma,
OPTICA APPLICATA, 38, 365-373, 2008
Nasalski W., Elegant Hermite-Gaussian and Laguerre-Gaussian beams at a dielectric interface,
OPTICA APPLICATA, 40, 3, 615-622, 2010
Moćko W., Radziejewska J., Sarzyński A., Strzelec M., Marczak J., Analysis of the plastic deformation of AISI 304 steel induced by the nanosecond laser pulse,
OPTICS & LASER TECHNOLOGY, 90, 165-173, 2017
Radziejewska J., Sarzyński A., Strzelec M., Diduszko R., Hoffman J., Evaluation of residual stress and adhesion of Ti and TiN PVD films by laser spallation technique,
OPTICS & LASER TECHNOLOGY, 104, 140-147, 2018
Kopeć M., Digital image correlation approach for low-cycle fatigue life monitoring of 13HMF power engineering steel,
OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING, 181, 108448, 1-10, 2024
Radziejewska J., Strzelec M., Ostrowski R., Sarzyński A., Experimental investigation of shock wave pressure induced by a ns laser pulse under varying confined regimes,
OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING, 126, 105913-1-12, 2020
Nasalski W., Complex ray tracing of nonlinear propagation,
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 119, 218-226, 1995
Nasalski W., Scale formulation of first-order nonlinear optics,
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 137, 107-112, 1997
Nasalski W., Three-dimensional beam reflection at dielectric interfaces,
OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS, 197, 217-233, 2001
Akinoglu E.M., Luo L., Dodge T., Guo L., Akinoglu G.E., Wang X., Shui L., Zhou G., Naughton M.J., Kempa K., Giersig M., Extraordinary optical transmission in nano-bridged plasmonic arrays mimicking a stable weakly-connected percolation threshold,
OPTICS EXPRESS, 28, 21, 31425-31435, 2020
Akinoglu G.E., Akinoglu E.M., Kempa K., Giersig M., Plasmon resonances in coupled Babinet complementary arrays in the mid-infrared range,
OPTICS EXPRESS, 27, 16, 22939-22950, 2019
Chen G.Y., Codemard C.A., Lewis R.J., Jankowski Ł., Chan J.S., Gorman P.M., Zervas M.N., Enhanced responsivity with skew ray excitation of reflection- and transmission-type refractometric sensors,
OPTICS LETTERS, 39, 13, 3822-3825, 2014

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