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Trots Ihor, Tasinkiewicz Jurij, Nowicki Andrzej, Mutually Orthogonal Complementary Golay Coded Sequences: An In-vivo Study,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 49, 3, 429-437, 2024
Mackiewicz S., Ranachowski Z., Katz T., Dębowski T., Starzyński G., Ranachowski P., Modeling of Acoustic Coupling of Ultrasonic Probes for High-Speed Rail Track Inspection,
Karwat P., Algorithm for Computationally Efficient Imaging of Sound Speed in Conventional Ultrasound Sonography,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 48, 4, 549-558, 2023
Gambin Barbara, Nowicki Andrzej, In Memoriam Janusz Wójcik Professor of the IPPT PAN,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 48, 4, 463-464, 2023
Tasinkiewicz J., 3D Synthetic Aperture Imaging Method in Spectrum Domain for Low-Cost Portable Ultrasound Systems,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 48, 4, 1-14, 2023
Lewandowska-Gruszka B., In Memoriam Professor Józef Lewandowski,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 47, 4, 447-447, 2022
Trots I., Żołek N., Tasinkiewicz J., Wójcik J., Mutually Orthogonal Golay Complementary Sequences in Medical Ultrasound Diagnostics. Experimental Study,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 47, 3, 399-405, 2022
Kiełczyński P., New Surface-Plasmon-Polariton-Like Acoustic Surface Waves at the Interface Between Two Semi-Infinite Media,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 47, 3, 363-371, 2022
Gambin B., Korczak-Ciegielska I., Secomski W., Kruglenko E., Nowicki A., Ultrasonic Experimental Evaluation of the Numerical Model of the Internal Fluid Flow in the Kidney Cooling Jacket,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 47, 3, 389-397, 2022
Meissner M., Zieliński T.G., Impact of Wall Impedance Phase Angle on Indoor Sound Field and Reverberation Parameters Derived from Room Impulse Response,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 47, 3, 343-353, 2022
Ranachowski Z., Wieczorek K., Ranachowski P., Dębowski T., Monitoring of Partial Discharges in Cable Insulation and Cable Head Using Acoustic Method,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 47, 2, 259-265, 2022
Balcerzak A., Kiełczyński P., Szalewski M., Wieja K., SAW sensor with Langmuir-Blodgett layer for detection of benzene and its derivatives,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 46, 1, 25-30, 2021
Kiełczynski P., Szalewski M., Balcerzak A., Wieja K., New theoretical model for mass sensitivity of Love wave sensors,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 46, 1, 17-24, 2021
Fura Ł., Dera W., Dziekoński C., Świątkiewicz M., Kujawska T., Experimental assessment of the impact of sonication parameters on necrotic lesions induced in tissues by HIFU ablative device for preclinical studies,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 46, 2, 341-352, 2021
Tasinkiewicz J., Trots I., Tymkiewicz R., Theoretical analysis and experimental verification of top orthogonal to bottom arrays of conducting strips on piezoelectric slab,
ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 45, 3, 433-444, 2020

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