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Śniadecki Marcin, Jaworek Paulina, Chmielewska Zuzanna, Poniewierza Patryk, Stasiak Maria, Danielkiewicz Martyna, Stencelewski Damian, Brzeziński Michał, Boyke Zuzanna Anna, Wycinka Ewa, Sunil Medha, Nguyen Marie, Klasa-Mazurkiewicz Dagmara, Koziełek Krzysztof, Rak Piotr, Wolny Yvonne, Liro Marcin, Guzik Paweł Władysław, Dobruch-Sobczak Katarzyna, Wydra Dariusz, Protocol of Breast Cancer Prevention Model with Addition of Breast Ultrasound to Routine Gynecological Visits as a Chance for an Early Diagnosis and Treatment in 25 to 49-Year-Old Polish Females, DIAGNOSTICS, 13, 227, 1-10, 2023 |  |
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