1. | Górecka K.♦, Malarski R.♦, Pawłowski P., Skłodowski M.♦, Contribution of e-Documentation to Technical Rescue Works and Conservation of the Mural Painting of the Dome of Blessed Ladislaus' Chapel in St. Anne's Church in Warsaw, EUROMED 2018, International Conference on Digital Heritage, 2018-10-29/11-03, Nikozja (CY), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-01762-0_59, pp.667-676, 2018 Streszczenie: The paper presents the application of various 3D imagining methods to study the state of the mural painting in the dome of Blessed Ladislaus' Chapel of St. Anne's Church in Warsaw. The temple was built on the embankment of the Vistula river in the XV-th century. The chapel was added to the nave in the XVII-th century. From the beginning this location of the church caused a lot of structural problems. The church stability was disturbed due to digging an underground tunnel nearby in the years 1947-49. The Ladislaus' Chapel, situated close to the tunnel on the side of the escarpment was the most endangered. The current rescue work of the mural painting of the chapel dome required an accurate measurement and inventory of the architectural structure. The dome was measured using various methods: laser scanning and photogrammetry. As a result, we obtained 4 models of the chapel dome, which could be combined and compared. Afiliacje autorów: Górecka K. | - | Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw (PL) | Malarski R. | - | Politechnika Warszawska (PL) | Pawłowski P. | - | IPPT PAN | Skłodowski M. | - | other affiliation |
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