Jarząbek D.M., Chmielewski M., The measurement of the adhesion force between ceramic particles and metal matrix in ceramic reinforced-metal matrix composites, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P229, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Dera W., Dziekoński C., Jarząbek D.M., The measurement of viscosity of thin polymer films, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), 1-, 2016 |  |
Dziekoński C., Dera W., Frąś L., Jarząbek D.M., Precise force sensors for micro and nanotensile tests., SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), 1-, 2016 |  |
Burczyński T., Mrozek A., Kuś W., Computational models of new graphene-like nano-structures, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P253, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Jarzębski P., Wiśniewski K., Evaluation of partial factorization for condensation of shell and solid-shell elemental matrices, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P100, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Wiśniewski K., Turska E., Recent results on nine-node shell elements using two-level approximation of strain, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P122, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Frydrych K., Modelling of microstructure evolution in metals and alloys of high specific strength, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P196, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Wcisło B., Mucha M., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Pamin J., Large strain thermo-elasto-plasticity: simulation of shear banding for different stress states, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P169, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Sadowski P., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Stupkiewicz S., Efficient algorithmic treatment of the incremental Mori–Tanaka scheme for elasto-plastic composites, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P070, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Frąś L.J., Jarząbek D., Dziekoński C., Pęcherski R.B., Viscoplastic deformation of magnethoreological solids, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P244, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Nalepka P., Nalepka K., Pęcherski R.B., Analysis of deformation mechanisms in Cu /Al2O3 interfaces with the use of HRTEM images, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P243, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Takeda K., Matsui R., Tobushi H., Pieczyska E.A., Design of rotary driving actuator by using torsional deformation of SMA tapes, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P057, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Takeda K., Matsui R., Tobushi H., Pieczyska E.A., Subloop deformation of shape memory alloy, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P059, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Majewski M., Hołobut P., Kursa M., Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Micromechanical modelling of packing and size effects in particulate elastic-plastic composites, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P099, 1-2, 2016 |  |
Kursa M., Petryk H., Algorithm for rate-independent plasticity of single crystals based on incremental work minimization, SOLMECH 2016, 40TH SOLID MECHANICS CONFERENCE, 2016-08-29/09-02, WARSZAWA (PL), P180, 1-2, 2016 |  |