Tytuł projektu: Badanie właściwości tribo-mechanicznych kompozytów o osnowie metalicznej ze wzmocnieniem cząstkami ceramicznymi wytworzonych metodą współelektroosadzania oraz możliwości ich polepszenia poprzez zwiększenie wytrzymałości połączenia osnowa-wzmocnienie |
Czas realizacji:
2022-01-12 / 2026-01-11
Jedyny wykonawca
Lista wykonawców:
1 | mgr inż. | Piotr Jenczyk♦ |
♦ kierownik |
The general goal of this project is to fill the gap between electrochemical approach to developing the process of
electrodeposition and micro- and nanomechanical methods of fundamental research. The main method of this project is
a quantitative mechanical investigation of an interface in metal matrix composites with ceramic reinforcement
manufactured by coelectrodeposition. The main assumption of this project is that this interface has a critical influence
on tribological and mechanical properties. Therefore the main objective of this project is to enhance bonding strength at
matrix-reinforcement interface in order to obtain increased tribomechanical properties of metal matrix composite.
During coelectrodeposition of composite, especially nickel-silicon carbide particles composite from Watts bath,
oxidation of surface of particles occurs. It decreases the bonding strength between particle and matrix. In this project,
protective layers on particles and a method of interface strength measurement is proposed. Protective layers will be
applied on particles before coelectrodeposition. PVD deposition and electroless chemical deposition will be testes as
techniques for protective layer manufacturing. Due to protective layer application, oxidation will be avoided.
Coelectrodeposition of composite coating will be conducted to prepare samples for interface, tribological and
mechanical investigation. Parameters of deposition will be kept constant (current density, stirring, temperature,
composition of the electrolyte, substrate) however bath load (amount of particles per liter of solution) will be changed
to obtain samples with volume fractions of reinforcement in the deposit varying from 0 to 25%. Three sets of samples
will be prepared: 1) Ni matrix with pure particles 2) Ni matrix with protected particles prepared with PVD 3) Ni matrix
with protected particles prepared with electroless deposition.
Quantitative mechanical investigation of the matrix-reinforcement interface will be conducted by means of Atomic
Force Microscope (AFM). A particle will be glued to tipless AFM cantilever and pull-out of the matrix. The higher the
force, the stronger the interface. The results will be compared for pure particles, particles coated by PVD and particles
coated by electroless chemical deposition.
Influence of matrix-reinforcement bonding strength on tribo-mechanical behavior will be investigated. Sliding friction
and wear resistance will be measured in ball-on-disk geometry. Uniaxial cyclic load tensile tests will be combined with
AFM friction tests between reinforcement and matrix material to provide in-put data for numerical models and
simulations. Our novel method of metal AFM probes manufacturing will be used to prepare nickel tip for AFM friction
measurements on reinforcement material. Samples for tensile tests will be prepared from composite coatings deposited
on copper substrate by means of selective electroless chemical etching. Numerical model will assume pure elastic
reinforcement and elasto-plastic matrix with cohesive elements in the interface.
Another methods used in this project include SEM, FIB SEM, STEM and nanoindenter. SEM will be used to characterize
as-deposited composite as well as wear track. Also volume fraction will be established based on SEM images. Quality of
the protective layer deposition will be investigated in cross-section prepared by FIB and observed with SEM. Structure of
interface will be also studied in detail from STEM images obtained from lamellae prepared with FIB. Nanoindenter will
be used to conduct in-situ scratch tests which will give additional information about interfacial behavior.
To conclude, the project has 3 main work packages:
1) Influence of parameters of protective layer manufacturing technologies on matrix-reinforcement bonding strength 2)
Influence of matrix-reinforcement bonding strength on tribomechanical behavior 3) Modelling of uni-axial cyclic loading.
And the main objective of this project is to enhance bonding strength at matrix-reinforcement interface in order to
obtain increased tribomechanical properties of metal matrix composite