Wiszowaty R., Faraj R., Graczykowski C., Mikułowski G., Study on practical implementation of the self-adaptive impact absorber, ISMA2020 / USD2020, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NOISE AND VIBRATION ENGINEERING / INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UNCERTAINTY IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, 2020-09-07/09-09, LEUVEN (BE), 779-792, 2020 | |
Bartali R., Zhang G., Tong X., Speranza G., Micheli V., Gottardi G., Fedrizzi M., Pierini F., Sun S., Laidani N., Tavares A.C., Graphene oxide/reduced graphene oxide films as protective barriers on lead against differential aeration corrosion induced by water drops, NANOSCALE ADVANCES, 2, 11, 5412-5420, 2020 | |
Fabbrocino F., Darban H., Luciano R., Nonlocal layerwise formulation for interfacial tractions in layered nanobeams, MECHANICS RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS, 109, 103595-1-5, 2020 | |
Opiela K.C., Zieliński T.G., Attenborough K., Manufacturing, modeling, and experimental verification of slitted sound absorbers, ISMA2020 / USD2020, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NOISE AND VIBRATION ENGINEERING / INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UNCERTAINTY IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, 2020-09-07/09-09, LEUVEN (BE), 409-420, 2020 | |
Meissner M., Zieliński T.G., Low-frequency prediction of steady-state room response for different configurations of designed absorbing materials on room walls, ISMA2020 / USD2020, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NOISE AND VIBRATION ENGINEERING / INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UNCERTAINTY IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, 2020-09-07/09-09, LEUVEN (BE), 463-477, 2020 | |
Zieliński T.G., Venegas R., A multi-scale calculation method for sound absorbing structures with localised micro-porosity, ISMA2020 / USD2020, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NOISE AND VIBRATION ENGINEERING / INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UNCERTAINTY IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, 2020-09-07/09-09, LEUVEN (BE), 395-407, 2020 | |
Ahsani S., Boukadia R.F., Droz C., Zieliński T.G., Jankowski Ł., Claeys C., Desmet W., Deckers E., On the potential of meta-poro-elastic systems with small mass inclusions to achieve broad band a near-perfect absorption coefficient, ISMA2020 / USD2020, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NOISE AND VIBRATION ENGINEERING / INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UNCERTAINTY IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, 2020-09-07/09-09, LEUVEN (BE), 2463-2472, 2020 | |
Rutecka A., Kursa M., Pietrzak K., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Makowska K., Wyszkowski M., Damage evolution in AA2124/SiC metal matrix composites under tension with consecutive unloadings, ARCHIVES OF CIVIL AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 20, 4, 135-1-18, 2020 | |
Starzyński G., Buczkowski R., Zyliński B., Deformation-induced roughening by contact compression in the presence of oils with different viscosity: experiment and numerical simulation, TRIBOLOGY LETTERS, 68, 4, 117-1-14, 2020 | |
Szolc T., Pochanke A., Konowrocki R., Pisarski D., Suppression and control of torsional vibrations of the turbo-generator shaft-lines using rotary magneto-rheological dampers, VIRM, 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VIBRATIONS IN ROTATING MACHINERY, 2020-01-14/01-15, LONDON (GB), 1, 90-90, 2020 | |
Konowrocki R., Frischmut K., Analysis of acceleration signals measured obtained from a freight wagon in the various operation states, RAIL VEHICLES 2020 , THE 24TH SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE RAIL VEHICLES 2020 , 2020-10-25/10-28, ARŁAMÓW - USTRZYKI DOLNE/ POLAND (PL), 1, 95-96, 2020 | |
Kalinowski D., Konowrocki R., Szolc T., Marczewski A., Simulation research on safety against derailment of trams with independently rotating wheels, RAIL VEHICLES 2020 , THE 24TH SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE RAIL VEHICLES 2020 , 2020-10-25/10-28, ARŁAMÓW - USTRZYKI DOLNE/ POLAND (PL), 1, 81-82, 2020 | |
Chojnacki A., Konowrocki R., Wysocki G., Longitudinal dynamics of freight trains - experimental and theoretical investigations, RAIL VEHICLES 2020 , THE 24TH SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE RAIL VEHICLES 2020 , 2020-10-25/10-28, ARŁAMÓW - USTRZYKI DOLNE/ POLAND (PL), 1, 41-42, 2020 | |
Psiuk R., Wiśniewska M., Garbiec D., Mościcki T., Spiekanie iskrowo-plazmowe SPS borków wolframu z dodatkiem cyrkonu / Spark plasma sintering of zirconium alloyed tungsten borides, III OGÓLNOPOLSKIE SEMINARIUM SPARK PLASMA SINTERING / III NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON SPARK PLASMA SINTERING, 2020-10-23/10-23, KRAKÓW (PL), 25-26, 2020 | |
Chatterjee P., Glimm T., Kaźmierczak B., Mathematical modeling of chondrogenic pattern formation during limb development: recent advances in continuous models, MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES, 322, 108319-1-17, 2020 | |