Walenta Z.A., Słowicka A.M., Optimization of Detonation Dampers for Ducts Transporting Gaseous Fuels, ISSW32, 32ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SHOCK WAVES, 2019-07-14/07-19, SINGAPORE (SG), 547-555, 2019 | |
Walenta Z.A., Słowicka A.M., Detonation Waves in Narrow Channels of Various Shapes, ISIS23, 23RD INTERNATIONAL SHOCK INTERACTION SYMPOSIUM, 2018-07-09/07-13, SKUKUZA REST CAMP (ZA), 135-140, 2018 | |
Walenta Z.A., Słowicka A.M., Structure of shock waves in noble gases under high density conditions, ISSW31, 31ST INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SHOCK WAVES, 2017-07-09/07-14, NAGOYA (JP), SBM000360, 1-6, 2017 | |
Walenta Z.A., Słowicka A.M., Extinguishing detonation in pipelines – optimization of the process, ISIS 2016, 22ND INTERNATIONAL SHOCK INTERACTION SYMPOSIUM, 2016-07-04/07-08, GLASGOW (GB), 1-5, 2016 | |
Walenta Z.A., Słowicka A.M., Similarity Parameters for Shock Waves in Dense Fluids, ISSW30, 30TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SHOCK WAVES, 2015-07-19/07-24, TEL-AVIV (IL), 536-537, 2015 | |
Walenta Z.A., Słowicka A.M., Influence of moments of inertia of molecules on the structure of shocks in molecular liquids, KKNM, 4TH NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NANO- AND MICROMECHANICS, 2014-07-08/07-10, WROCŁAW (PL), 76-, 2014 | |
Walenta Z.A., Słowicka A.M., Structure of shock waves in complex molecular liquids, 29TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SHOCK WAVES, 2013-07-14/07-19, MADISON (US), 1437-1441, 2013 | |
Walenta Z.A., Słowicka A.M., Structure of shock waves in dense gases and liquids - Molecular Dynamics Simulation, 20TH INTERNATIONAL SHOCK INTERACTION SYMPOSIUM, 2012-08-20/08-24, STOCKHOLM (SE), 1-4, 2012 | |
Walenta Z.A., Słowicka A.M., Structure of shock waves in dense gases and liquids - Molecular Dynamics Simulation, III NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NANO AND MICROMECHANICS, 2012-07-04/07-06, WARSZAWA (PL), 99-100, 2012 | |
Walenta Z.A., Słowicka A.M., Structure of shock waves in dense media, ISSW28, 28TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SHOCK WAVES, 2011-07-17/07-22, MANCHESTER (GB), 771-776, 2012 | |
Walerian E., Janczur R., Czechowicz M., The role of mutual screening by vehicle bodies in traffic noise propagation throughout a built-up area, APPLIED ACOUSTICS, 76, 291-299, 2014 | |
Walerian E., Janczur R., Czechowicz M., Efficiency of screen application in built-up area, APPLIED ACOUSTICS, 72, 511-521, 2011 | |
Walerian E., Janczur R., Czechowicz M., Smyrnova Y., Validation of a complex urban noise model close to a road, APPLIED ACOUSTICS, 72, 790-802, 2011 | |
Walerian E., Janczur R., Czechowicz M., Smyrnova Y., Possible improvement of acoustic climate. Part II: Possible solutions, ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 35, 4, 595-618, 2010 | |
Walerian E., Janczur R., Czechowicz M., Smyrnova Y., Possible improvement of acoustic climate. Part I: Measurements and theoretical description, ARCHIVES OF ACOUSTICS, 35, 3, 307-332, 2010 | |