Zieliński T.G., Galland M.-A., Analysis of wave propagation and absorption at normal and oblique incidence in poroelastic layers with active periodic inclusions, E-FA2020, E-FORUM ACUSTICUM 2020, 2020-12-07/12-11, LYON (FR), 2825-2831, 2020 | |
Zieliński T.G., Galland M.-A., Deckers E., Influencing the wave-attenuating coupling of solid and fluid phases in poroelastic layers using piezoelectric inclusions and locally added masses, ISMA 2018 / USD 2018, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NOISE AND VIBRATION ENGINEERING / INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UNCERTAINTY IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, 2018-09-17/09-19, LEUVEN (BE), 1195-1207, 2018 | |
Zieliński T.G., Galland M.-A., Ichchou M., Fully coupled finite-element modeling of active sandwich panels with poroelastic core, JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 134, 2, 021007-1-10, 2012 | |
Zieliński T.G., Galland M.-A., Ichchou M., Active reduction of vibroacoustic transmission using elasto-poroelastic sandwich panels and piezoelectric materials, SAPEM'2005, SYMPOSIUM ON THE ACOUSTICS OF PORO-ELASTIC MATERIALS, 2005-12-07/12-09, LYON (FR), 1-8, 2005 | |
Zieliński T.G., Galland M.-A., Ichchou M.N., Further modeling and new results of active noise reduction using elasto-poroelastic panels, ISMA 2006, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NOISE AND VIBRATION ENGINEERING, 2006-09-18/09-20, LOUVAIN (BE), 1, 309-319, 2006 | |
Zieliński T.G., Jankowski Ł., Opiela K., Deckers E., Modelling of poroelastic media with localised mass inclusions, SAPEM'2017, SAPEM'2017 - 5TH SYMPOSIUM ON THE ACOUSTICS OF PORO-ELASTIC MATERIALS, 2017-12-06/12-08, LE MANS (FR), 1-2, 2017 | |
Zieliński T.G., Opiela K.C., Multiscale and multiphysics modelling of an adaptive material for sound absorption, COMSOL CONFERENCE, 2018-10-22/10-24, LAUSANNE (CH), 1-2, 2018 | |
Zielinski T.G., Opiela K.C., Dauchez N., Boutin T., Galland M.-.A., Attenborough K., Low frequency absorption by 3D printed materials having highly tortuous labyrinthine slits in impermeable or microporous skeletons, 10TH CONVENTION OF THE EUROPEAN ACOUSTICS ASSOCIATION - FORUM ACUSTICUM 2023, 2023-09-11/09-15, TORINO (IT), 2275-2282, 2023 | |
Zieliński T.G., Opiela K.C., Dauchez N., Boutin T., Galland M.-A., Attenborough K., Extremely tortuous sound absorbers with labyrinthine channels in non-porous and microporous solid skeletons, APPLIED ACOUSTICS, 217, 109816-1-13, 2024 | |
Zieliński T.G., Opiela K.C., Pawłowski P., Dauchez N., Boutin T., Kennedy J., Trimble D., Rice H., Differences in sound absorption of samples with periodic porosity produced using various Additive Manufacturing Technologies, ICA 2019, 23RD INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ACOUSTICS INTEGRATING 4TH EAA EUROREGIO 2019, 2019-09-09/09-13, AACHEN (DE), 4505-4512, 2019 | |
Zieliński T.G., Opiela K.C., Pawłowski P., Dauchez N., Boutin T., Kennedy J., Trimble D., Rice H., Van Damme B., Hannema G., Wróbel R., Kim S., Ghaffari Mosanenzadeh S., Fang N.X., Yang J., Briere de La Hosseraye B., Hornikx M.C.J., Salze E., Galland M.-A., Boonen R., Carvalho de Sousa A., Deckers E., Gaborit M., Groby J.-P., Reproducibility of sound-absorbing periodic porous materials using additive manufacturing technologies: round robin study, ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING, 36, 101564-1-24, 2020 | |
Zieliński T.G., Potoczek M., Śliwa R.E., Nowak Ł.J., Acoustic absorption of a new class of alumina foams with various high-porosity levels, ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 38, 4, 495-502, 2013 | |
Zieliński T.G., Rak M., Acoustic absorption of foams coated with MR fluid under the influence of magnetic field, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MATERIAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES, 21, 125-131, 2010 | |
Zieliński T.G., Venegas R., A multi-scale calculation method for sound absorbing structures with localised micro-porosity, ISMA2020 / USD2020, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NOISE AND VIBRATION ENGINEERING / INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON UNCERTAINTY IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, 2020-09-07/09-09, LEUVEN (BE), 395-407, 2020 | |
Zieliński T.G., Venegas R., Perrot C., Červenka M., Chevillotte F., Attenborough K., Benchmarks for microstructure-based modelling of sound absorbing rigid-frame porous media, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, 483, 115441-1-38, 2020 | |