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Byra M., Galperin M., Ojeda-Fournier H., Olson L., O Boyle M., Comstock C., Andre M., Breast mass classification in sonography with transfer learning using a deep convolutional neural network and color conversion,
MEDICAL PHYSICS, 46, 2, 746-755, 2019
Byra M., Nowicki A., Piotrzkowska-Wróblewska H., Dobruch-Sobczak K., Classification of breast lesions using segmented quantitative ultrasound maps of homodyned K distribution parameters,
MEDICAL PHYSICS, 43, 10, 5561-5569, 2016
Gambin B., Kruglenko E., Tymkiewicz R., Litniewski J., Ultrasound assessment of the conversion of sound energy into heat in tissue phantoms enriched with magnetic micro- and nanoparticles,
MEDICAL PHYSICS, 46, 10, 4361-4370, 2019
Klimonda z., Karwat P., Dobruch-Sobczak K., Piotrzkowska-Wróblewska H., Litniewski J., Assessment of breast cancer response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy based on ultrasound backscattering envelope statistics,
MEDICAL PHYSICS, 1, 1-8, 2022
Kotopoulis S., Dimcevski G.G., Gilja O.H., Hoem D., Postema M., Treatment of human pancreatic cancer using combined ultrasound, microbubbles, and gemcitabine: A clinical case study,
MEDICAL PHYSICS, 40, 7, 072902-1-9, 2013
Piotrzkowska-Wróblewska H., Dobruch-Sobczak K., Byra M., Nowicki A., Open access database of raw ultrasonic signals acquired from malignant and benign breast lesions,
MEDICAL PHYSICS, 44, 11, 6105-6109, 2017
Postema M., van Wamel A., ten Cate F.J., de Jong N., High-speed photography during ultrasound illustrates potential therapeutic applications of microbubbles,
MEDICAL PHYSICS, 32, 12, 3707-3711, 2005
Thomas C.,Byra M.,Marti R.,Yap Moi H.,Zwiggelaar R., BUS-Set: A benchmark for quantitative evaluation of breast ultrasound segmentation networks with public datasets,
Czarny P., Kwiatkowski D., Kacperska D., Kawczyńska D., Talarowska M., Orzechowska A., Bielecka-Kowalska A., Szemraj J., Gałecki P., Śliwiński T., Elevated Level of DNA Damage and Impaired Repair of Oxidative DNA Damage in Patients with Recurrent Depressive Disorder,
MEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR, 21, 412-418, 2015
Czarny P., Kwiatkowski D., Toma M., Gałecki P., Orzechowska A., Bobińska K., Bielecka-Kowalska A., Szemraj J., Berk M., Anderson G., Śliwiński T., Single-nucleotide polymorphisms of genes involved in repair of oxidative DNA damage and the risk of recurrent depressive disorder,
MEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR, 22, 4455-4474, 2016
Jundziłł A., Pokrywczyńska M., Adamowicz J., Kowalczyk T., Nowacki M., Bodnar M., Marszałek A., Frontczak-Baniewicz M., Mikułowski G., Kloskowski T., Gatherwright J., Drewa T., Vascularization Potential of Electrospun Poly(L-Lactide-co-Caprolactone) Scaffold: The Impact for Tissue Engineering,
MEDICAL SCIENCE MONITOR, 23, 1540-1551, 2017
Nowicki A., Safety of ultrasonic examinations; thermal and mechanical indices,
MEDICAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY, 22, 2, 203-210, 2020
Nwaji Njemuwa, Juyong Gwak, My‐Chi Nguyen, Huu‐Quang Nguyen, Hyojin Kang, Youngeun Choi, Youngmi Kim, Hongxia Chen, Jaebeom Lee, Emerging potentials of Fe-based nanomaterials for chiral sensing and imaging,
Wszola M., Idaszek J., Berman A., Kosik-Kozioł A., Gorski L., Jozwik A., Dobrzyn A., Cudnoch-Jędrzejewska A., Kaminski A., Wrzesien R., Serwanska-Swietek M., Chmura A., Kwiatkowski A., Święszkowski W., Bionic Pancreas and Bionic Organs – how far we are from the success,
MEDTUBE SCIENCE, 3, 3, 25-27, 2015
Majka K., Krupienicz A., Olszewski R., Telepielęgniarstwo w ortopedii,

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