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Kowalczyk-Gajewska K., Ostrowska-Maciejewska J., Energy-based limit criteria for anisotropic elastic materials with constraints,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 57, 2-3, 133-155, 2005
Rychlewski J., Ostrowska-Maciejewska J., A qualitative approach to Hooke's tensors. Part II,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 53, 1, 45-63, 2001
Rychlewski J., A qualitative approach to Hooke's tensors. Part I,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 52, 4-5, 737-759, 2000
Kiryk R., Petryk H., A self-consistent model of rate-dependent plastic polycrystals,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 50, 2, 247-263, 1998
Petryk H., Thermann K., A yield-vertex modification of two-surface models in plasticity,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 49, 5, 847-863, 1997
Blinowski A., Ostrowska-Maciejewska J., On the elastic orthotropy,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 48, 1, 129-141, 1996
Blinowski A., Ostrowska-Maciejewska J., Rychlewski J., Two-dimensional Hooke's tensors - isotropic decomposition, effective symmetry criteria,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 48, 2, 325-345, 1996
Petryk H., On the second-order work in plasticity,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 43, 377-397, 1991
Petryk H., The energy criteria of instability in time-independent inelastic solids,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 43, 4, 519-545, 1991
Kossecka E., Formulation of the brittle fracture criterion for three-dimensional problems,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 38, 1-2, 143-150, 1986
Kowalewski T.A., Velocity profiles of suspension flowing through a tube,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 32, 6, 857-865, 1980
Petryk H., On slip-line field solutions for steady-state and self-similar problems with stress-free boundaries,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 31, 6, 861-874, 1979
Kossecka E., deWit R., Disclination kinematics,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 29, 5, 633-651, 1977
Kossecka E., de Wit R., Disclination dynamics,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 29, 6, 749-767, 1977
Kossecka E., Mathematical theory of defects, Part II-Dynamics,
ARCHIVES OF MECHANICS, 27, 1, 79-92, 1975

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